Remember when Justice Marcus Einfeld thought he was too clever, had more money and could not bring himself to own his crime ?
The former Federal Court judge Marcus Einfeld has been sentenced to at least two years in jail for lying to evade a speeding fine three years ago.
No they are are not remotely similar crimes, but are similar in midset and arrogance.
It seems to me that Hayne’s bottomless well of both cash and ego, reflected in his denials and appeals, have steered this shemozzle where it is now. Meanwhile his family’s (wife and daughter) financial resources have been drained and emotionally put through the top loader.
I haven’t even mentioned the victim as yet. How many trials has she has to endure?
Fun fact: Did you know that after the incident that occurred in 2018, the 2020 mistrial, the 2021 sentence, the 2022 Court of Appeal quashing, the 2023 sentence, that he original sentence and the 2023 sentence are commensurate, with both making him eligible for parole early 2025 ?
I wonder what would have happened if he owned the problem and showed remorse from the very beginning?