The Colonel said:Reading between the lines - big recruitment, past speculation, coaching changes etc - I reckon he has the first 10-12 games of the season to show some remarkable improvment if not a better than 50% win loss record. It reeks somewhat of what happened when the Hitman was in charge and the Canterbury Four + extras arrived.......
WHO??? :?
Ron "The Hitman" Hilditch you big talking 17-year-old ;-)
he was coach at Parra between oh about 92-96 roughly, just before a certain B. Smith took over the reigns and after Mick "The Crow" Cronin finished as coach......
Ron Hilditch was also a Parra player back in the late 70's - early 80's if my memory serves me....(Colonel?) and was a big-hitting second rower, hence the nickname "hitman"
and as Colonel said learn your Parra history....especially before spouting too much about what should happen with Parra at present or in the future ;-) (and before we get into more arguements.....please take all of this with a grain of salt)