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Hannant Looks At Tits.


Playing wing on the end of what is likely the best backline in the competition in 2009 or being a pout mouth moving on to "greener pastures" (that he won't find)?

I know what I would be doing. Any young outside back would relish the chance to be in his "spot of bother".



Hopefully Michaels doesn't leave the club. The best he can do is play so well he forces Folau onto the wing.


Barring some miraculous change of heart, he's as good as gone. I'm sure most of us would've been thinking that for a while.

Billi, is there a link for that article?


Post Whore
If Michaels wants to keep his spot - he better start performing.

He plays wing or can get lost as far as I am concerned, and IMO I'd keep Boyd before him as Boyd although maybe not as good a centre as Michaels covers centre, fullback and wing. Better utility.


First Grade
I don't think Michaels would find his way into too many other backlines in the comp, I hope he's not getting ahead of himself as it was only last season that he finally nailed down a first grade spot. Let him test the market, I'm sure the response will be luke warm at best. I'd put Boyd based on this season's form and his versatility as a higher priority in the signing stages.


Locky, sometimes yes. We follow a common cause after all (in a football sense!). You're still a f**king weirdo though :lol:

Sal, you raise a good point. Its all well and good for Steve to be filthy about the prospect of being punted from his favoured position, but what other options does he have and more importantly are they worthwhile?

He may get picked up by a team lacking depth, but does holding down a centre position there really give more rewards than playing a couple of metres to his left outside the most promising young outside back in recent memory and the chance to enjoy the successes that such a partnership would bring? And not to mention in an historically consistent and successful team?

He'll no doubt be faced with these questions soon enough.

If having a certain number on his back is really that big a deal and he chooses to go, then fair enough, good luck to him. Its his decision to deal with and I wish him all the best.

I'm sure if that happened Denan Kemp would be secured in a flash. Hasn't had alot of opportunities in attack so far, but we know what he's capable of. What's impressed and surprised me most though is his defence. Losing Michaels and retaining a backline of Hunt, Boyd, Hodges, Folau and Kemp is certainly nothing to mope about.


First Grade
I don't know if I'm entirely convinced about Denan Kemp. I haven't seen anything yet that tells me he won't be a slightly bigger version of Leon Bott. His defence is pretty solid and he's got plenty of pace but he seems to have Boyd syndrome of running sideways from dummy half and when he takes it to the line he gets monstered. At the moment I'd have Reese Robinson ahead of him.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
I think Michaels hasnt had a lot of time to prove himself in his favoured position. i can understand why he'd be filthy having just gotten the oppotunity and knowing that pretty much no matter how he plays folau will be in his position next year.

michaels has always looked to have a lot of potential and i think we'll see him improve. I'll also remind you that hodges left the broncos cos he wanted to play fullback (that didnt last long before he ended up in the centres)and john morris and michael ennis left the knights cos they wanted to play hooker. i also recall frawley going to canb cos he wanted to play in the centres.

interesting gould saying in commentary soemthing along the lines of 'if the broncos dont want him i know a club that will take him'


i know michaels has potential but he is no israel folau and he should know that any team would rather folau than michaels. not saying michaels is a bad player i hope the broncos resign him


interesting gould saying in commentary soemthing along the lines of 'if the broncos dont want him i know a club that will take him'

In the channel 9 sports news in Sydney the Dogs released a 'hitlist' of players the would be targeting to recruit next year and Michaels was one of them mentioned.


First Grade
Potential yes but limited. He's not a bloke that is ever going to play rep football IMO, particularly not at centre with the competition he has there. He's always going to be that honest solid first grader and not a lot more IMO. If the likes of the Dogs and Roosters want to throw money at him then let him as there's several players coming off contract that I'd put ahead of him on the priority list.


Post Whore
If the likes of the Dogs and Roosters want to throw money at him then let him as there's several players coming off contract that I'd put ahead of him on the priority list.

Absolutely agree 100%, Micheals is good but in the end he is only a just above solid winger/centre.


First Grade
I don't know if I'm entirely convinced about Denan Kemp. I haven't seen anything yet that tells me he won't be a slightly bigger version of Leon Bott. His defence is pretty solid and he's got plenty of pace but he seems to have Boyd syndrome of running sideways from dummy half and when he takes it to the line he gets monstered. At the moment I'd have Reese Robinson ahead of him.

My fears exactly. He's also forming a habit of only moving laterally when returning a kick. Denan needs to stay away from Darius at training. The kid has some pace, but he's either too scared to take on the line, or too stupid to run forward with the ball. I'm guessing the former as the few times I have seen him go forward he's sliced the line and shown that pace.


My fears exactly. He's also forming a habit of only moving laterally when returning a kick. Denan needs to stay away from Darius at training. The kid has some pace, but he's either too scared to take on the line, or too stupid to run forward with the ball. I'm guessing the former as the few times I have seen him go forward he's sliced the line and shown that pace.



Lol I just clicked this thread because it sounded interesting. Hannant looks at Tits. Entertaining stuff. Is Reece Robinson off contract next season?

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