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So is it fair to asume Hags turned a blind eye to Joey and his problems since 2002 as the club doctor knew about it from then? The rumour mill is saying he missed training sessions and on other ocassions turned up glassy eyed. If you were head coach would you have played him no matter what he was up to off field?

fish eel

cardinal said:
So is it fair to asume Hags turned a blind eye to Joey and his problems since 2002 as the club doctor knew about it from then? The rumour mill is saying he missed training sessions and on other ocassions turned up glassy eyed. If you were head coach would you have played him no matter what he was up to off field?

I think it's pretty hard to say what Hags should have done or shouldnt have done without knowing all the detail of exactly what he knew....

The Engineers Room

First Grade
I am beginning to think Hagan was the wrong choice as coach. His tactics leave a lot to be desired and I don't know if he brings too much to Parramatta.


Staff member
not knowing the full details, makes you wonder if brian smiths brutal cleanout of the knights club is in some way or part of, related to a drugs culture there?

all will come out in the open one day I guess


My Wish List of Coaches in Order

1. Peter Sterling - Tactically, would be the smartest in league. He would also make a great peoples manager
2. Gus Gould - Guaranteed not to miss the eight. He inspires and lifts all around him.
3. Craig Bellamy - His record speaks for itself.

After those 3, I find it hard to split them.


Are all you serious ????

Joey's problem is a reflection on what is happening to everyone around you, how many people you know drink to much or dabble in drugs, if anything how many bosses out there know that their employees are taking drugs and turn a blind eye ... Seriously how many people do you know that have had a drink and got in their car and gone home ... how many people do you know behaiv the same way.

Joey was / is the best player past 20 years or so ... you tell me any team that would leave him out of the line up ...

If anything it just goes to show u how piss weak the NRL are in terms of catching cheats, or drug takers, 10 years of drug taking and nothing, to me that is a joke.

Shane warne has had similar issues in his carreer, maybe this is his wake-up call to make him a better person.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Natalie's Daddy said:
I am beginning to think Hagan was the wrong choice as coach. His tactics leave a lot to be desired and I don't know if he brings too much to Parramatta.

based on Cardinal's rumour????
If I were a coach and had a player who did what Johns did, I would'nt have shafted him for having a problem. I would have tried to have southg help for him, as I'm sure many did, but ultimately it is up to him to help himself.

What was his other choice, sacking him and exposing him and destroying his career prematurely?

There are probably dozens of players in the NRL who coaches try to keep a lid on their problems one way or another.

For a parallel example, look at the AFL and West Coast - nearly half the team are on the gear and they only seem to care when it becomes a case they can no longer manage in Ben Cousins.

I think Hagan and Johns had a good relationship, closer to mates than to coach and player, and I'm sure he has done no wrong by him.
eel4life said:
Are all you serious ????

Joey's problem is a reflection on what is happening to everyone around you, how many people you know drink to much or dabble in drugs, if anything how many bosses out there know that their employees are taking drugs and turn a blind eye ... Seriously how many people do you know that have had a drink and got in their car and gone home ... how many people do you know behaiv the same way.

Joey was / is the best player past 20 years or so ... you tell me any team that would leave him out of the line up ...

If anything it just goes to show u how piss weak the NRL are in terms of catching cheats, or drug takers, 10 years of drug taking and nothing, to me that is a joke.

Shane warne has had similar issues in his carreer, maybe this is his wake-up call to make him a better person.

Hear, hear.

I feel so sorry for the bloke - he is probably the greatest player of the modern game, and can barely fart in public without making the news.

His personality, unlike his brother, is one that prefers privacy over attention - I totally believe it has not been easy for him.

As you correctly point out, recreational drugs are part of society (like it or not), and if he weren't a footballer, he probably would have been happy enough as a tradesman or labourer, having a drink and the occassional tablet, unbothered by all, as many in society do.


I think we should put Michael Hagan on a post and stone him, what an a**hole.


shifty prob was, most def was, but he isnt the first and sadly he wont be the last to be involved in it, alcohol is a major thing with footballers, and its something that is legal but how many of them get caught up in it.

Maradonna, arguable the most gifted footballer of all time, look at what happend to his life due to the addictive nature of his personallity and what he was on ... Only thing that can come good from this is Joey getting up dusting himself of getting real help then giving back to the game by visiting kids and saying dont go down this path because it will kill you ....


eel4life said:
shifty prob was, most def was, but he isnt the first and sadly he wont be the last to be involved in it, alcohol is a major thing with footballers, and its something that is legal but how many of them get caught up in it.

Maradonna, arguable the most gifted footballer of all time, look at what happend to his life due to the addictive nature of his personallity and what he was on ... Only thing that can come good from this is Joey getting up dusting himself of getting real help then giving back to the game by visiting kids and saying dont go down this path because it will kill you ....
i totally agree with you,if you go out on any given sat. night in sydney you will see many players out im not going to say they are also on the pills but go to the right place and you will all see for yourself.......there was also the rumour that i never bought up in regards to this topic only due to the fact id sound like a complete nut case...ill leave it at that


First Grade
Even if Hagan knew it, he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Its impossible for a coach to shaft a player in the calibre of Johns.

If he had Shafted Johns, the senior players would have shafted him.

B-Tron 3000

Joey came out ealier this year and said that Hagan got the best out of him because he was the man who understood him the most. So I reckon it's safe to assume he knew about it.

That doesn't mean he was wrong in not telling anyone. He had a duty to the person to help him get through it the best he could.


Utey said:
I think we should put Michael Hagan on a post and stone him, what an a**hole.

Stone him or get him stoned???

Listen, Maybe Hages knew. The doctor has come out and said that he knew coz he was trying to "manage" his drug and alcohol problem. I doubt the doc wouldnt have told the head coach. At the end of the day I guess it was Joeys decision to take drugs, not Hages'. I dunno, this whole situation will never be black and white. Yes the drugs are illegal and therefore wrong to take. Yes, they probably have lesser detremental affects than alcohol which is legal. I was devestated when Mitch Sargent was found using cocaine. Yet he got a second chance, by Newcastle. Coincidence that that is the club that picked him up. Who knows what has gone on up there, but as I said in another thread, no club in the NRL is clean..

parra pete

Natalie's Daddy said:
I am beginning to think Hagan was the wrong choice as coach. His tactics leave a lot to be desired and I don't know if he brings too much to Parramatta.

Please STOP the Crucification. We need the wood for the barbecue....
Hero to Zero in the space of three weeks...... FMD.
I think he has been good.
Why is it the coach always cops the blame if the team doesn't perform?


eelavation said:
based on Cardinal's rumour????

Your right it is just a rumour but I think it is fair to say Hags would have known. What no one knows is how much he may have helped and supported him along the journey. I was just asking the question, I am sure I would not of had the balls to stand down the games best player and destroy his career by outing him. If Johns had all this issues going on I think Hags has done a great job of getting the best out of him on a regular basis.


TheParraboy said:
not knowing the full details, makes you wonder if brian smiths brutal cleanout of the knights club is in some way or part of, related to a drugs culture there?

all will come out in the open one day I guess
Indeed. The same thought has crossed my mind. Puts Smith's actions up there into some sort of perspective perhaps.