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Hayne set to be axed

El Diablo

Post Whore

Hayne set to be axed

March 5, 2008 - 11:36PM

Errant Parramatta Eels player Jarryd Hayne is set to be dumped for the opening NRL match against the Bulldogs after his involvement in a shooting incident in Kings Cross.

The club is expected to announce their decision on Thursday after a meeting with coach Michael Hagan, the players' leadership group and management.

Fringe first graders Weller Hauraki and Junior Paulo - who were drinking with the Kangaroo star before the early morning incident - are also expected to be axed.

All three players are understood to be facing fines.

The decision to stand down the players comes as no surprise after a furious Hagan told reporters how disappointed he was earlier in the day.

"I think the team, the football club, the fans and the sponsors have been let down ... fans are sick of reading about it and hearing about it and I think it's time players took some responsibility for what they do," Hagan said.

"You can't baby sit them 24 hours a day.

axed seems misleading. when i saw the headline i thought it meant sacked


Hayne set to be axe

Errant Parramatta Eels player Jarryd Hayne is set to be dumped for the opening NRL match against the Bulldogs after his involvement in a shooting incident in Kings Cross.
The club is expected to announce their decision on Thursday after a meeting with coach Michael Hagan, the players' leadership group and management.
Fringe first graders Weller Hauraki and Junior Paulo - who were drinking with the Kangaroo star before the early morning incident - are also expected to be axed.
All three players are understood to be facing fines.
The decision to stand down the players comes as no surprise after a furious Hagan told reporters how disappointed he was earlier in the day.
"I think the team, the football club, the fans and the sponsors have been let down ... fans are sick of reading about it and hearing about it and I think it's time players took some responsibility for what they do," Hagan said.
"You can't baby sit them 24 hours a day."


El Diablo

Post Whore

Axe to fall on Hayne for opener

Greg Prichard | March 6, 2008

PARRAMATTA are set to stand down Jarryd Hayne from their first-round game against the Bulldogs as a result of his involvement in an early morning shooting incident at Kings Cross.

The club will announce a decision today after a meeting between coach Michael Hagan, football manager Andrew Hill and the players' leadership group, which includes captain Nathan Cayless, Nathan Hindmarsh and Chad Robinson.

The Eels' course of action may also apply to Hayne's clubmates Weller Hauraki and Junior Paulo, who were with him when an unknown person fired a gun at him from a car about 4.20am on Monday. The gunman had earlier been in an argument with Mark Gasnier inside a McDonald's restaurant, when Hayne went to the St George Illawarra captain's aid.

After several days off following their final trial match, the Parramatta squad - including Hayne, Hauraki and Paulo - resumed training yesterday. But before they went out on to the field, the players were read the riot act by Hagan in the dressing room.

Hagan and Parramatta officials are trying to get the balance right between their concern for the fact Hayne, Hauraki or Paulo could have been killed and their disappointment that the players had put themselves in a vulnerable position - out late in a district where trouble isn't hard to find.

The coach told the Herald if players were stood down from next Saturday's game at ANZ Stadium it would represent a combination of a penalty and a reaction to their fragile state of mind in the wake of a narrow escape.

"He's rattled by the whole thing," Hagan said of Hayne. Asked about Hauraki and Paulo, Hagan replied: "They're not too good either."

Hagan is incensed that an off-field incident involving Parramatta players occurred at the end of a strong preparation for this season - particularly after a string of other incidents involving Eels stars in recent years.

He was angry that players were "not taking the hint", adding: "We've had plenty of education and plenty of experience with this type of behaviour and I think everyone's sick and tired of it, to be perfectly honest. I think the team, the football club, the fans and the sponsors have been let down.

"No one's saying you can't go out and enjoy yourself, but you've got to know where the line in the sand is and you can't put yourself in that situation. There have been enough examples in the game, in particular with our football club in the pre-season, and I'm getting tired of it.

"I think the fans are sick of hearing and reading about it, and I think it's time the players took some responsibility for what they do. You can't babysit them 24 hours a day."

Hagan, Fitzgerald and Hill met after training yesterday, when they discussed various options for their treatment of Hayne and the other pair.

Normally, Hayne would be an automatic selection at centre, while Hauraki would be a chance for the bench and Paulo would probably just miss out on the first-grade squad.

"It could have been worse," Hagan said of the incident. "We could have been talking about more serious matters, which I'd hate to think we'd have to talk about at some stage. [But] we're having to talk about behaviour again, and I'm sure we'll deal with the players in the appropriate manner."

Hindmarsh said yesterday that, because of the unusual circumstances, it was a difficult decision for the leadership group, Hagan and officials to get right.

"I'm just glad the guys weren't hurt - that's the main thing," Hindmarsh said. "Everyone around town seemed to be complaining that they were out at 4am, but they were lucky they weren't shot.

"Now we have to decide what is best for the team. Whether that means standing anyone down for the first game is the right way to go, we'll have to wait and see."


Smartman said:
Oh f**k, wanted a full strength eels team round 1.


Your gonna lose no matter who we put on the park so dont worry.

