So what becomes of the Balmain Tigers if this does indeed come to fruition and in the now bigger picture.. Wests Tigers ?
Looks like Lecihhardt may soon be a dead duck
LOL @ you westies arguing over who has the best town.
The facts as I understand them:
* Wests Tigers is a j/v between the two RLFCs, not the leagues clubs.
* The leagues clubs provide the funding to the two RLFCs, who in turn contribute an equal amount to the Wests Tigers (ie, dollar for dollar, one cannot contribute more).
* Wests Tigers RLFC is apparently in good financial state and irrespective of what happens to the leagues club, the j/v won't (in all likelihood) be affected.
* Merchandise, gate tickets, memberships etc etc from the Wests Tigers is retained by Wests Tigers RLFC, not divvied up back to Balmain/Wests RLFC, although I may be wrong?
* Leagues club still has a considerable asset base so in the short term there isn't a great problem.
It's not time to sound the death knell just yet.