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Here We Go Again - NRL Star In Awful Allegation


This is obviously standard acceptable behaviour among Raiders fans.

I am going to tar you all with the same brush because of the actions of this single player.


First Grade
All the raiders fans are shamefully cowaring in the Greehouse website, to embarrassed to show their bogan heads on the front row forum. I must admit their thread on the vile act (in the greenhouse forum) is a classic and worth a read :lol:

If this is proven true, geez opposition fans are going to have plenty of material each time the Faders play.
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First Grade
All the raiders fans are shamefully cowaring in the Greehouse website, to embarrassed to show their bogan heads on the front row forum. I must admit their thread on the vile act (in the greenhouse forum) is a classic and worth a read :lol:

If this is proven true, geez opposition fans are going to have plenty of material each time the Faders play.

Word, I'd say there is about 50 years of ammo in this. The quotes from Mona's Manager seem pretty damning.

What is there to say, Kiwi's sure have a comeback for sheep shagger jokes so popular with some of the slower members of the forum now though. Dirty Aussies.....


Post Whore
All the raiders fans are shamefully cowaring in the Greehouse website, to embarrassed to show their bogan heads on the front row forum. I must admit their thread on the vile act (in the greenhouse forum) is a classic and worth a read :lol:

If this is proven true, geez opposition fans are going to have plenty of material each time the Faders play.

:lol: cowaring?
they are over there because... well uh... its a more popular site amongst raiders fans than this place, i dont know if you've noticed but the raiders section here is fairly low traffic
those who are regular posters here are still here, those who arent... well they arent, they are where they normally are

cowaring indeed


i managed to find the image in question. i've been comparing the actual image to ones of the player in question.

At first sight it didnt look a whole lot like him.. but after i compared more photos.. it didnt look so good...

reasons why i think it may be him, the guy in the photo has pretty big biceps, when i look at the guy in the photos receding hair line it goes in.. and then goes up.. and after searchign google at images the players hairline runs the same, the nose and jaw look similar but hard to tell as image is from side angle...the hair style is similar as well.

reasons why it may not be him, well... who on earth would do what the person si doing.... why would this player do such a thing.. when u look at the pic and take it in as a whole.. it doesnt really look like him thattttttt much.. but stll there are alot of similarities.. if they can link the background decor and find the house and link it to the player... charges may just get pressedd...

not gooooood :( really like this play and plan on giving him benefit of the doubt until somethign more conclusive surfaces or happens.. relaly feel for him if it indeed is not him... ithink we can judge by his reaction over the coming days... *sigh.. why does this always happen to us;(


First Grade
I know living in sh*thole like Canberra can be very depressing but fair dinkum Monas couldn't be that lonely there are plenty human females he could have a crack with before trying to grasscut bouncer the Labrador......ch9 just reported that he admitted it was him but he and the dog want their privacy respected while they sort their relationship out.
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drago brelli

Please, rugby league supporters. Go easy on Monaghan. He's just a young bloke having a bit of fun. Harmless high jinks. It's been a long season, letting off abit of steam.



Well I usually hate trolls... but troll away!

But seriously...to pidgeon hole fans in the same light is not only ridiculous but defamatory.

Nobody could serioulsy condone (even the diehard fans) what happened there. He's gonna cop some serious sh*t over this... but you make your bed, you lie in it.


First Grade
Seriously though Joel and Bouncer have advised that they are working through this and that in the end it's only going to make their relationship stronger.


First Grade
lol, slack for the dog...

monas is as dumb as they get. Forget footy, imagine that convo with his mother or his wife.

Get him on Jerry Springer.


After seeing the photo and having it now confirmed as monas... i think many people are being a bit harsh. its clear he is just playing around and it was a prank..its impossible to tell there is even contact between monas and the dog... apparently it was just a gee up to another team mate... pretty extreme gee up... but there is a HUGEEE difference between what monas has done and some wacko actually DOING something with an animal or something. if you havent seen the picture then please hold off your criticism....i think we should ease off him a bit... it was meant to be a bit of harmless fun