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I'm tempted to give it to you's but....


.... the majority of Rooster Booster on this corner of the internet have been good sports in victory and defeat over the last two or so years so I'll just wish you's all the best and see you's next year.

All I can say is that both GF victories and defeats I've been there and done that myself so i know how the good sports amongst Rooster Boosters feel and I have no desire to rub it in.

However, if any of you's happen across my old mates Chook, Rooster Cogburn and a select few others.... do pass on my love.

And remind them that's now six times, six times, six times, six times, six times, six times in my lifetime so anything else they want to say about my Dogs they can blow it out their arse.


Zef, well done on your win. Just off-topic for a sec, could you please reply to my PM on here...I want to discuss 7's with you. If you can't reply for some reason...I'll email you at your Yahoo address.


Zef said:
.... the majority of Rooster Booster on this corner of the internet have been good sports in victory and defeat over the last two or so years so I'll just wish you's all the best and see you's next year.

All I can say is that both GF victories and defeats I've been there and done that myself so i know how the good sports amongst Rooster Boosters feel and I have no desire to rub it in.

However, if any of you's happen across my old mates Chook, Rooster Cogburn and a select few others.... do pass on my love.

And remind them that's now six times, six times, six times, six times, six times, six times in my lifetime so anything else they want to say about my Dogs they can blow it out their arse.

I will take my medicine, well done Fez.
Congrats your team won fair and square.
6 times in your lifetime, I am jealous of that stat.
See ya next year.


Me old mate Backwards - I'm tempted to throw a couple of stupid f***in' smiley faces your way but you know i always hated those stupid f***in' smiley faces.

So a truce - you quit with the stupid f***in' smiley faces and I won't mention six Premierships in one lifteime again.



Well i can't be mad at the Dogs for winning. We can't expect them to just let us win because it was Freddy's last game.
The Dogs are actually the team i support other than the Roosters. Don't get me wrong though i'm a Rooster through and through. So it was kinda wierd having my favourite team playing against my 2nd favourite team in the Grand Final. I was hoping for a Roosters win but that didn't happen.

It really does annoy me when people rub it in though. Cause i wouldn't. Always be gracious in defeat or victory.

Cheers for not rubbing it in and wishing us the best Zef. :clap:
I respect that


I am VERY pleased at the actions of the Dogs fans' in victory! Most gracious, despite the fact that if ANYONE ever deserved to rub it into the noses of SO many after the event...in the main, we have almost all refrained!

We most assuredly did not get the same respect in return in 2002 is all I will say....

All class Doggies - Well done - I've been following the club for about 25 years now - but I cannot remember being prouder to be a Bulldogs fan than I am right now!! :clap:

'I love youse all!!' :D


Zef said:
Me old mate Backwards - I'm tempted to throw a couple of stupid f***in' smiley faces your way but you know i always hated those stupid f***in' smiley faces.

So a truce - you quit with the stupid f***in' smiley faces and I won't mention six Premierships in one lifteime again.


Its like that show deal or no deal??

Allright no more smileys for you, fez.

But for you only!!

Still the 6 premierships call dosent bother me as such, just hope I get to see Easts win as many.

Its so bizzare not ending with the trusty, smileys!!

Easts to Win 2005, that will do!!


STSAE said:
Easts to Win 2005, that will do!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


pyro said:
Cheers for not rubbing it in and wishing us the best Zef. :clap:
I respect that

Well, don't think for a second that I'm some kind of saint Pyro, cause if I could get me hands on a select few Rooster Boosters, believe me I'd take great delight in rubbing it in - or more to the point rubbing their f***in' noses in it.

But sport has a great way of dishing out justice proportional to what's deserved so I take comfort in that.

For instance - you're good sports will be disappointed for a while but they'll get over it soon enough and pump up for Season '05 with renewed enthusiasm.

Your sledgers - like me (and there's nothing wrong with a bit of sledging as long as it's all above the belt), well they may take a little longer and have to swallow some pride and ofcourse find the old ammo belt isn't as full as it used to be - but they'll carry on and be ready to resume hostilities in Season 2005 all in good spirit.

And then there's your absolute vindictive Dog hating d.ckheads like your Ferris, Chook, Bill Dart (from The Wall) and a few others who'll be hurting deep to the bone and probably will never get over this.

So, you see what I mean? Sport dispenses it's own justice. The more hurt you pour into it while the sun's shining, the more it's gonna hurt when it rains.

And that's good.


First Grade
And if you think choking in a grand final against you cheats will in any way diminish my vindictive hatred of your club Zef you are very much mistaken. It'll still be there next year.



Chook said:
And if you think choking in a grand final against you cheats will in any way diminish my vindictive hatred of your club Zef you are very much mistaken. It'll still be there next year.

That's good Chook, that's very good.

And here's hoping we can make football just as miserable for you again next year. Though with the way your Chookies are looking - well, it never hurts as much if you're not there for the big day I guess.

Which is a pity really.


First Grade
Zef said:
Chook said:
And if you think choking in a grand final against you cheats will in any way diminish my vindictive hatred of your club Zef you are very much mistaken. It'll still be there next year.

