Old fester , a moment of sheer brilliance I must confess unashamedly.
I recall the look of Mary at the post match press conferences and immediately Uncle Fester came to mind and thus the legend ( ? ) was born
Lol, thanks for sharing that moment.
And apart from the similarity of features, the real festers light globe was flashing in his mouth giving him his whacko zany look.
And that’s exactly the same vibe people were getting from Mary. Like he’s the only person in the press conference that genuinely believes he’s sane, while everyone else thought he hadn’t watched the game.
The “real” fester, just a brilliant actor and a wonderful human being.
Same as Mary!
And the classic Mary-isms and his jester suit he wore only once because he obviously got the message that people thought it was too appropriate.
Then while he’s unemployed, he pulls off the miracle of the nsw assistant coaching job.
The second best coach in NSW!
He’s an enigma as we agreed. The second coming in rugby league parlance.
I’m telling you, one day, he will be elected as the nominated coach of the Immortals!
He’s beaten us critics to a pulp and we will all die smiling.