The good old days eh
I’d happily settle for listening to Frank Hyde again
....with a Rhum Negrita - the ball floats:
“long enough, it’s high enough, if it’s straight it’s there”
No one could match his on air excitement at a Gasnier or Changa linebreak
What a champ from the good old days of honest club footy with hard working men who played for the love of the game
- he won a title with Balmain in ‘39 and broadcast 33 straight grand finals
- and Mum said Dad would often have me on his knee listening in to him call Dragons’ games from what must’ve been around ‘55
When I took the family to the West Indies 20 odd years ago I remember thinking of Frank & his beloved Negrita
....which must’ve warmed the cockles of a few hearts (mum’s phrase) in some of those bleak Sydney winters.
Funny how odd things imprint from childhood
What a time it was, and what a team we had Andrew