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Hi. My name is Michael, and I'm a Telegraphaholic.


It's been 7 days since I ceased buying that piece of crap tabloid garbage. Mind you, it's been 12 weeks since I gave up smoking, so this was easy in comparison.

I had been a Tele-a-day buyer since January 1990. In that time, there was probably no more than 20 days all up I didn't buy it.

I'm passionate about my politics, and whilst they have (for me anyway) the Phil Rothfield of political opinion piece writers, I still bought it. Why? Because I bought it for the sport, not for the politics.

However, the ridiculous lengths the Telegraph's chief sports editor and his lackies have gone to in their quest to discredit, demoralise, taunt and defame the mighty St George Illawarra Dragons over the last month or two were just too much.

I can't help but wonder if printing lies and propoganda about the Dragons attracted any new readers who will buy their paper daily for the next twenty years, because they certainly lost one at least.

Thankyou. That feels so much better.

saint iggy

I hear you Michael, my subscription renewal came in the mail today and enough is enough. I also like reading about football(soccer) and they've hammered that sport for years. But the way they've reported on saints this year is crap. Telecrap.


They lost me earlier in the year with the constant rubbish about Roosters. And this was BEFORE we started getting in trouble!


News Limited [how appropriate!] have got nothing from me since Super? League . I have been a herald man all my working life [38 years], and as my daughters English teacher said: the telegraph is for people who can only understand small words, the Herald is for people who understand English!:p

Whos Ya Daddy

First Grade
It might not be much to read but I can tell you the Telegraph makes a mighty fine rag. Next time you spill your beer throw that bad boy on it and it soaks it up like no tomorrow.


What do you expect from a Cronulla merkin and his two Bulldogs lackies.

The Daily Telegraph might as well take out sponsorship of the Bulldogs.


I used to only buy it occasionally but have now stopped altogether. And I don't read it online either.

Yesterday on the Sports Show on 2SM in the afternoon a lady sent in an email saying she was a Dragons supporter and had also stopped buying the paper.

I just hope all our actions make a difference.


I don't even know how the Daily Telegraph qualifies as a newspaper. Newspapers are meant to report facts not make sh*t up.


I'm trying as hard as I can to stop my hubby buying the rag but he is a Sharks supporter.....
I have successfully stopped him buying it during the week, but he still 'indulges' on the weekend. I am half way there, maybe I can convince him the SMH is a better read in the off season.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
I too was a Telegragh junkie but have since stopped. The Dragons bashing was just too much. I have never seen a team who have played good football been bagged so much by a paper. I mean the Storm were dominating the comp through illegal grapples and they were even getting good press by this mob at the time.

The Saints only crime was a 40 second interview and the CEO did some research to capitalise if they are successful.

What was the last straw was when the Dogs fans trashed a train and nothing was written about it during the time. Imagine if it was the Dragons fans who did the same thing?

One story that should have also been covered better was the night the Dragons won the MP. The atmosphere was fantastic and there were no incidents after the game between supporters. Something the NRL would have loved as it brought back the
70-80's feel to the game when there was no rubbish in the game between the fans.

Next week if the Dogs win it will be Chaos at that game.........If they celebrate by trashing trains after beating last placed roosters how will they celebrate getting to a GF?


First Grade
Dont buy any papers during the week. Normally just read online but always the SMH - I dumped the Telecrapp several months ago!!

Only buy the Sun Herald on a sunday morning to read while having a coffee out the back - as you do :D

big pat

It's been 7 days since I ceased buying that piece of crap tabloid garbage. Mind you, it's been 12 weeks since I gave up smoking, so this was easy in comparison.

I had been a Tele-a-day buyer since January 1990. In that time, there was probably no more than 20 days all up I didn't buy it.

I'm passionate about my politics, and whilst they have (for me anyway) the Phil Rothfield of political opinion piece writers, I still bought it. Why? Because I bought it for the sport, not for the politics.

However, the ridiculous lengths the Telegraph's chief sports editor and his lackies have gone to in their quest to discredit, demoralise, taunt and defame the mighty St George Illawarra Dragons over the last month or two were just too much.

I can't help but wonder if printing lies and propoganda about the Dragons attracted any new readers who will buy their paper daily for the next twenty years, because they certainly lost one at least.

Thankyou. That feels so much better.

hi i'm pat, i'm addicted to gambling, i've tried to stop but its not working, they don't even have a patch i can use, oh well newcastle races today, anyone got a tip.


Village Idiot
Staff member
it's an outrage..

the government needs to step in with some awareness campaigns to stop the youth of today getting caught up in such a vile, vicious drug that is tearing the community apart...

to help the polititians get off their asses, i have created the first couple of campaign ideas for them..




it's an outrage..

the government needs to step in with some awareness campaigns to stop the youth of today getting caught up in such a vile, vicious drug that is tearing the community apart...

to help the polititians get off their asses, i have created the first couple of campaign ideas for them..



Man, I lost it with that first one! Beyond genius!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Assistant Moderator
Hi. My name is Willow and I stopped buying the Telegraph over 10 years ago. It was easy, no withdrawals.

And I swear that my brain got bigger afterwards.

I used to be a washed up bum, but nowdays I run a multi-national company and get invited to lots of parties.

Well at least the first line is true.