Lol, thought I would probably ruffle your feathers with that one. The comment was mainly targeted at Misty humping your leg over one of your previous comments, and the misrepresntation of facts is all Misty. But I can appreciate how it would seem I was having a go at you. Apologies.
And now I will ask YOU to apologise for referring to Fourex as my brother. Please highlight ANYWHERE that I have aligned myself to that muppet.
Again, please highlight anywhere that I have condoned the comments you're referring to. You'll find my first post in this thread was that it is garbage. By that I mean from both "sides"
However I will say it is drawing a pretty long bow for you to suggest that your "chip on the shoulder" comment is targeted at an individual and not QLD in general as it has been used by you and others as a very common generalisation many times before.
But I guess when you were talking about the QLD Gov building bridges to keep certain QLDrs in etc you were just talking about one person right?
Mate you didn't ruffle my feathers, as I had shaved this morning and thought it prudent to highlight a few inconsistencies.
Sincere apologies re: XXXX brother comment (I am actually serious that is way way way out of line to associate anyone as a relative of his in any form).
Thanks for clarifying the both sides re: condoning comments, appreciated.
yes it has been used before, however my retort to your post was about this thread and this thread only.
Yes I was talking about one person, as my next post (Conversaton with his pa) clearly showed.
best of luck against the bunnies tonight, i think it will be pretty close. A slight smell of an upset blowing from west.