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I have had a gutful!!!


Of course, it is the media that make the players go out perform like absolute
imbeciles! Time to face it, the media will always be scrutinizing Rugby League - like it or not.
Don't blame the media when these F#&king players (albeit minority of them) continue to drag our great game through the mud. We need to concentrate on what we can control (Rugby League's image) and not worry about what we can't (the media).

Just like the topic heading...
I HAVE HAD A F*#KING GUTFUL of the players giving nothing back to the game and the fans that has developed and supported them!!

Love it or leave it!

Well then you must have had a gutful of politicians, priests, teachers, rock stars, tradesmen, military, policemen, bankers et bloody cetera.

Don't step out the door, it a wittle scary out there.


Surely its time to stop blaming the media coverage (i agree that it is ridiculously over the top and often not accurate) but the players feed the f**king media vultures with their ridiculously stupid actions and behaviour.

I dont think as a sports star knowing your under scrutiny that it would be that hard to go through your career without beating up on your girlfriend or screwing chicks in a toilet block with a bunch of your mates or crash tackling some random chick when in a drunken stupor, yet these f**king idiots keep doing it. I know most of them are as dumb as buggery but surely they must have some understanding of what will happen when they are undertaking the act in the first place.

Whether or not the media coverage is over the top is not the issue any more. The game has to protect its brand and constant negative press against players especially in regards to women damages rugby leagues brand in the eyes of the public. Many people on this forum may not choose to acknowledge it but there are many people in the wider public who will not have anything to do with rugby league because of the constant off field dramas associated with the game.

And yes, mums will definetaly stop their sons from playing the sport.
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Pierced Soul

First Grade
the media does have some role to play here, because of the sensationalist crap they try and dredge up it tars the code and makes it look worse than it is. there are times players majorly do the wrong thing - assault, drink driving etc and you cant blame the media for that, however the emdia love to run with whatever stories they can make up to sensationalise whatever they can - maroons acting up before origin 2, broncos palyer with major drug problem, willie pissing on the wall (he prob shoudlnt have done it but it's hardly page 3 material)

the AFL seems to be able to sweep probs under the carpet, why is that? i have no porbs on incidents like the inglis scenario being reported and investigated but i'm sick of nothing stories like tim smith walking drunk down a street and brett seymour being drunk being made into hangable offences.

as for the players, lets put it into perspective, at a young age they're put onto a pedastool, they're given money, they've got groupies chasing after them, blokes buying them beers, they're going to get their own way cos the managers and coaches dont want to upset them and affect their performance or have them leave. they dont necessarily learn boundaries or consequences that most of the rest of us face so some of them go through their careers doing whatever they want. we expect they're going to be mature and not do stupid things but if you've been able to do whatever you want from an early age without consequence, why would you stop when you're older.

the culture is an issue but it comes at an earlier age then the NRL. you treat people like rockstars they're going to act like rockstars

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Can I ask how an alcohol ban is unreasonable?

because you're stopping players partaking in a legal activity. i know it's the root of almsot every problem but banning them and having them sneak drinks at home isnt the answer either.

the 'alcohol ban' has to come from the players, kinda like some teams in the leadup to the finals will make a pact to have a ban, they need to be doing it during the year.

the other extreme is a guy who has a glass of wine with his wife during their anniversary, if theres an alcohol ban do we sack him for it?
Rugby League is a microcosm of Society itself. In all levels across all societies you will always have that rogue dickhead element. That 0.1% of people who just can't help but f**k up. The question shouldn't be, "How do we eliminate this element from Rugby League?" the question should be "How do we eliminate this element from society?"

Put together any group of people the size of the group playing and participating in any level of the NRL, anywhere else in the world and you will have a small element of that group that:

a. will break the rules on what is acceptable within the group
b. will be expelled from the group for their behaviour

I believe that the NRL and Rugby League is doing all it can under the circumstances, but until society in general works out a solution to this issue, we will always have these sorts of things pop up in the NRL.

