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Hellberg Finalists

Beavers Headgear

First Grade
Olympic Gold Medal > League World Cup is a simple and correct decision

I didn't think the All Whites should have gotten the award personally, and i thought the Tall Blacks were extremely under rated with what they achieved

However the day after the Halberg's I feel always sums up the current day NZ. Instead of celebrating the success of various teams, people have to line up for a whinge about the whole thing


Staff member
Umm, err... not quite.

I hate football, but even I, and people like me, got caught up in All White fever. I even watched the match v Bahrain and, honestly, I haven't experienced a better sporting occasion and atmosphere since the Kiwi's world cup win
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Umm, err... not quite.

So, who are these 28 or so judges? Name them and we could just about predict who the winner was going to be based upon who they are.

Former sportspeople and administrators: Andy Dalton, Anna Rowberry, Danyon Loader, Debbie Hockley, Dick Tayler, Farah Palmer, Graeme Crosby, Hamish Carter, Howie Tamati, Jayne Kiely, Mark Sorenson, Mike Stanley, Philippa Baker Hogan, Rachael Henderson, Ramesh Patel, Ron Cheatley, Ron Palenski, Steve Gurney. Journalists: Andy Hay, Brendan Telfer, Daniel Gilhooly, David Leggat, Howard Dobson, Jonathan Millmow, Kevin Tutty, Mark Richardson, Peter Montgomery, Richard Becht.


I think a factor in the AB's not getting the team award is that they are expected to win it next year. (And they can't have it every year - can they?)

Someone phoned through to Telfer yesterday with an interesting question: He asked hypothetically, if the Black Caps won the Cricket World Cup, and the ABs won their world cup, who would get a Halberg?
Telfer answered without doubt, the ABs, no question whatsoever.

Why? Both teams deserve it, but why should one get it 'without question?' It's down to this inbuilt value the judges have in their head; 'Sports Currency' if you like. Certain sports are better than others, certain events are better than others, and so on.
IMO other factors should come into it. Their criteria is so loose they can work it to suit themselves. IMO if the Black Caps won the cricket WC, that should be seriously considered due to their world rating in the sport, the fact the WC is not a home one, their previous form to the WC, showing their determination to get the form going for the comp...
The ABs in comparison are regarded as close to the best, if not the best in the World. Its their home WC tourno. They may well do well, but IMO team for team the Black caps would take that one.

But IMO the ABs should have got it this year, in the last season they only lost one game. Of course the All Whites did well, the Kiwis fought back well to get the four nations, the Silver Ferns played the best game of any code IMO in 2010...But the ABs deserved the gong last year, they simply were the best team.

And who's leg does Gordon have to hump to get a coach of the year nod. How long have the Sevens gone well?


Former sportspeople and administrators: Andy Dalton, Anna Rowberry, Danyon Loader, Debbie Hockley, Dick Tayler, Farah Palmer, Graeme Crosby, Hamish Carter, Howie Tamati, Jayne Kiely, Mark Sorenson, Mike Stanley, Philippa Baker Hogan, Rachael Henderson, Ramesh Patel, Ron Cheatley, Ron Palenski, Steve Gurney. Journalists: Andy Hay, Brendan Telfer, Daniel Gilhooly, David Leggat, Howard Dobson, Jonathan Millmow, Kevin Tutty, Mark Richardson, Peter Montgomery, Richard Becht.

Wow, perhaps the Kiwis could look forward to two votes every year from Howie and Richard Becht. It would be interesting to know how many of the others have actually been to watch a league game. Yes, I'm league biased.


Olympic Gold Medal > League World Cup is a simple and correct decision

Ah, but BH, does that include five golds at one games? Sophie Pascoe did that, and didn't win! Even Telfer couldn't explain that and he's one of the judges!:lol: Which shows exactly how inconsistant the whole thing is.

Maybe instead of specific awards, we just need a Halberg night. Awards of this nature are always subjective of course, so maybe just something like an Honours list, celebrating the years sport success. No whinging, no controversy, just celebrating the codes that have done well. Then, you can include the Black Ferns, the softball team, the guys that usually don't even rate a mention.


Someone phoned through to Telfer yesterday with an interesting question: He asked hypothetically, if the Black Caps won the Cricket World Cup, and the ABs won their world cup, who would get a Halberg?
Telfer answered without doubt, the ABs, no question whatsoever.

Why? Both teams deserve it, but why should one get it 'without question?' It's down to this inbuilt value the judges have in their head; 'Sports Currency' if you like. Certain sports are better than others, certain events are better than others, and so on.
IMO other factors should come into it. Their criteria is so loose they can work it to suit themselves. IMO if the Black Caps won the cricket WC, that should be seriously considered due to their world rating in the sport, the fact the WC is not a home one, their previous form to the WC, showing their determination to get the form going for the comp...
The ABs in comparison are regarded as close to the best, if not the best in the World. Its their home WC tourno. They may well do well, but IMO team for team the Black caps would take that one.

But IMO the ABs should have got it this year, in the last season they only lost one game. Of course the All Whites did well, the Kiwis fought back well to get the four nations, the Silver Ferns played the best game of any code IMO in 2010...But the ABs deserved the gong last year, they simply were the best team.