That's good Chook, that's very good.

And here's hoping we can make football just as miserable for you again next year. Though with the way your Chookies are looking - well, it never hurts as much if you're not there for the big day I guess.

Which is a pity really.

We have to miss out appearing in the big one sooner or later Zef. And seeing how we are not expected to achieve, there is very little pressure on us.

It'll be interesting to see if you guys can back up or will this year be simply a fluke ala Penrith?



Chook said:
It'll be interesting to see if you guys can back up or will this year be simply a fluke ala Penrith?

When your kind get over being bad losers, you should have another close look at what The Panthers achieved this year and how they're sitting for next year.

This year proved there was no fluke. And let me tell you they've done an outstanding job of keeping their core squad together for 3 seasons now - rather than panicking at the first loss and looking for "transit lounge" solutions they've consolidated.

Panthers are as big a threat for the title next year as we are. You's are starting to look like a transit lounge again.

Panthers will have the last laugh on you lot.


First Grade
Zef said:
Chook said:
It'll be interesting to see if you guys can back up or will this year be simply a fluke ala Penrith?

When your kind get over being bad losers, you should have another close look at what The Panthers achieved this year and how they're sitting for next year.

This year proved there was no fluke. And let me tell you they've done an outstanding job of keeping their core squad together for 3 seasons now - rather than panicking at the first loss and looking for "transit lounge" solutions they've consolidated.

Puhlease! Penrith nearly got run down after getting to 24-0 lead and in the end were one penalty goal away from first week oblivion. They got a week off courtesy of your choke against the Cowboys and then got bashed out of the comp in the prelim final.

Zef said:
Panthers are as big a threat for the title next year as we are. You's are starting to look like a transit lounge again.

Panthers will have the last laugh on you lot.

A transit lounge? That's rich coming from you. We've had to let players go because of a thing called the salary cap. You know that thing your club ignored for god knows how many years so it didn't become a transit lounge? It just keep paying everyone to stay rather than have to let them go. Don't you remember Zef?

At the moment everyone is having the last laugh on us, including the Panthers.

But it's a long off season. And by the end I might have run over enough stray dogs to satiate my rage. But then again, I might not.



Chook said:
A transit lounge? That's rich coming from you. We've had to let players go because of a thing called the salary cap. You know that thing your club ignored for god knows how many years so it didn't become a transit lounge? It just keep paying everyone to stay rather than have to let them go. Don't you remember Zef?

You know, that’s all sooooooo 2002.

I’m talking modern times here, not ancient history. And from an outsider looking in I’ll offer these observations.

There once was a time Easts were known as the transit lounge due to the turnover of players each year and it had nothing to do with the cap – it was more a philosophy. You’s would try Smith & Jones and if they didn’t bring you a Premiership, well there’d be no patience shown for Smith & Jones so out they’d go and in would come Black & Brown.

Again, I’m just making observations here but from the outside looking in, out goes Hodges, Hegarty & Byrne and in comes Firman, Monahan & Roberts. You could argue the cap but it looks more a like for like swap $$ wise so it’s looking decidedly…… dare I say it… like a “you know what”.

And I’ll make a further prediction here based on pretty common knowledge – your lot are gonna make huge plays for both Mason & SB next season knowing that while you won’t get both, you’ll make them too expensive for us to keep both, so we’ll have to make a choice and you’ll nab the other. And when you get Big Willie Mason’s signature for 2006 it’ll be out with Crocker and in with Mason. Again – something that looks suspiciously like “there’s that word again”.

And furthermore if you really want to understand the mindset – have a look at the Dog’s Debate page in comparison to The Wall.. We’re all talking about who we can keep – you’s are all talking about who you’s can buy - Mason, SB, Fieldon, Orford, etc etc. You’s are already lining up your targets for Season 2006 and we’re not even into 2005 yet. It’s a mindset thing – it’s just the way you’s think which is a tad different to us. On any given week on The Wall there’ll be a thread about who you’s can buy and who you’s can punt. We’re always more concerned with who we’ve got and how we can keep them, and that’s why give or take a player here or there, we always have a core group of ½ dozen or more in our team that’s played 5-6 years together – and that’s in any era right back to the late 70’s.

You’s were starting to look that way too, but just lately from the outside looking in – it’s starting to look like you’s are falling back into old habits.

At the end of the day it’s whatever works for you’s I guess but from my understanding – it never worked in the first place.


First Grade
Zef said:
You know, that’s all sooooooo 2002.

Yes but your club is still achieving as a result of your rorting the cap back in 2002, you can’t deny that. Why else would your club ask its current crop of players to take pay cuts and defer payments…again?

Zef said:
I’m talking modern times here, not ancient history. And from an outsider looking in I’ll offer these observations.

There once was a time Easts were known as the transit lounge due to the turnover of players each year and it had nothing to do with the cap – it was more a philosophy. You’s would try Smith & Jones and if they didn’t bring you a Premiership, well there’d be no patience shown for Smith & Jones so out they’d go and in would come Black & Brown.

