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Hohaia and 2006 halves

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Well, you would newbie. I have tried reading posts from time to time.

I just don't see the real point because half the stuff on here is either people bitching and moaning or idiots have found out how to use a computer and through some sheer fluke, they have found their way to these forums and managed the mental capacity to register. I see you are the latest one.:p

Sorry, that wasn't very nice. I just couldn't help it. My real opinion on the whole matter. Ropati is nearing 21, if he keeps going in the centres and develops a strong kicking game, he'll be ready to really step up as a class 5/8 by the time he reaches 24. That's if you want a quality 5/8.


I've been on this forums for a while, but I have just registered under a different name. You are even worst than Thierry Henry.

It's great of you to give a biography of yourself - because you are the source of "all the moaning and bitching" on this forum.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
if you were a man, you would come out and say who you used to be registered as. I bitch & moan about the bitchers and moaners, that makes me better than them.

And leave my good friend, TH alone. If he let his hatred of Toopi & Fien go, he would be a fine and upstanding individual.


NZ Warrior said:
Bitch, please. I haven't missed a Warriors game since their inception. I can assure you I've seen all 15 of the games Ropati has played in. I said most of his tries were opportunist. He's scored 3 tries and I'm pretty f**king sure 2 of them were diving on a ball when it was grubbered in-goal. I can't recollect the chip & regather one you speak of, but I know he scored a try against the Broncos where he actually ran the ball.

He's just got to cut the silly errors out of his game. And he has been doing that at centre. I'm sure Kemp knows what he's doing and it was a great call to move Ropati into the centres. Here's hoping he doesn't return to the #6 jersey until he's good and ready, sometime in the middle of next season, I reckon.

See, I didn't put down any of your arguments and slander them. I just simply offered up opinions based on facts. And I only called you bitch as a term of endearment. Can't we all just get along and accept that Ropati is a sh*tty stand off???

I had a thought about the opportunism of Ropati - last year he was key in one of our very few good set plays, the try to Webb v the Rabbitohs where he threw a very very quick handed inside ball to Webb after drifting to open up the gap. This year he hasn't really played much at five eighth, but one of our best set play tries again came off him when he drifted across field and picked up Toopi coming straight on against Manly.

Personally, I agree with you on most areas of Jerome's game - I think he's better suited as a centre at the moment. He gets into dummy half when the going's tough, he works well on defence both in actual technique - and has anyone noticed Meli has been allowed to stay out a lot more standing outside Ropati who doesn't panic as much as Clinton Toopi and hence Meli has to follow him in?

I just think at this stage Nathan Fien has been an absolute dream come true in the #6 jumper, his partnership now with Wairangi Koopu on the right side is scintillating.

Manu Vatuvei

Auckland4ever said:
Out of what we've got to play with, thats the ideal setup for me.
Out of the brief time Ropati's had at standoff for the Warriors, he's put more players into holes with a nicely timed pass than I can remember Hohaia managing in his whole Warriors career. I just dont think Lance has the finesse or vision to be a standout at either 6 or 7, but his strengths suit the 9 position to a tee & he's doing a great job there. Why would anyone want to shift him?

Exactly. Ropati is a stand-off filling in at centre (pretty well). NZ Warrior claims to have watched all his games, which is a rather worrying comment on his inability to see talent, because Ropati has shown more than enough to suggest that he at least deserves an extended run at 6 (if only because Hohaia should never again be allowed to play in the halves). Fien is doing a nice job at 6, but I think he could do just as well if not better at 7. After all, his major advantage over Ropati is his kicking game, and the 7 generally does most of the kicking. Not all stand-offs have to be great kickers- if Fien is as good in this department as some of you think he is then he should be able to take over the role of #1 kicker, and Ropati can be his back-up and put in 2 or 3 kicks a game, which I think he is capable of.

But having said that, unless Ropati really does turn out to be a superstar, a Ropati/Fien combo isn't going to win us any grand finals.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Inability to see talent??? That hurts, TH. You're no longer my friend.

You all come up to me with one-off examples and now it seems we are settling on "a 5/8 doesn't need a kicking game." My word, I don't know whether it's the desperation or the on-going, futile quest of proving me wrong.

I've seen enough to know this, if we are relying on a Ropati / Fien halves combo, we're in for a rough season in 2006. I'll spoil it for everyone now, here's what will happen.... Sides will click on early in the season that Fien is the only real kicker, especially if Hohaia is at dummy half. Fien will be targetted heavily and Ropati will be as useful as.....(sh*t, I don't want to say this, but you guys drove me to it) SHANE ENDACOTT!!!

Manu Vatuvei

jeez Warrior, just because you saved me from Mingster's furious assault doesn't mean I'm going to agree with everything you say from now one. I'm not interesting in proving you wrong. It genuinely surprises me that you honestly can't see that Ropati could make a good 6. From the current squad, who would you prefer to partner Fien in the halves? Ropati's kicking game isn't much worse than Hohaia's, and as A4E said, he threw more incisive passes in 3 games at 6 than Hohaia has in his entire career. He certainly played some poor games at fullback, but never at stand-off.


I agree with you TH - Ropati will be a top notch 6, but leave him at centre for the rest of this season I say.

I also worry about the Fein/Ropati combination next year. I have no doubt that it will be those 2, but as you said - will they win us a comp? I don't know. I guess only time will tell.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
We really need Latu to step up to the Hooking role so Hohaia can shift back to his preferred position at Halfback. This will mean Fien keeps the #6 jersey and Ropati can keep on developing as "NZ's best CENTRE".

Oh Latu, how you disappoint me...


Pull your head in NZ Warrior - Ropati will be a 6. You need to understand this fact!

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Scott said:
Pull your head in NZ Warrior - Ropati will be a 6. You need to understand this fact!

Mate, you need to be taken down to the wood shed and get something hammered into ya, Ropati is sh*t!!!!

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Even worst. He shoot my dog while he was on a drive by, broke into my house, (*edit*) and on his way out the drive, ran over fluffy the cat.

God, I hate him.


I think everybody in this forum would love to kill NZ Warriors cat, dog or hamster.
Personally, i'd just nick his computer.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
ThrashViking said:
I think everybody in this forum would love to kill NZ Warriors cat, dog or hamster.
Personally, i'd just nick his computer.

I'll f**king OWN you all, if you touch my hamster. He's all I have left.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
TV's threatening to kill my beloved pets, watcha gonna do!!!!!

Come on, mate. Lighten up, please. For the love of God & OWN3RSHIP™©®, lighten up!!!!