Waldron sat down with them later and opened with a curious statement. He said he had been told by the NRL that he must do whatever it takes to secure the future of Inglis at the Storm and in the NRL long term.
Gainey took Waldron to mean that he had been empowered by the NRL, News Ltd and the Storm board of directors to negotiate whatever it would take - that he had a totally free hand to keep Inglis in the league. The CEO proposed a four-year deal.
Inglis had been contracted to Storm for 2007-2010. His performances were improving and his stature in the game was growing at club, state and international levels. Gainey said, "Greg will need a financial package of $550,000 per season to extend his contract to represent his true market value."
Waldron nodded and said he didn't think that was a problem. But he added the package would have to include third-party agreements and mentioned the possibility of a federal government program for outstanding indigenous athletes.
Gainey says he thought Waldron meant the NRL would approve any increase in salary and perhaps involve its sponsors in some legitimate side deals.
Gainey spent the rest of the meeting chasing up extras. Inglis wanted a sponsor's car to drive and he wanted airfares for his family. The agent also mentioned money owed. Inglis had still not been paid promised money through the league development scheme. Also, there was $40,000 outstanding from a contract variation.
The world's most exciting player had not spoken much during the meeting, letting his agent go to work. In wrapping up, Waldron concluded that he would seek the endorsement and ratification of the board at Storm and get back to Gainey.
As everyone was leaving Inglis said to Waldron, "Is there any chance of getting a boat for Dad?" Not even Gainey knew his client was going to make the request.
Waldron replied, "When you're ready I'll give you a contact person and they'll look after you. Up to a maximum of $30,000."
A week after the Federation Square meeting, Gainey and Inglis caught up briefly at Manly Pacific Hotel. Storm were playing the Sea Eagles at Brookvale the following day. The agent and footballer itemised the terms for extending Inglis's contract.
Inglis liked the look of the items and numbers. "I'll stay if you can get that deal done," he said.
Then Inglis flagged, almost as an afterthought, his desire for Storm to provide rental assistance to his parents should they relocate to Melbourne (they were planning to do so). Gainey said he would try to include it. He left the meeting experiencing relief and satisfaction.