I don't think P.I. is a complete waste of time, as there are some useful and informative threads on the forum.
I do, however think that it is over-moderated and censored. I feel that those who question the clubs motives, criticise the clubs directions and show the slightest ounce of negativity to a certain direction or, be it, lack of direction to which the club is taking, are treated with scorn, rebuked and censored by the moderators and these do-gooder bum-licking moderator wannabes.
Just today, I was told by one of these wowsers (Panthian) in the "CEO's column" thread that I should be sin-binned for displaying neagativity and having an opinion. :roll: I'm not sure if this individual was being serious, or he's merely just brown-nosing for Moderator or VIP status. Unfortunately I'm of the opinion that a lot of these wankers are rebuking other posters and licking a*se for precisely that reason. While I agree that there is definately a place for moderators on a forum (albeit a restricted number of them) I disagree with the concept of VIP status as it just promotes elitism. In any case I think that if the VIP status concept has to continue it should be awarded fairly. Presently it is awarded unfairly and often awarded to posters that praise the club and do not question its motives one Iota e.g. Troy Mclure: The guy had all but registered and he gets VIP status! If the VIP status concept was fairly awarded, there would be quite a few more posters awarded the status rather than these brown nosing individuals.
I'm of the opinion that Freedom of speech is of paramount importance. I'm also of the opinion that if you want to live in a country/environment where freedom of speech is a fundamental principle, then you have to be prepared to accept the fact that sometimes people may say things that upset you or even offend you, which is why I'm opposed to Political Correctness. I do realise on a public internet forum that the censorship rules have to be stricter than in the real world for legal reasons because of civil liability/defamation etc and possible damage to reputations. However, I'm all for people expressing their opinions on a public internet forum, so long as the way they express it does not breach the forum rules. Even if it is criticising the club and it's management/being negative towards the direction or lack of direction that a club is taking. For those aforementioned wowsers that don't like people questioning/criticising the club, it's quite simple; Do us all a favour and don't even bother putting your mouse cursor over the thread in question.