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Hacker's illegal rugby league website shutdown


Getting away from Bigpond is the most important thing the NRL could do when the TV rights come up IMO

They need to be live-streaming or at the least putting replays up IMMEDIATELY after the game


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Yeah at rip off rates as well! No thanks.
It's called Pay TV. You have to pay for it.

I cannot understand people who complain about basic stuff. It's like people complaining about ads during movies or delayed sport on commercial television. It's COMMERCIAL TELEVISION for a reason. :lol:

I know the song goes "The Best Things In Life Are Free" but you can't have it all.
But Foxtel doesnt show them live, the games are on at about 11:30 and the second is on at about 1am. Pay tv is no help at all for channel 9 games. You would think the NRL would have a online service in which you could even pay to watch those games.
Really? I would think they want to ensure people watch their coverage on the channels when it's first played - one of the biggest $$ spinners for the game (moreso than online) is TV. Why would the NRL knowingly allow games to be streamed online and take viewers away from television?

Kelly Patrol

Are Telstra complaining about the Internet rights they were GIVEN by Gallop ?

Like they complained about Strathfield sponsoring the Dogs as it would encroach on there rights undersold by Gallop ?

Ah well Gallop came up with a great idea of splitting NRL, Origin and Internationals to maximise tv revenue...Oh wait, Wayne suggested that 4 years ago and Gallop ridiculed it.

f**k Telstra and f**k Gallop.


As typical the site is run like amateur hour again...

I sent an asking why they are not showing the monday night game live as it is a fox game....

Posted from http://www.livenrl.tv/page/ContactUs

Hello, I'm inquiring to see if you're showing the Dragons v Sharks game this week. Earlier on in the week it was listed as being shown live, now it's no longer in the list. I thought livenrl.tv was to show all foxsports games live? Is this no longer the case or simply an error with your live schedule?

Thank you for your email.

You can watch a full match replay and highlights of every match, however the way the NRL's rights package work means that we are not able to transmit every single match live in every country.

However with the depth of content available each round, either Live or as a full match replay or highlights, you will be able to access the best offer for any club you happen to support in the most convenient way.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,
Customer Services

Thank you for not answering the question I asked. Due to broadcast rights, channel 9 games are not shown and I have no problem with that. However, you advertised the monday night game as being live earlier in the week and provided no explanation as to why it changed. Yet, the next weeks Monday game is also advertised as being broadcast live. So yet again I demand an explanation instead of a canned comment which makes zero sense in relation to your broadcast commitments.

You are a paid service you should deliver as you advertise. Not change it on a whim. This is pathetic customer service and it makes zero sense in relation to your local television commitments. Unless you can give a clear detail on how you negotiate those commitments your service begins to offer little value when there is no consistency week to week

Still no reply in over 24 hours in relation to the last email. The quality of the streams this year is good, but you can't even trust the live schedule it changes all over the place, and I'm not really a fan of staying up till 3am only to find out the game I want to watch isn't being shown.
It's called Pay TV. You have to pay for it.

I did pay for it last year, but it cost at least $60 a month.

Sports Package: $16 per month

Reasonable you may say?

Yes except, this can not be purchased by itself, you have to also have:

Basic Package: $44 a month

Now given that I couldn't give a rats *rse about ANY of the low quality channels on this package - which incidentally, you can probably see just about half of on Free to Air digital these days, I felt that Foxtel were bending me over a barrel.

Also, to compound the feeling that I was getting screwed, these shows which I PAID FOR and didn't want in the first place, had advertisements running through them.

Advertisements? On PAY TV???

Finally, as my wife is a UK ex-pat, if I got footy, she got UKTV.

Do you think there was a channel package to include this at no additional cost?

F*cking hardly likely!

So, add another $16 a month to bring it up to over $80 (including billing charges or whatever rubbish), and the end result is I was paying:

$1000 per year, so I can watch Eels away games (season ticket holder), a few other non-free to air games of interest (the big ones were usually on Channel 9), and my wife can watch EastEnders and Corrie.

FMD, we live in a digital age - it is not beyond Foxtel to put together selective, affordable packages that don't come with all the superfluous bullsh*t programming, that they force upon you to drain your wallet.

In retail shopping, consumer law does not allow the practice of "bundling".

EG/ "I would like to buy those jeans"

"No, you can only buy those jeans, if you also purchase that belt"

So, why can these Foxtel bastards get away with it?

To my mind, they are the bigger criminals, more so than some net nerd holed up in his mum's place, making something available to everybody, because no other fair and equitable consumer option is made available.


Staff member
Thought this might have been about the Melbourne Storm unofficial forum being hacked yesterday.


Pay TV doesn't help those of us who live in non-RL states who want to watch the games that are telecast on Channel Nine on Friday night (which are generally the game of the round)

Sure they show delayed telecasts but at a ridiculous hour 11.30pm or worse.


FMD, we live in a digital age - it is not beyond Foxtel to put together selective, affordable packages that don't come with all the superfluous bullsh*t programming, that they force upon you to drain your wallet.

In retail shopping, consumer law does not allow the practice of "bundling".

