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hungry jacks quad stack


First Grade
would you eat one ?


A FAST-food chain's sale of a 4520-kilojoule hamburger is irresponsible and a sign the industry is ignoring health warnings about obesity, experts say.

TV commercials are promoting the Hungry Jack's Quad Stack Burger, which contains four beef patties, four slices of cheese, two rashers of bacon, barbecue sauce and two sugared buns.
It contains 71g of fat, 34.7g of saturated fat, 1930 milligrams of sodium and 74.8g protein.
The burger, which sells for $5.95, has no salad and the calorie content equates to more than half a woman's recommended daily energy intake and almost one-third of a man's.
"I was quite surprised that with so much media about healthy eating and the whole anti-supersize thing that they would come out and do the exact opposite," she said.
"I wasn't too impressed when I saw it on the TV, and even the people who watched it with me, who weren't dietitians, said the same thing. It was a bit like 'what are they thinking?'.
"It seems a bit irresponsible to me - even the way they're marketing it, you would think they might offer a free salad with it to try to even things up but they haven't even done that."
Since 2006, the same burger has been sold by the Hungry Jack's equivalent in the US, Burger King, sparking similar outrage there and across the globe.
In that time, companies such as McDonald's and KFC have introduced healthy alternatives on their Australian menus while providing nutrition information of their products.
Associate Professor Jane Scott, from Flinders University's Nutrition and Dietetics department, said burgers like the Quad were often marketed as a challenge.
"It challenges people to over-consume and this is just overkill," Prof Scott said.
"Once you've had one of these burgers, all you can really eat for the day is fruit and vegies as you've already reached your daily intake in most of the food groups."



I wouldn't eat it. I hate Hungry Jacks and it looks disgusting, a heart attack waiting to happen.


You're forgetting all the sugar in the bun, that's what'll make you store all that fat and protein.


What a bunch of whinging whinning poofs.

Man food, who gives a f**k how much fat is in it.

You people are the types who got rid of the super size at macca's.

Just because some fat f**k can't stop eating, doesn't mean whinging whinning do gooders need to ruin it for everyone else.


Do you want to present a logical argument or are you just going to call everyone poofs? You barely even contributed just then, that was pathetic.

Ram Man

If any of you have had a Burger from the US from anywhere like McDonalds, Burger King, or Jack in The Box, you wont go near another one again!
I went to Hawaii for a footy trip last year, I go a Double Quarter Pounder from McD's and almost had a heart attack on the spot.
They actually deep fry the Meat Patties, I had to Ring the Burger out before I ate it.
I havent been back to any Americanised burger shop since, I still have nightmares about it!


Do you want to present a logical argument or are you just going to call everyone poofs? You barely even contributed just then, that was pathetic.


I'll eat it, you whinge about it and go hungry because it has fat in it.

Todays male generation are more worried about their damn looks than a bunch of stupid anorexic school girls.

You're all a bunch of metrosexuals.

Hey, everyone needs to eat fat, the people who don't eat fat are not doing their body any good, you need fat to burn off when you exercise or even take a bloody walk.

And don't come back in and say, there are different types of fat, who cares, if you eat responsibly and you exercise, everything is cool, you don't need to eat this type of food every day, hell, I have junk food once a month, so as far as I'm concerned, they can pack it with as much stuff as they like as I don't live on it.

No one needs to go out and eat 3 of these in 1 go do they?

I'll have one tonight or tomorrow and I'll report back about it if I'm still alive. :lol:

Oh, and I'll do the responsible thing and not drive to hungry jacks, I'll get some exercise.


I had a Pounder before at Maccas... 4 Patty 1/4 Pounder...

I was regretting it 1/2 way through... then rally regretting it the rest of the day, made me feel sick.:alcho:


If any of you have had a Burger from the US from anywhere like McDonalds, Burger King, or Jack in The Box, you wont go near another one again!
I went to Hawaii for a footy trip last year, I go a Double Quarter Pounder from McD's and almost had a heart attack on the spot.
They actually deep fry the Meat Patties, I had to Ring the Burger out before I ate it.
I havent been back to any Americanised burger shop since, I still have nightmares about it!

Well that sounds yuck, Americans :roll:

If they start doing that out here I won't be eating any of it, I'm not a health freak, but I'm not an idiot either, that is disgusting.

The Preacher

First Grade

I'll eat it, you whinge about it and go hungry because it has fat in it.

Todays male generation are more worried about their damn looks than a bunch of stupid anorexic school girls.

You're all a bunch of metrosexuals.

Hey, everyone needs to eat fat, the people who don't eat fat are not doing their body any good, you need fat to burn off when you exercise or even take a bloody walk.

And don't come back in and say, there are different types of fat, who cares, if you eat responsibly and you exercise, everything is cool, you don't need to eat this type of food every day, hell, I have junk food once a month, so as far as I'm concerned, they can pack it with as much stuff as they like as I don't live on it.

No one needs to go out and eat 3 of these in 1 go do they?