On Hayne as i said in another thread fair enough if he fired the shot but seriously he had a fight with someone earlier who was probably a jackass.


Post Whore
btw - i have no problem with a 1 match penalty for being at teh cross at 4am - and they MUST apply it to all 3 of them ..... its a good way to send a message to everyone that its not acceptable for them to be out like that on the eve of the season


Staff member
Axing Hayne (and Junior & Weller) is damage control. The punishment certainly does not fit the crime and is all designed to avoid more sensational articles in the Telecrap.

Today they have resurrected their Eels in Crisis logo. FFS. A logo no doubt produced by their art department and I bet they have one for each and every NRL club.

Also today they allocated an entire page of the NRL players' sordid history of incidents in the Cross. They could come up with only 8 occasions in the last 5 years, with one when dunny bill smashed a paparazzi's camera (hardly fits the evil Cross accusation) and even Gaz when he made the fire up phone call to that woman because he was in a cab on the way home from the Cross. Again, they proved that going to the various night clubs frequented by NRL players in the Cross is not as bad as they would want you to think.

My point is that the News Ltd press make a mountain out of a molehill at any opportunity and give a story (considered perhaps by the SMH to have nothing to it) massive momentum with no other motive than to sell papers.

They cannot be trusted and the players and the clubs should take a stance against them in my view. They are damaging the game at a far greater rate that any player getting in a push and shove situation at Maccas or at Northies after closing time.

What is amazing to me is that News Ltd have a massive financial interest in the game, yet seem to enjoy the any publicity is good publicity view. It may make good editorial but clearly must frustrate the NRL to no end. Gallop should tell them to pull their heads in for the good of the game, however it has been shown in the past that he is merely a Murdoch puppet, so that will never happen.


Post Whore
Gronk said:
Axing Hayne (and Junior & Weller) is damage control. The punishment certainly does not fit the crime and is all designed to avoid more sensational articles in the Telecrap.

Today they have resurrected their Eels in Crisis logo. FFS. A logo no doubt produced by their art department and I bet they have one for each and every NRL club.

Also today they allocated an entire page of the NRL players' sordid history of incidents in the Cross. They could come up with only 8 occasions in the last 5 years, with one when dunny bill smashed a paparazzi's camera (hardly fits the evil Cross accusation) and even Gaz when he made the fire up phone call to that woman because he was in a cab on the way home from the Cross. Again, they proved that going to the various night clubs frequented by NRL players in the Cross is not as bad as they would want you to think.

My point is that the News Ltd press make a mountain out of a molehill at any opportunity and give a story (considered perhaps by the SMH to have nothing to it) massive momentum with no other motive than to sell papers.

They cannot be trusted and the players and the clubs should take a stance against them in my view. They are damaging the game at a far greater rate that any player getting in a push and shove situation at Maccas or at Northies after closing time.

What is amazing to me is that News Ltd have a massive financial interest in the game, yet seem to enjoy the any publicity is good publicity view. It may make good editorial but clearly must frustrate the NRL to no end. Gallop should tell them to pull their heads in for the good of the game, however it has been shown in the past that he is merely a Murdoch puppet, so that will never happen.
well said :clap: .... unfortunately News Limited seem to put their own egos and ratings before the game of rugby league


I actually think its a very appropriate action. The guy was involved in an incident with Gasnier, who then left. Our players decide to be heroes and confront the guy at McDonalds later in the night when it had nothing to do with them and get involved in a scuffle. It was 4am on a monday for ffs and what if the guy had the gun with him then instead of later.
They put themselves in an unnecessary situation cause they were full of booze and should know better by now, especially Hayne. They obviously don't think much of the fans or the club if they think they can act in public however they damn well please. They are public figures and like it or not, they need to be aware of that 24/7.


yeah its a media beat up.

yeah its been sensationalised.

yeah players can be out at 4 am in the Cross just like anyone else.

BUT i am sick of my team being dragged through the mud. as Hages has said after the incidents over the off season you would think they would learn. like it or not they are celebrities, which makes them targets for idiots and any incident will get blown out of proportion.

the last thing I want is for Parra's name to be mentioned like the Bulldogs in relation to social incidents, whether true or fabricated.


Staff member
stuke said:
BUT i am sick of my team being dragged through the mud. as Hages has said after the incidents over the off season you would think they would learn. like it or not they are celebrities, which makes them targets for idiots and any incident will get blown out of proportion.

the last thing I want is for Parra's name to be mentioned like the Bulldogs in relation to social incidents, whether true or fabricated.

Then the NRL should kick up a stink about the way News Ltd carry on. The Players Union should get involved (instead of being a toothless tiger) and tell their players not to talk to News Ltd. Clubs should not conduct interviews and then maybe they will get the message. The AFL Players Assn did this to Channel 7 last year (?) and it worked quite effectively.

The problem is that many people react to what is in the Telecrap. It has to exposed by the NRL and the Players Assn as the scandle rag as it is and that it has zero credibility.

Whilst the NRL should continue with their player education, they need to recognise that the bad publicity is coming from a newspaper that creates it for profit.