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Is Robbie Farah the 2nd greatest hooker of all-time?

simon says

First Grade
Did anyone see the try saving tackle he made right on half time against Parra??

Where he ran 60 metres when he was miles away and saved a try.

Truely inspirational effort.

Has carried the tigers for years.


Buderus got a leg up from Johns his whole career, both club and SOO...and what other hooker would have challenged him at the time? If Smith or Farah were playing back then Buderus would have gone to the UK earlier.

It always tickles me when this argument comes up, since the whole 'Johns made Buderus' argument kinda falls apart when you consider he won the Dally M the year Johns only played 2 games.

Besides if you think about it in practice, how does Cronk make Smith look better and Johns make Buderus look better? 90% of the time any play will literally start with the hooker passing the ball. So how someone else can be credited with that I'm not sure.


First Grade
Not even close!! He woukdnt make the top 20.

I'm not even sure he is the 2nd best hooked at the moment!

I think Ballin & Segeyaro are better.

I've avoided posting in this thread lest my opinion was deemed biased, but goddamn that's some moronic shit you're going on with.


First Grade
That's the reason I've just kinda steered clear of reading it. Tigers fans overrate our guys and others underrate then because they think they're overrated. Add two cups of derp and stir.



But there is also some moronic shit coming from certain tigers fans.

and the OP

I'm sorry, Smiffy is not my cuppa tea.

He does not set the orld on fire like Robbie does.

Sorry to break it to ya but the evident bias that runs through Channel 9, Robbie is the greatest hooker of all time.


Melb 2012 .won UNDER THE CAP..so you are wrong .
Cam Smith has played at a level far above (SOO & INTERNATIONAL) that of Farah & has been far more consistant..Wrong again.

Give up now.

Which is why Farah owned Smith in last years series you goose.

Smith is simply a whinger too. A cheat. A merkin. Thats why he will never be as good as Walters.


It always tickles me when this argument comes up, since the whole 'Johns made Buderus' argument kinda falls apart when you consider he won the Dally M the year Johns only played 2 games.

Besides if you think about it in practice, how does Cronk make Smith look better and Johns make Buderus look better? 90% of the time any play will literally start with the hooker passing the ball. So how someone else can be credited with that I'm not sure.

Well you consider the calibre of Johns and the influence he had over the players he played with. There's no doubt Buderus was a good hooker though I'm saying Johns made him look better. He deserved those Dally M's but without the influence of Johns... hmm

Re. 90% argument, that's jaded with many factors for example the halves direct the play and call for it when they see it. I'm sure we've all heard it but having an influential halfback is paramount for the entire team...kicking game, possession, territory, winning games to be in the semis... and setting up the score to be in front for the hooker to have an opportunity to be in an attacking position to begin with.

As shit as the Tigers have had it with halfbacks, Farah would be in a league of his own carrying a team with more than 17 halves combinations in 8 years. Imagine Cronk or Thurston beside him all those years.

Farah/substandard rookies

Considering that angle, the fact that he can match it with Smith in recent years - I think this thread topic is relevant
Which is why Farah owned Smith in last years series you goose.

Smith is simply a whinger too. A cheat. A merkin. Thats why he will never be as good as Walters.
Geez looks like your carer forgot your Meds....yet again.

Let me explain it simply for the braindead old farts.
One player has led his state & country to victories,the other struggles to get a spot in either.
One player will more than likely be an immortal in the future,the other will be fondly remembered by his club fans(& rightly so ).

Your bias against any player from QLD & particularly MELB is well known.
It clouds your already very Foggy judgement.

Still, thanks for the contribution Misty.
It gets the chuckles as usual.

Usain Bolt

Remember last year when Farah was complaining about Twitter trolls and then he got exposed as a hypocrite:lol:

Red Bear

I still think when push comes to shove, Farah has the tendency of making mistakes at critical moments. Check the prelim vs. Dragons in 2010, final against the Warriors in 2011 and Game 3 2012 as some good examples.

He has more bells and whistles than Bedsy but Bedsy at his best had all the basics down tight. He was great defensively, a strong runner out of dummy half, took good options and his service is right up there with the best in the game's history. I don't think Farah at his best is as good in those departments nor has he had the career of Buderus.

For mine, he's in the Luke Priddis league of hookers. That isn't a swipe neither, Priddis if anything, is grossly underrated.

Origin 3 2012 - Knock on from dummy half when the game was in the balance.

Qualifying Final 2011 - Choosing to run it down the blind-side giving Marshall no space giving the Warriors the ball when he should have been opting for a kick

Prelim Final 2010 - Coming up with poor option after poor option on the Dragons line when Tigers had the ball

The fact is he hasn't been involved in that many big games. 4 games for Australia, 5 games for NSW, 9 finals games - not a whole lot to be said for the second best hooker in the game.

I referred to them - bells and whistles. Handy inclusions to be sure, but not exactly necessary skills of a dummy half. Says more about him as a player than hooker is all I'm saying.

Don't sweat it though, Farah still has time on his side. If he can do something for the Blues this series or next the whole complexion changes but right now when we're talking about the best of the best Farah is just a nominee, nothing more.

That's Farah to a tee though. In a game in which should have been celebrated as career defining, it was compromised by silly mistakes like that.

I know it's an element to today's game but I don't consider it as essential as other components of a hookers play. It's why when Buderus came back, he was still considered a top contender for the Blues #9. You can play first receiver and put through cross-field kicks but nothing is going to beat being able to take the right options in pressure situation, engaging the markers and hitting your target with the right pass.

I think you have to look at these hookers and the sides that were around them to see what sort of players they've become. Buderus obviously had Johns next to him, Smith has had Cronk and before that Orford/Hill outside him, whereas Farah has spent much of his career, especially since Prince went to the Tits, as both hooker and main playermaker (because Benji is far from an organiser). The benefit of a strong half back outside them has allowed Buderus and Smith to develop as they did, whilst the aspects of Farah's games, the bells and whistles as you put it, have also developed out of necessity. Would've been interesting how Farah developed if Prince stayed at the Tigers tbh.

Not that your criticisms arent valid, I just think its sort of obvious why the respective players games developed as they did.

Hopefully Farah kills it at Origin level this year though.