I'll have one tonight or tomorrow and I'll report back about it if I'm still alive. :lol:

Oh, and I'll do the responsible thing and not drive to hungry jacks, I'll get some exercise.

Are you sure you only eat fat, and don't play with yours as well ???

The Colonel

What a bunch of whinging whinning poofs.

Man food, who gives a f**k how much fat is in it.

You people are the types who got rid of the super size at macca's.

Just because some fat f**k can't stop eating, doesn't mean whinging whinning do gooders need to ruin it for everyone else.

In essence what ParraEels says is somewhat true, no matter how crudley worded it is. If it is heavy in calories and fat it shouldn't really matter.

Would I eat one? No.

Should the option for someone who wants to eat it be there? Yes.

If you have no self-control and are going to eat one or two every day it really is your own problem. If you can't walk past it and have to have one chances are you are going to find another food to binge on anyway. Take away this burger and someone will just end up ordering two double whoppers instead. Same result, same or more calories.

One every now and again isn't going to be a big issue.


When I saw the commercial for the first time I was thinking 'WTF, this is the stuff you see in Grand Theft Auto games that take shots at the American fast food industry' :lol:

To think we actually have something like that is sickening.

Honestly would anyone get it?

Makes you sick just looking at it IMO.


I'd get it. If I was in a particularly stupid mood. I've eaten a pounder from Maccas, and i'd probably do it again given some drunken encouragement. Have a f**king cry.



I'll eat it, you whinge about it and go hungry because it has fat in it.

Todays male generation are more worried about their damn looks than a bunch of stupid anorexic school girls.

You're all a bunch of metrosexuals.

Hey, everyone needs to eat fat, the people who don't eat fat are not doing their body any good, you need fat to burn off when you exercise or even take a bloody walk.

And don't come back in and say, there are different types of fat, who cares, if you eat responsibly and you exercise, everything is cool, you don't need to eat this type of food every day, hell, I have junk food once a month, so as far as I'm concerned, they can pack it with as much stuff as they like as I don't live on it.

No one needs to go out and eat 3 of these in 1 go do they?

I'll have one tonight or tomorrow and I'll report back about it if I'm still alive. :lol:

Oh, and I'll do the responsible thing and not drive to hungry jacks, I'll get some exercise.

I said a logical argument, not a straw-man. You're entire argument is aimed at someone who eats no fat, which we both know is a ridiculous assumption. You also use a pretty stock standard conservative argument--as you yearn for the values and traditions of a previous generation--but fail to take into account that fact that the fast food industry has changed a lot over the years. I hate metrosexuals just as much as you, but it's hardly metrosexual to care about your health in times when it's so f**king easy to let yourself go.
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If you have no self-control and are going to eat one or two every day it really is your own problem. If you can't walk past it and have to have one chances are you are going to find another food to binge on anyway. Take away this burger and someone will just end up ordering two double whoppers instead. Same result, same or more calories.

Is it? Or is it our issue when these people start clogging up the health system, over consuming food while other people starve and then bringing their kids up as fatties to make the problem worse. Of course it's their fault, but just because the short-term consequences are pretty much theirs and theirs only, doesn't mean they're only affecting themselves; society pays the final price of obesity; higher health costs, more disability benefits, less physically-capable people in the workforce, more environmental impact through increased demand for food, the list goes on.

The fact is that we have an evolutionary urge to seek out high calorie food. This is why "bad" food tastes so good, we're programmed to like it because we didn't know where our next meal is going to come from. Now of course, we still don't know where our next meal is going to come from, but only because we can't decide whether to go to burger king (Sorry, I just can't bring myself to call it hungry jacks) or McDonalds. Some people are better at controlling this urge than others, but this is almost irrelevant; the increasing amount of obese people will still have a bigger impact on society in general and the fit ones will be expected to take care of them. By making this burger, burger king are only making it easier for people to be irresponsible. I guess it's a similar argument to the one against drugs: there are always going to be responsible users, but it's the irresponsible users that are that have the most impact at the end of the day.

The Colonel

Is it? Or is it our issue when these people start clogging up the health system, over consuming food while other people starve and then bringing their kids up as fatties to make the problem worse. Of course it's their fault, but just because the short-term consequences are pretty much theirs and theirs only, doesn't mean they're only affecting themselves; society pays the final price of obesity; higher health costs, more disability benefits, less physically-capable people in the workforce, more environmental impact through increased demand for food, the list goes on.

Simple fix. If weight issues are the reason for them clogging up the health system make them pay. Same as smokers.

I am overweight, by a good deal at the moment. My biggest problem is I work on average a 70 hour week, get 10 minutes for lunch most days and have little time for exercise. My diet has suffered because of it. Nature of my job unfortunately. I did have to do something about it.

If I was to go to the doctors because of my wieght issues I would happily pay and not seek any recompense.

Problem is the carry on around the problem being a social issue makes the people who are overweight stop taking responsibility and blame it on every one else and expect help to do it.