TBH I actually think the NRL are doing a reasonably good job. I think I heard that we've had 5 or 6 players face charges this year across the comp. I reckon, there'd be more than that facing charges just in the street that I live in. As usual, the media magnify the situation. Whilst I am not condoning Inglis behaviour and I think he is a complete goose and anyone who belts a Woman deserves to cop the complete brunt of the law, you can't single out the fact that he is a League player as some sort of cause for his behaviour. Nor can you tar all League players with the same brush.


Well then you must have had a gutful of politicians, priests, teachers, rock stars, tradesmen, military, policemen, bankers et bloody cetera.

Don't step out the door, it a wittle scary out there.

Well that is a super philosophy there. :thumb
No doubt you will continue to think like this while junior numbers suffer, crowds and TV numbers shrink and sponsors withdraw if these dipsh#t players continue to act like children.

I personally know alot of people, many of them young mums who now despise rugby League because of these scandals. I can't see them rushing down their sons to the local rugby league sign-on day....

Is all the media spotlot fair? No. Is the world fair? No. But as you said, it is scary out there.


Athletes act like this in every sport, it's just only ours are either:

a) reported (afl syndrome)
b) anyone cares (soccer or union syndrome)

As stupid as it may seem, the players arent the issue (as has been pointed out many times, when you have this many people representing something, it's going to have a percentage of rogue tools). If junior numbers drop it's purely because of the media.

God-King Dean

lol, I love scandals. The reaction from the wowsters are priceless.

No, people won't stop watching the games, and no, the game is not dying from them.


First Grade
i just got into a fight on facebook coz a girl i know had her status like 'they should just cancel the entire NRL, they are all vile pigs'

my head exploded



Well that is a super philosophy there. :thumb
No doubt you will continue to think like this while junior numbers suffer, crowds and TV numbers shrink and sponsors withdraw if these dipsh#t players continue to act like children.

I personally know alot of people, many of them young mums who now despise rugby League because of these scandals. I can't see them rushing down their sons to the local rugby league sign-on day....

Is all the media spotlot fair? No. Is the world fair? No. But as you said, it is scary out there.

Your not connecting the dots, your response makes no sense re my post/posts.

All I can do is to reconfirm that all sports have their problems, the main codes here, ARF, Rugby Union and Soccer, easily match RL in incidents here or in countries were they are more popular at the higher level...again as a reflection of society.....and add the ingredients of wealth, youth, fame.

As supporters of RL, we should be asking the question why, quite clearly, RL is so vulnerable in the media, and the others so protected.

You can reference those massive sticky topics in the fight club forum called AFL and RU culture to despise, to start to get a picture of what does go on (great work by those contributors). I guess there is no soccer one, as it wouldn't be fair, it is a big sport and it would take too much work to keep tabs of.
Now as a result of those incidents I don't hear the cries re cultures, sponsors and little mama......do you....or from their fans.....

It is your attitude and others like you, who have have been manipulated and moulded into a nice obedient doormats.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
I have had a gutful too.

Whilst I agree that league players don't get away with it like in other codes, that does not mean that some of the cases this year should be excused.

Guys pissing against a wall are stupid, and should be told to smarten up, as they are paid professionals.

Guys that harm someone, especially women, should be punted from the game. If it was a Souths player, and I don't care if it was our best, I would be letting the club know that as a member I want the grub out of our colours.

I doubt that the administration of the game will have the balls to punt him.
If I was a player for a rival club, the next time Inglis ran at me, I would put him straight onto a stretcher, because it is scum like him that is dragging the game down, as well as every player and as a result their earning power.


the media does have some role to play here, because of the sensationalist crap they try and dredge up it tars the code and makes it look worse than it is. there are times players majorly do the wrong thing - assault, drink driving etc and you cant blame the media for that, however the emdia love to run with whatever stories they can make up to sensationalise whatever they can - maroons acting up before origin 2, broncos palyer with major drug problem, willie pissing on the wall (he prob shoudlnt have done it but it's hardly page 3 material)

the AFL seems to be able to sweep probs under the carpet, why is that? i have no porbs on incidents like the inglis scenario being reported and investigated but i'm sick of nothing stories like tim smith walking drunk down a street and brett seymour being drunk being made into hangable offences.