A duds a dud Zef, and in our history we attracted them like bees to money. It was a bad attitude, but one that hasn’t been with us for years.

Zef said:
Again, I’m just making observations here but from the outside looking in, out goes Hodges, Hegarty & Byrne and in comes Firman, Monahan & Roberts. You could argue the cap but it looks more a like for like swap $$ wise so it’s looking decidedly…… dare I say it… like a “you know what”.

Hodges wanted out so there’s no point trying to keep him. Hegs was offered twice what we could offer and Byrne is a fill in first grader at best. Although Hegs and Byrne have been with us for years so it’s hardly one season and off you go. Don’t exaggerate your observations Zef, it makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Zef said:
And I’ll make a further prediction here based on pretty common knowledge – your lot are gonna make huge plays for both Mason & SB next season knowing that while you won’t get both, you’ll make them too expensive for us to keep both, so we’ll have to make a choice and you’ll nab the other. And when you get Big Willie Mason’s signature for 2006 it’ll be out with Crocker and in with Mason. Again – something that looks suspiciously like “there’s that word again”.

The 13+ clubs vying for their signatures will be what drives their price up Zef, don’t try and lay the blame for that solely on us. We won’t be the only ones making a play for Williams and Mason, surely even you must realise that? There you go again with your exaggerated observations.

Zef said:
And furthermore if you really want to understand the mindset – have a look at the Dog’s Debate page in comparison to The Wall.. We’re all talking about who we can keep – you’s are all talking about who you’s can buy - Mason, SB, Fieldon, Orford, etc etc. You’s are already lining up your targets for Season 2006 and we’re not even into 2005 yet. It’s a mindset thing – it’s just the way you’s think which is a tad different to us. On any given week on The Wall there’ll be a thread about who you’s can buy and who you’s can punt. We’re always more concerned with who we’ve got and how we can keep them, and that’s why give or take a player here or there, we always have a core group of ½ dozen or more in our team that’s played 5-6 years together – and that’s in any era right back to the late 70’s.

That’s not entirely true Zef, as we don’t and will probably never know how far back your cap rorting scheme went? Just because it was found out in 2002 doesn’t mean that was the only year in was in place. In fact, I remember clearly the investigative reporter saying it went back a whole lot further than just 2002. And had it not been for your cap rorting scheme your club would also have had a high turnover of players resulting in a “transit lounge” facade. Cap rorting or Transit Lounge, your club chose cap rorting. Try as you might Zef, that’s not something you can turn into a positive by claiming you weren’t a transit lounge because you rorted the cap to keep your players!

Zef said:
You’s were starting to look that way too, but just lately from the outside looking in – it’s starting to look like you’s are falling back into old habits.

At the end of the day it’s whatever works for you’s I guess but from my understanding – it never worked in the first place.

In the end it’s a matter of perspective. I cannot see how 6 outgoing players with only 3 incoming results in a transit lounge. Whereas you couldn’t see that your clubs’ attitude and philosophy is the absolute worst of the league, but I can.



Chook said:
Yes but your club is still achieving as a result of your rorting the cap back in 2002, you can’t deny that. Why else would your club ask its current crop of players to take pay cuts and defer payments…again?

That's because of the sponsorship bonus thingy - we lost sponsors this year so we lost $100K off the cap in penalty's - actually not so much a penalty more we didn't get the bonus.

Won't be a problem next year though - the two-faced bastards are beating our door down now, even Bing Lee wants back in but we're gonna tell him to go and get f***ed. And then there's the merchandising, $$$$$ KA-CHING! $$$$$. Did you know we've set an all time record in merchandise in the last month - we've already beaten Roosters '02 and Panthers '03 COMBINED in 3 short weeks and there's plenty left to go and seeing as we get a cut of all that...

$$$$ KA-CHING! $$$$$

But anyway I digress. getting back on topic, have a good look at our player turnover in salary cap and non-salary years and you'll find them about the same. We just don't turn them over at the rate as your lot whatever spin you put on it. What we tend to do is around the time we change coaches (which again is once in blue moons) we have a purge and dump a whole brace in one hit. But again that's more a planned purge than something that's... how do I put this?.....


Yeah, that'll do - systemic.


First Grade
Zef said:
But anyway I digress. getting back on topic, have a good look at our player turnover in salary cap and non-salary years and you'll find them about the same. We just don't turn them over at the rate as your lot whatever spin you put on it. What we tend to do is around the time we change coaches (which again is once in blue moons) we have a purge and dump a whole brace in one hit. But again that's more a planned purge than something that's... how do I put this?.....


Yeah, that'll do - systemic.

I disagree. The Roosters have been far less active in the player market over the last 5-6 seasons than most clubs, including yours. Over the past 2-3 years we have maintained a core group of young players and built around them. And that system looks set to continue as we make use of our premiership winning Prem league and Flegg sides.

If you’re talking longer term then yes we would have more turnovers of players than any club. But those days are far behind us and will never return, regardless of whatever spin you try and put on it.


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