And who's leg does Gordon have to hump to get a coach of the year nod. How long have the Sevens gone well?

All things held equal, I probably agree with Telfer that the All Blacks would get it. But the only reason I say that is because the Black Cups, if somehow miraculously they won a World Cup, I'm sure would be utterly disappointing in all other aspects of their summer. The All Blacks generally are the world's best in their sport across the entire yet, irrespective of World Cup performance, so winning it would pretty much confirm they are without peer in their field...

IF it wasn't a normal year, and the Black Cups had a great year as well, I'd be inclined to go with the Black Caps... massive world population of players, big time populated countries like India, very diverse environments where pitch conditions etc have somewhat of a bearing, and the fact that it'd be completely unforeseen that it should happen so it would be an out of this world turnaround... compared with the ABs who have all the resources and given all that probably should always do well, the Black Caps infrastructure compared to some of the subbies and other nations is really really poor.


Staff member
Given the fact that the All Blacks haven't won a World Cup since 1987, if we win the World Cup this year the All Blacks are a shoe in because of what it means to the country to get that monkey off our back.

Manu Vatuvei

So, we give the title to a team that one a total of one game last year. Awesome, way to reward mediocrity New Zealand.

All Blacks, Kiwis and Silver Ferns all deserved it more than the All Whites. f**k that. That exactly what is wrong with our f**king country.

Surely a worse sort of mediocrity is competing in lower level competition to delight in meaningless victories?

tbh if you compare rugby or league to soccer, you could just as well say that simply playing rugby or league is an acceptance of mediocrity.

Manu Vatuvei


Forgot the All Whites winning, that one is the real travesty

ffs, 7s is a joke variant of a sh*t minor sport. Do we want to give awards to blokes who dominate the world in competitive nose-picking or arse scratching?

I thought I was the negative one around here but fmd, what a bunch of whingers.

Manu Vatuvei

I reckon winning the Cricket World Cup would be comfortably a bigger achievement than winning the Rugby World Cup btw, but I'd fully expect the Rugby guys to win the award.


I reckon winning the Cricket World Cup would be comfortably a bigger achievement than winning the Rugby World Cup btw, but I'd fully expect the Rugby guys to win the award.
the achievement of the black craps winning the CWC would be far bigger than the all blacks winning the RWC.

because were f**king bullocks beyond belief.

but i think they would give it to the All Blacks because to the people that matter its more important.

but it doesnt matter.... were gonna be lucky to make the 1/4's of the CWC at the moment.

and ill start talking about the All Blacks winning halbergs when Richie McCaw holds that trophy up...


Staff member
ffs, 7s is a joke variant of a sh*t minor sport. Do we want to give awards to blokes who dominate the world in competitive nose-picking or arse scratching?

I thought I was the negative one around here but fmd, what a bunch of whingers.

The significance of the sport world wide (I have to assume that's what you're talking about as Rugby is not a minor sport in NZ) is only 1 factor that would contribute to the selection of the award winner. It's not an insignificant factor- just early on in this thread I cited it to defend the All White's award. But it's not everything either.


but it doesnt matter.... were gonna be lucky to make the 1/4's of the CWC at the moment.

maybe, if we beat Kenya Danny must be favourite for Sportsman of the Year..


Lol, look back through this thread, it's precisely the reason the Halbergs shouldn't be in the current form it is. This current fiasco is not the first time judges have resigned in disgust-I learnt that today listening to the radio while driving around. Peter Williams ditched it, as did Murray Deaker, over Blyth Taite being snubbed at the time, for what they believed was bigotry, and judges refusing to pick Taite because he's gay.
Politics and snobbism. IMO scrap it as it is. Ditch the judges, get rid of the lot. Keep the name, and make it the Halberg night, and just have a good charity event where you celebrate the previous years sporting highlights. No gongs and sh*t, just celebrate.


ffs, 7s is a joke variant of a sh*t minor sport. Do we want to give awards to blokes who dominate the world in competitive nose-picking or arse scratching?

I thought I was the negative one around here but fmd, what a bunch of whingers.

Whinging as an event might come up, we're training for it:lol:


Hopefully the All Blacks choke as usual.
Would be pretty sh*t seeing them get the award, even though it's a gay one.
And Sevens rugby is just as stupid as regular rugby.


Lol, IMO the ABs could be rubbish all year, stumble to the final & win it...and still clean up at the H's next year. Because of the flexible criteria and stupid snobs of judges picking it.
I feel for the All Whites, they've done nothing wrong. They went out, played their best, and gave the Country a bit of feel good for a while. It's not their fault they got the award, and using the 'Flexi-criteria' system within the H's they were quite entitled to it.
The Halberg night could be a great night to celebrate the previous years sport, and help the charity at the same time. Just ditch the judges with their biased blinkers and the stupid gongs, and just have a great night to celebrate. Think about it-An honours list, a hall of fame for the year. You can celebrate EVERYTHING that does well, not subjectively pull one out of the arse to wind every sports fan up for the year until the next one.
And despite what they say, the Judges are as biased as we all are. We all have our views and opnions of what is a 'better' success than the other, and more often than not it will be the sports you prefer. Ditching the judges completely makes sense to me.