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How are you feeling as a fan about today's decision?


I understand his dissapointment

But theres no way i feel sorry for him ....the bloke is getting a 200k hand-shake, ontop of the 600k he's already earnt ...
I don't feel sorry for him at all. He could've made changes and chose to be pig headed and not to. Every man and his dog could see the problems and yet he persisted with team selections.

He may well have been a loyal clubman but stiff shyt - that's business. He didn't produce or provide a value for money return so he goes. That's it.

As for Stuart or whomever gets the gig, here's advice offered by the board - perform or your out.
cheese said:
I understand his dissapointment

But theres no way i feel sorry for him ....the bloke is getting a 200k hand-shake, ontop of the 600k he's already earnt ...

That's probably very debatable Cheese...


I feel sorry more for the Sharks fans, including myself than for Raper. We had to put up with the 10 losses in a row and mindless team management....And the fact that we haven't won a premiership.


A pig headed stubborn coach gets the ass.
We look like signing the current Australian coach, quality players will be much easier to get.
Our underperforming overpaid halfback may get the boot aswell.
The underperforming board now have a pathetic record over the last 5 years and I reckon its only a matter of time until the media start questioning why they aren't accountable. Watching the Footy Show it seemed to me the panel wanted to say as much but stopped short of doing so.
I'm one happy farkin fan


I am stoked! Best Ive felt in weeks about the sharks.

And I dont feel sorry for Raper at all.
He is an arrogant dim witted fool who was too weak to make the hard decisions and implement change. He did not develop and bring through any other junior players aside from Douglas. And because of that we have lost several promising young players in the last couple of years.

I reckon he has left the place worse off than it was when it started and for that good ridance. Joke of a coach!!


I think the decision had to be made but wont give the board credit for doing so. They were just trying to save their own behinds and bowed to public pressure.

Results speak for themselves.. 3 years=10th 7th and 13th!

Just hope they get their noses outta the way and let Ricky do his thing.


Im f**king really pissed off about this epsiode. Why didnt they just come out with it than pussy footing around. Instead of wasting money they should of put Lam in the front seat.
f**king digraceful effort , burning bridges everywhere. If the club cant even make a million $ a year how the f**k can they afford to pay out incompetent coaches every second. Some memebers of the board need to stand down and put the club first and not thier pitiful egos!
It was a board problem, there the ones jumping to sign coaches after a few wins, the board are the ones not dealing with issues soon enough or stopping the corrupt nepotism in the club. They had to hire a company to investigate ffs. That just shows that they as a board are useless and are not solid enough to quickly and confidently decided what is right.
The amount of obscene money these fools are paid does not compliment their inadequate performance


Oh fugg off. Whats all the fuss about Lam? Whats he done?
He is a total unproven rookie of a coach and who was right beside Raper this year. Or have you forogtten the debacle of a year we just had.
Why would he be any better than Roper?

Ricky Stuart is the man. The board are doing the right thing.


Its funny when people say the selection process by the board was poor. Dont take my stance the wrong way - i will be voting next year - but as i said at round 14 who was chanting that the selection of Raper was a poor one. More so it was "ah, things have come together as we sit on equal second on the ladder".

Funny really reading threads back then.

The sacking of raper was correct

Lam was not the man for the job - only because of history with Sharks

The admin's time is still to come.

Couple of weeks ago some were calling the board for all money to take rapers head - they have done it!

The Popper

3rd. time lucky? Let's hope so. Everything this Board has done on the football front seems to have blown up in their faces to date. Let's hope that all changes from now.
P.S. Let's hope they've learned something. I certainly wonder if they'll force Sticky to let them ride on the player's bus? :shock:


I said a year and a half ago that kharma would come around after supercoach dropped Maxy Merritt.

Max got the last laugh.

Supercoach tried to ruin his career.

Look where they both are today.

One is about to be the next superstar and the other is on the scrapheap. :lol:

f**k off Raper.

Today is my happiest day for the last 18 months.


I do feel sorry for him as he loved the club but it was all in his hands. He never forced anyone to perform as they were guaranteed a spot. I would rather watch youngsters try and fail as at least they will gain experience then over paid has beens go thru the emotions and embarass everyone involved.

Vagana and Albert both got benched for one game in about round 24. We had already lost 8 in a row. They werent the entire problem but they certainly hadnt been good for ages. If the Dykes/BK combo was so good, surely any back could have reaped the benefits. Except Beau Scott maybe. He would probably still suck in a dropsy contest. Yet he played every game.

Outclassed and could not adapt. Chris Anderson Mach 2. Bye Stu. Good luck and all.

I feel a degree of relief. But it is still only a step in the rebuild.

Sam Shark

LeagueLegend said:
This only reflects even more poorly on the club management and board though and I sympathise with its supporters. How many times can the board/management keep affording to get it wrong?
Agreed - they should never have sacked Anderson.

LeagueLegend said:
Lang (not renewed and then wins a premiership 2 years later)
Yes - but the team was built by Royce Simmons, Lang just got lucky - right club, right time (Like Ricky Stuart at the Roosters after Murray had built the team that won the Premiership! Whoops - did someone say that Sticky is a GREAT coach???

LeagueLegend said:
- Anderson (cost them big time financially with his payout) - now Raper (will also cost them $200k to be paid out). All had various reasons as to why they have gone but they can't simply keep making these errors!!
I still say the Board and their poor decisions are the MAJOR problem in the club. They should all go and then bring in a Board to run the Club like a business with a sound infrastructure and professional junior development implemented.


Before you all start feeling sorry for Raper let me ask you this... How many people are lucky enough to get the sack and still get paid $200 000 for the next year? Some people would have to work 4-5 years to make that much money.I dont feel sorry for him, thats footy.

As for the board, well i hope there time is coming.I'm hardly going to applaud them for making the only decsion that could have been made given the circumstances.
With Ricky coming on board its time for a fresh start, from the top down. Then, maybe, we will see a change in the mediocre culture that is rotting away at this club.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I have zero sympathy for Raper.

His selections ensured this would occur.

I am no fan of the board, but Raper was clearly not up to standard and they dumped him.

I was prepared to give Raper a shot. He had 2 years and took us backwards.

So in essence had I been on the board, I would have pissed Ando off, given Raper a shot as they did.

After this years results - sacked him (I would have been pushing for it earlier).

Therefore I cannot be to critical of the board as I would have done the same.


Cant agree with you Angry.
How would you feel if everyone you worked with new you were getting the ass weeks in advance. Now times that by ten and thats how Raper feels.
I feel a bit sorry for the guy especially when the merkin boss comes out and says they are great mates.
Im glad I dont have mates like that who put knives in peoples backs, because thats what Bazza Pierce has done. FFS the fans all knew and the merkin couldnt come out with it like the Rooters did.
Fair enough his coaching ability has to be questioned but at least the guy had a backbone in beliving in hes players.
It was poorly handled by the board and it was a decision that was months ago influenced by the fans.


The knockout quote was by Baz at the FRiday morning press conference........"stu is a good friend and a great coach"................and thats why they punted him.

That quote killed me with laughter.