Seriously, f*ck Carney.
Congratulations Constable Bunniesman.
And might I add that you find Moffo and ask some advice. Because if a colonoscopy is better than a wank, you must be doing it wrong.
Anyway, didnt you join the force because getting chicks was easier in a copper's uniform than as a real estate salesman? Are you prowling on the side you sly dog?
And dont most probationary constables get sent to somewhere like Deniliquin or Moree? Eastern Suburbs my arse. More like the eastern suburbs of Dubbo. Then again, it's like recruiting police with a Vietnamese background for Cabramatta, or indigenous police for Kempsey or Brewarrina, isnt it. Of course, you'd relate well to the Oxford Street clientele..............
Here comes Constable Peter Rabbit and his cute little cotton tail. :lol: