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I thought he'd broken his neck


I thought the same thing that he said what he did purely to influence the suspension as much as possible, which leads me to believe one thing. They are scared


Trial by media...


Kite's season takes a dive
By Dean Ritchie
August 1, 2006

CONCUSSED Manly prop Brent Kite is resting in a darkened room with doctors fearing he could be sidelined until the finals after a high tackle that has Parramatta's Fuifui Moimoi facing a 10-game ban.

The NRL has requested a medical report from Manly doctor Paul Bloomfield on Kite's condition.

Bloomfield revealed yesterday Kite's concussion was so severe the representative prop may not return until week two of the NRL finals in September.

"Brent was unconscious for three minutes. It is significant concussion," he said. "He is resting and improving but we will have to monitor him.

"He is still having headaches and is sluggish and tired. Brent will have to complete a neuro-psych test, which will show any memory loss.

"This test will also show his reactive time and response time," added Dr Bloomfield.
Moimoi was sent off for the tackle during Parramatta's 31-18 win over Manly at Parramatta Stadium last Saturday night.

He has been charged with a grade three reckless high tackle and will be suspended for seven games with an early plea or 10 games if he contest the charge and loses.

"I don't remember anything but from what I've been told I'm lucky not to have a broken jaw or any head fractures," Kite said yesterday.

By accepting a seven-match ban, Moimoi would not be back until week three of the finals, provided Parramatta is still in premiership race by then.

The loss of robust Moimoi for such a lengthy spell will be a body-blow to the Eels, who have won in six outings. Parramatta officials will decide today whether to plead guilty.

Bloomfield said only time will tell whether Kite recovers in time to play in Manly's next game. The Sea Eagles have the bye this weekend.

"It will depend on his ongoing symptoms," Bloomfield said.

"Potentially, it could be three, four, six weeks. Luke Williamson was out for between six to eight weeks toward the end of last season."

Moimoi missed the Eels' finals last year after being suspended for nine weeks, also for a high tackle.

It was his second suspension in his debut year at Parramatta after also missing five games for a previous high shot.

New Zealand Warriors prop Ruben Wiki and Sydney Roosters back Amos Roberts were also charged by the match review committee yesterday.

Wiki will miss one match with an early guilty plea to his grade three careless high tackle while Roberts is facing a two-match ban regardless of whether he pleads guilty or contests a grade one dangerous throw charge.

JOB 3:14

kennedy has come from the school of A.Johns "sooking".
i'ts good to see that his last memory against parra is a LOSS after taking the title from us in 2001.
Great player, but C U LATER BEN.
Apparently Kennedy has a job writing for Mills & Boon next year?

He did want to become a fully fledged drama queen, but, found out that Ian Roberts has already taken the position.

I suggest he looks at the possibilities of working in childrens TV - maybe he could fill in as Humphrey B Bear - that way he can continue to open his mouth, but with no sound coming out?

Any other suggestions?


scottyeel said:
Kennedy wasn't a whinger when he played for Newcastle. They must teach whinging instead of defence at Manly.

I remember when he captained the Knights once, and just like at Manly he spent the whole game whinging

fish eel

KevinArnold said:
That article sounds like it was written by a worried mother :roll:

Kennedy is soft as the Michelin Man.

Kennedy might be many things but he is far from soft....tougher than most of the guys that have played in our foward pack over recent years.


I had to read alot of stuff from a pack of losers that must know absolute nothing before i finally read the reply from "fish eel"

hahahhaha.... you guys are so biased... Ben Kennedy owns everyone in your team!!

He is better than every single player in your team... I am a Hindmarsh lover but Ben Kennedy is better and this will be proven at the Dally M's... even if BK don't win it who wants to bet me that Nathan Hindmarsh finishes above Ben Kennedy???

Think what you want about the article but you all deep down know that Ben Kennedy is a freak and you'd give your right arm to have him in your team

fish eel

Nutzcraw said:
I had to read alot of stuff from a pack of losers that must know absolute nothing before i finally read the reply from "fish eel"

hahahhaha.... you guys are so biased... Ben Kennedy owns everyone in your team!!

He is better than every single player in your team... I am a Hindmarsh lover but Ben Kennedy is better and this will be proven at the Dally M's... even if BK don't win it who wants to bet me that Nathan Hindmarsh finishes above Ben Kennedy???