as for the players, lets put it into perspective, at a young age they're put onto a pedastool, they're given money, they've got groupies chasing after them, blokes buying them beers, they're going to get their own way cos the managers and coaches dont want to upset them and affect their performance or have them leave. they dont necessarily learn boundaries or consequences that most of the rest of us face so some of them go through their careers doing whatever they want. we expect they're going to be mature and not do stupid things but if you've been able to do whatever you want from an early age without consequence, why would you stop when you're older.

the culture is an issue but it comes at an earlier age then the NRL. you treat people like rockstars they're going to act like rockstars

Very well said i totally agree,good to see someone on this site with common sence


What annoys me is thet these players know they are looked at constantly by the media and if they have even the smallest stuff up. BANG Front page.There are double standards in the media yes but these so called professionals should know that the spotlight is on them and whatever indescretion they do big or small it will be reported on. They know that alcohol and Rugby league is a big issue this year Yet they still feel the need to get on the grog. it's very frustrating.


I have had a gutful too.

Whilst I agree that league players don't get away with it like in other codes, that does not mean that some of the cases this year should be excused.

Agreed, I've defended the players every time there is a media witch hunt, but some things can't ever be defended and some people don't deserve the privilege of making their living from The Greatest Game.


Your not connecting the dots, your response makes no sense re my post/posts.

All I can do is to reconfirm that all sports have their problems, the main codes here, ARF, Rugby Union and Soccer, easily match RL in incidents here or in countries were they are more popular at the higher level...again as a reflection of society.....and add the ingredients of wealth, youth, fame.

As supporters of RL, we should be asking the question why, quite clearly, RL is so vulnerable in the media, and the others so protected.

You can reference those massive sticky topics in the fight club forum called AFL and RU culture to despise, to start to get a picture of what does go on (great work by those contributors). I guess there is no soccer one, as it wouldn't be fair, it is a big sport and it would take too much work to keep tabs of.
Now as a result of those incidents I don't hear the cries re cultures, sponsors and little mama......do you....or from their fans.....

It is your attitude and others like you, who have have been manipulated and moulded into a nice obedient doormats.

Yes, all sports do have their problems. And yes, I agree with you, that other sports do have similar incidents which are not reported as enthusiastically as Rugby League events.

Worrying about media bias is a waste of time and not the root cause of this problem. The media will continue to sensationalize our game whether we like it or not.

Lets get busy addressing the root cause which is players (again, very small percentage) acting like spoilt children. I don't agree with the old 'society' issues impacting League. These players are being paid alot of money to play full-time footbal.If they can't handle the pressures, expectations and public focus, of playing football in Australia, then Rugby League is not for them.


Yes, all sports do have their problems. And yes, I agree with you, that other sports do have similar incidents which are not reported as enthusiastically as Rugby League events.

Worrying about media bias is a waste of time and not the root cause of this problem. The media will continue to sensationalize our game whether we like it or not.

Lets get busy addressing the root cause which is players (again, very small percentage) acting like spoilt children. I don't agree with the old 'society' issues impacting League. These players are being paid alot of money to play full-time footbal.If they can't handle the pressures, expectations and public focus, of playing football in Australia, then Rugby League is not for them.

Turning circles.

The root cause is the root cause of all sports....and you will never stamp it out....I mean,....do you think it's possible??

The "old society" has had and still having a huge impact. Mate I worked in the banking industry in many countries..and traveled to a sh*t load more....I'd say it's live and kicking.

Rugby writers like Peter Fitzimmons, Spiro Zafos, David Campese, amongst a plethora of others, continually focus their attention on another sport and Bag it continually.

Why are they doing this, and who are their paymasters who allow them to do this year in year out. Please explain...and then tell me the "media" which is part of the propaganda tool, is not worth addressing.