Wrong and wrong and probably wrong again.
What you fail to understand we are a large country in land size and a very small size as far as population and economy go.

The reality is that to provide a more customised version of foxtel (which like you I would prefer) would cost foxtel alot more and hence the customer.

Illegal bundling my ass, if it was illegal it would not be rife, just go out and look in any shopping centre.

Why are people saying f$%k foxtel and f$%k Gallop, if the market was acessed correctly then it would all be cheaper, but no internet gibberers and media clowns run around town calling for a increase in the salary cap and complain the players need more money. What BULLS#$T, it all just means the fans pay too much to watch the game
Wrong and wrong and probably wrong again.
What you fail to understand we are a large country in land size and a very small size as far as population and economy go.

Seems you have no justification for your argument there, other than saying "wrong" a few times and alluding to the size of a country and economy in a non-specific context?

In regards to "bundling", I will give you a case in point when the Ipad was first released.

JB had purportedly "ran out of stock", however, were advertising that they were available in a bundle, ie/ you could buy one if you purchased the keyboard accessory also.

A friend of mine's wife wanting to purchase said Ipad by itself, pointed out to the manager that if he had an Ipad as stock that he had to sell it as a single unit.

After a bit of to'ing and fro'ing, threats of contacting the Dept of Fair Trade and phone calls to management from the JB retail store - it was sold as per the charter of consumer law.

What Foxtel is doing is not illegal (I never said explicitly that it was) - my opinion is that I find it parallel to the above situation, whereby I can only buy the product that I want (Sports), by also being forced to purchase a whole lot of entertainment content (a separately advertised product) - that I do not want.

If the NRL can deliver live content streaming to people outside of Australia, and run a profit out of it, what is to stop Foxtel selling purely a sports content channel to subscribers?

Or even better, how about letting the customer choose exactly what channels they want, and individually price them.

Sh*t, they could even do bulk discounting, whereby if you only buy one or two the price is sky high, but if you buy a dozen, the price comes down.

Quite possible, despite your detached thoughts on country and population size.

I quit Foxtel not just because of the price, but also partly because of the principal of being denied choice, and being forced to pay for a whole heap of rubbish irrelevant to me.

So to my mind, I ask myself which is worse:

a) a Murdoch company, in my opinion, misappropriating the rights they purchased for something to rip-off consumers in a manner of packaging that is entirely unnecessary


b) some kid streaming live games over the net, with no profit motive whatsoever.

The answer is always going to be (a)
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KBW in the US it is illegal to sell anything less than a 20channel bundle. So I don't see your population argument as relevant.

I am not sure what the go is here KaboobieG but I am sure there would be some legislation not allowing individual or smaller bundled channels... Sorry :(


Now not only has the livenrl.tv site have only 2 live games scheduled in the next 14 days for canada, on the replays of games they are putting the scores in the bloody title for the video. So you can't avoid knowing the result before you watch the game... Brilliant.

The site has gone from semi-decent to a pile of trash in 2 weeks, that has to be a new record for the NRL.


Really? I would think they want to ensure people watch their coverage on the channels when it's first played - one of the biggest $$ spinners for the game (moreso than online) is TV. Why would the NRL knowingly allow games to be streamed online and take viewers away from television?

But what person would be crazy enough to pay money for something they can get for free? You seriously think more money could be made out of advertising at 3am in the morning than an internet streaming they could charge for?

It would only attract those who cant watch hence no loss to CH9


Now not only has the livenrl.tv site have only 2 live games scheduled in the next 14 days for canada, on the replays of games they are putting the scores in the bloody title for the video. So you can't avoid knowing the result before you watch the game... Brilliant.

The site has gone from semi-decent to a pile of trash in 2 weeks, that has to be a new record for the NRL.

Is that because setanta are showing the games, or just a massive drop off in the companies service.

Was going to get this package, but with Premier Sport doing a decent job here in the UK I may just stick with them


Is that because setanta are showing the games, or just a massive drop off in the companies service.

Was going to get this package, but with Premier Sport doing a decent job here in the UK I may just stick with them

I have no idea, I've emailed them twice and they've never explained why the coverage week to week varies so much. Setanta play 3 live games here a week. I signed up thinking there would be 5 live games a week (what was advertised the first week) now it's looking likely that I'll be lucky to get 2 a week. I'll be asking for a refund if I don't get an answer. I'm heading home for a few weeks so I'm going to buy a slingbox and run it at a friends house.

This service is woeful, I can't believe on a site that's only purpose is to give expats a way of watching games that they are idiotic enough to post the scores on the same site. Worst $90 I've ever spent that's for sure. They are basically now offering the service they offered last year with aussiesports.tv and showing the replays, which was previously $10/month.

Here is an example of their complete and utter stupidity...

and you cant even avoid it if you somehow manage to close your eyes and click the link because they show the score of the game on the title of the page. Now for the awesome live schedule....


Just checked Setanta's site here as well, they're showing 2 games live this week, 4 games total, and 3 games live next week. So I have no idea how the NRL can justify why they are playing 0 games live next week.
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