Spot in sweet as, playing windsor. I hope the boys have their boxing skills ready. I am told Joel and Tavita will play? is Doran any chance? If not are Bryce and jakeil qualified to play up?They might not play each other next week it depends on other results.
Spot in sweet as, playing windsor. I hope the boys have their boxing skills ready. I am told Joel and Tavita will play? is Doran any chance? If not are Bryce and jakeil qualified to play up?
Mmmm my SG Ball team would be a little bit different.
1. Nicholas Mataia
2. Keti Nanai
3. Jon Pepa
4. Tevita Feiloakitau
5. Michael Compton
6. Robbie Mate or William Beale*
7. Harry Seijka
8. Solo Alone
9. Blake South
10. Jonathon Taefu
11. Corey Carl
12. Sam Hollis
13. Vaipuna Tia Kilifi
14. Aaron Farkas
15. Kaisa Matavoa
16. Junior Masaga
17. Dean Zammit
Then Ryan Wilson, Tony Sotini and Reece Regan. Who are all training with the Edge Squad.
As for Harold Matthews.
1. Alan Nuilesa
2. Ryan Casey
3. Josh Walker
4. John Tuliatu
5. Joseph (St Marys)
6. Apparently half or 5/8 from Bathurst or somewhere has been talked about.
7. Jake Maklouf
8. Jakiel Fuimaono
9. Zach Clay
10. Leonati Feiloakitau
11. Bryce Cartwright (13)
13. Wiki Tauvao (11)
Jaye Fuimaono
Mika Tauga
Peau Aleni
Jarrod Brackenhofffer
And sorry sweet-as but in only my opinion a few of the players mentioned for the WSAS Sg Ball, based on this years alone performance dont deserve that spot.
Footyboy think those teams will be pretty close to the mark. I'd only have a few different
1. Nicholas Mataia
2. Keti Nanai
3. Jon Pepa
4. Tevita Feiloakitau
5. Tony Satini
6. Robbie Mate
7. Harry Seijka
8. Solo Alone
9. Blake South
10. Kaisa Matavoa
11. Corey Carl
12. Sam Hollis
13. Vaipuna Tia Kilifi
14. Junior Masaga
15. Dean Zammit
16. Dilan Curtis
17. John Faiumu
18. Ryan Wilson
19. Reece Regan
As for Harold Matthews.
1. Alan Nuilesa
2. Ryan Casey
3. Josh Walker
4. John Tuliatu
5. Riki Wilie
6. Tyronne Glassie
7. Jake Maklouf
8. Jakiel Fuimaono
9. Zach Clay
10. Leonati Feiloakitau
11. Bryce Cartwright
12. Jaye Fuimaono
13. Wiki Tauvao
Roy Teuku
Mika Tauga
Peau Aleni
Jarrod Brackenhoffer
Mark Alaelua
Also agree about the WSAS team I heard that they wont be taking year young players like in past, meaning there would be no spot for the likes of Tai, Vave, Hetrick etc
Your team for sg ball is very strong but their are a several players that you are missing a number of players for 1 Tom esiuhuth from lower mountains has been sighned with penrith for 3 years they rate him as 1 for the future as well penrith rating jake butler-flemming and michael lekkas is their sg ball squads
another thing is how many will be picked for sg ball penrih and sg ball acdemy
any thoughts people
Too true Art. Forgot all about Tom and Jake also think Damien Luhr will be somewhere in the mix too. Not sure bout Lekkas.
Ive heard there will be 24 Penrith and 12 Academy. They wont be split until late Jan after trials unlike last year.
Btw i think you have all missed out a definate in Jonathon Taefu. Will easily be in the top 17.
So are they taking 17 yr olds for WSAS SG ball next year?
It been mentioned before but Satini, Regan and Wilson are the only 17s in Edge squad and I believe will be the only 17s in either Penrith or WSAS squads.
I think you guys have forgot a couple of boys especially frommSt Clair like Josh Leslie which is the quickest winger in the age group by a fair distance also Inokie who played SG Ball for Newtown this year also Tyler Lombardo who played ball for WSAS it seems really weird how you could put three kids from Windsor in the squad when there in Tier b and you have 1 from St Clair who are 8 points clear of 3rd spot there is also Tyrone Viiga will be around the squad somewhere.
I think you guys have forgot a couple of boys especially frommSt Clair like Josh Leslie which is the quickest winger in the age group by a fair distance also Inokie who played SG Ball for Newtown this year also Tyler Lombardo who played ball for WSAS it seems really weird how you could put three kids from Windsor in the squad when there in Tier b and you have 1 from St Clair who are 8 points clear of 3rd spot there is also Tyrone Viiga will be around the squad somewhere.
yer i dnt think josh will come into consideration at all there are to many good wingers as for inoke its rumored he is on a contract with the roosters and as for tyler he will be there even though terribly overrated and tryone wel his judiciary record speaks for its self dnt u think
the player who should be there is blake henderson great player but its always over looked can anyone please confirm exact dates and numbers for these squads
Ive been told there is another selection meeting on Wednesday to finalise the squads. That they will be squads of 36. Not sure when they will be announced. It will have to be soon as the Ball boys who make NZ squad will need to know asap. (This will be good indicator of who will be Penrith and who WSAS)
There will be one squad of 36 chosen. these boys will train together for the preseason. After the trials early next year they will cut 12 players and send them to academy leaving 24 in the Penrith ball/matts squads for the season. 20 are going to be chosen for are u saying the squads are 36 for both acdemy and penrith ball how many are they taking to new zealand
There will be one squad of 36 chosen. these boys will train together for the preseason. After the trials early next year they will cut 12 players and send them to academy leaving 24 in the Penrith ball/matts squads for the season. 20 are going to be chosen for NZ.