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Heartless and Gutless

That has got to be the most Disorganised, Heartless, Limp effort I have seen all year. Even our game against the Dogs was better than that Trip.

17 Players out there tonight played like that, 17 players. There is no Team work in this side, it is share around the ball and see what you can do. No Set Plays, None except getting a winger to run around the scrum and take the ball from dykes. That is our Number one Pet Play.

Until we play like a team, Coach Smith can teach them the best plays known to man, the current batch of players won't execute them.

The NRL catch cry is "That's My Team" at the moment, all Parramatta Fans can say is "That’s My Rabble" TM Mark in the Stands.

There is more heart on this message board than there is on the football park.

Ron Jeremy

I have seen Porn stars work to a better game plan then that!!

I've seen Norman Gunston write better scripts then that!!

Stagger eel

Staff member
gees!! you know we're going like a busted arse when your know giving it to the team!! :shock:

But I have to agree with you, that was absolutely disgusting and the fact that they sort of put in, in the second half doesn't excuse that either, we were woefull. I left my sick wife at home on her own because she insisted I go, I'm also suffering from food poisning but I'd thought I'd still do the right thing and support my team.

In hindsight I should of POQ at half time, but thought I'd give them 20 minutes to pull their finger out. Now, eventhough we won the second half I should of gone with my gut feeling!! ;-)

Maroubra Eel

That was an absolute disgrace. The second half was ok when we decided to actually have a go. Apart from Hindmarsh, they weren't even trying in the first half.
Hindmarsh is the only passionate player we've got.


If Nathan Hindmarsh wasnt in the Parramatta team they would dead set win the Wooden Spoon easy!


Post Whore
MarkInTheStands said:
That has got to be the most Disorganised, Heartless, Limp effort I have seen all year. Even our game against the Dogs was better than that Trip.

17 Players out there tonight played like that, 17 players. There is no Team work in this side, it is share around the ball and see what you can do. No Set Plays, None except getting a winger to run around the scrum and take the ball from dykes. That is our Number one Pet Play.

Until we play like a team, Coach Smith can teach them the best plays known to man, the current batch of players won't execute them.

The NRL catch cry is "That's My Team" at the moment, all Parramatta Fans can say is "That’s My Rabble" TM Mark in the Stands.

There is more heart on this message board than there is on the football park.

Many issues about this match irritated me:

* Although the Cowboys were putting their arms around our players' necks in tackles ALL night, they were allowed to go on. Stapleton puts his elbow in that arse-wipe Rauhihi's neck and they both get sent off (fair enough) but WE get penalised, despite Rauihihi starting the fight


* Hindmarsh, Cayless and Stapleton had to do everything themsleves


* The ref never listened (HOW could Langi be trying to pass the ball if there was nobody to pass it to?)

Disgraceful performance.

Things better change.


Why do you say?

Eelementary said:
Things better change.

Sure I agree. But if things dont change, what do you realistically think is going to happen???

The situation in my opinion is now beyond repair.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Eelementary, don't blame the ref. Cayless' captincy was abysmal.

MITS, how dare you ininuate that Smith is the wonderful gameplan provider and it's all the players fault. It's up to your beloved coach to get off his arse and make sure that players actually PLAY!

Smith has to take blame. Friggin Thorman at hooker? Wagon continually at 5/8? And what was the game plan?

I'm actually surprised that you are unhappy with that performance. I expected you to be fully defending them.

Read my comments on another thread to answer you completely predictable questions.

Before I had some hope and now I don't

I saw something in the side in the last 7 weeks that said to me they were having a go. That is gone tonight.

And I wonder how you feel about it?

I was not INSINUATEING that Smith is a wonderful game plan provider I was saying he could have provided the Best game plan going, yet we as supporters wouldn't know because the 17 players representing out club last night played like 17 players. I can't even bring myself to say they were a team.

It is the coaches responsibility and as I said I will call for his head if that situation is not fixed by the Melbourne game.

Last week we had reasons for losing, this week we have nothing.


This is sounding like a broken record ... why am I bothering... but here goes..

Thorman - at hooker ??????????????????? Why not play someone there who actually plays hooker ??????????????

Wags at 5/8 ????? I suppose we just have to shut up cause BS is not gonna change it end of story. If you have a look at the first half Burt and Langi NEVER got the ball in attack !! That is the ball never came from Wags to the centres once.
So we are playing two players down in attack every time!!

What a sorry sorry state of affairs


First Grade
Eelementary said:
...Stapleton puts his elbow in that arse-wipe Rauhihi's neck and they both get sent off (fair enough) but WE get penalised, despite Rauihihi starting the fight...

What caused RA to lash out? Stapleton elbowing him on the ground. Of course we got the penalty, and rightly so. Eelementary, my dear Watson.


Post Whore
parralight said:
This is sounding like a broken record ... why am I bothering... but here goes..

Thorman - at hooker ??????????????????? Why not play someone there who actually plays hooker ??????????????

Wags at 5/8 ????? I suppose we just have to shut up cause BS is not gonna change it end of story. If you have a look at the first half Burt and Langi NEVER got the ball in attack !! That is the ball never came from Wags to the centres once.
So we are playing two players down in attack every time!!

What a sorry sorry state of affairs


You generally make more sense than anyone.
Those are valid questions.

I doubt whether you will get valid answers. It is, indeed, a sad state of affairs at present.


Eels Dude

We've been saying something has to change for a couple of years now. I hate to say it, but I don't think anything is. Smith seems committed to his ways and I can't see him changing anything at all. Everyone seems to realise it except him.


that new ref loves his whistle, blowing it every set from what i remember. how many penalties were all up? probably about a 100


Post Whore
If there were 100, it was probably because there were two ill-disciplined teams playing out there.



Staff member
Colonel Eel said:
There was more heart in the pies and hot dogs on sale in the canteen......

I'm glad I didn't go to the game, for two reasons now.