Well the healthy profits in regard to at least making money on home games :lol:
Relative to this, and compared to our efforts last year and the other night, it was much healthier in the past :lol:
The Knights are actually in deep sh*t. If their massive sponsorship dollars weren't in play - we'd really be struggling.
Its not hard to notice, the Knights budget for anything non football related is practically $0 - from the pre/halftime entertainment, marketing and promotion of the Knights product, and is best summed up by our esteemed website. If someone had the foresight to give a few of the Knights lads a video camera after training and get them in front of a computer keyboard, the website could have Knights TV and a few blogs from players that wouldn't cost a cent. Simple, cost effective solutions to improve things don't seem to be even possible with this current management/board.
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm embarrased to be a Knights fan when it comes to things like that. We are the laughing stock of the competition.