Think what you want about the article but you all deep down know that Ben Kennedy is a freak and you'd give your right arm to have him in your team

Geez, I thought that was going to be a credible post at first....

FFS, I'd take Hindmarsh over Kennedy any day. As would many, many people.

I wouldnt be surprised though if Kennedy finishes above Nathan at the Dally M's.

Why? Because he is the only guy in your squad that does anything....I mean, Jason 'zero hit ups' King, is hardly going to take Dally M points off BK, is he?

At least we've got a few other guys that have a dig.


Post Whore
I'd be surprised if this hasn't been mentioned somewhere on these pages but is it only me that thinks that the damge done to Kite was more from his collision with the turf than it was from Fui's tackle?



Post Whore
Nutzcraw said:
I had to read alot of stuff from a pack of losers that must know absolute nothing before i finally read the reply from "fish eel"

hahahhaha.... you guys are so biased... Ben Kennedy owns everyone in your team!!

He is better than every single player in your team... I am a Hindmarsh lover but Ben Kennedy is better and this will be proven at the Dally M's... even if BK don't win it who wants to bet me that Nathan Hindmarsh finishes above Ben Kennedy???

Think what you want about the article but you all deep down know that Ben Kennedy is a freak and you'd give your right arm to have him in your team
you would prefer a guy that has about six weeks left in his career like kennedy over a guy like hindy who's in his prime.:crazy: i'm not knocking kennedy at all been a great player for a long time now but he's just about to fall apart carrying your joke of a team for 2 yr's. enjoy next season without him :D


Suitman said:
I'd be surprised if this hasn't been mentioned somewhere on these pages but is it only me that thinks that the damge done to Kite was more from his collision with the turf than it was from Fui's tackle?


Totally agree 100%, but hey dont let the truth get in the way of crucifying FUI :x


Suitman said:
I'd be surprised if this hasn't been mentioned somewhere on these pages but is it only me that thinks that the damge done to Kite was more from his collision with the turf than it was from Fui's tackle?


Suity, you freak:lol: , did it occur to you that the 'collision with the turf' occured due to Kite being rendered gar gar by the over weight gentleman with the poor tackling technique??. A swinging forearm to the head region will generally cause more damage than a wee headbutt on the pristine Parra turf.

However, I must say, you all present a good example of 'convincing ones self of what happened'. Whilst all unbias fans and players would be thinking......'Jeez, that was one heck of a high tackle'.



Post Whore
Sticks said:
Suity, you freak:lol: , did it occur to you that the 'collision with the turf' occured due to Kite being rendered gar gar by the over weight gentleman with the poor tackling technique??. A swinging forearm to the head region will generally cause more damage than a wee headbutt on the pristine Parra turf.

However, I must say, you all present a good example of 'convincing ones self of what happened'. Whilst all unbias fans and players would be thinking......'Jeez, that was one heck of a high tackle'.


It must be just me then. :roll:



hineyrulz said:
you would prefer a guy that has about six weeks left in his career like kennedy over a guy like hindy who's in his prime.:crazy: i'm not knocking kennedy at all been a great player for a long time now but he's just about to fall apart carrying your joke of a team for 2 yr's. enjoy next season without him :D

Enjoy next season with Hagan


Enjoy next season with Hagan

wow!i think you are forgetting who your coach is. hahahaha. Des Hasler. Gee, hasnt he produced some great results.

Kite is an over-rated knee lifting twinkie. fui put a nice hit on him and he couldnt cop it. kite should put his pink tutu back on and go for a dance. fui owns kite. he owned him for 50min on saturday night and therefore the scoreline.


Post Whore
scottyj said:
Enjoy next season with Hagan
is that the best you got :lol: :lol: :lol: hagan at least has won a game of semi final football what has hasler won zero


with all the hype in the papers you would think kite was on his death bed,
firstly he walks off the pitch,gets dressed and watches the rest of the game,travels with the players on the bus home and now he has to sit in a dark room and he may not play again this year.............
SO if its that bloody bad why isn't he in hospital being monitored,i mean ffs it sounds like he's in a bad way,
typical manley and telecrap vindication of a great club........

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