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Is this Game Anti Souths Sydney Rabbitohs?


And this is SIDHE first proper project, so they have no money/resources from previous games to use.


TripleM said:
Oh, by the way, HBG:
I have a feeling a few of us may have been able to guess that :p. At the least, I'll say I'm not surprised..

I guess that means I won't get a job as an industrial spy then. :lol:


Its a realistic game.....shit, its not like they won't be able to win or anything. I remember in ETs rugby league, some teams had a lot of crap players in them, but if you played well enough, you could still pull off the win

Its a challenge! Shit, if you are playing it for fun and you want to win the comp, then why don't u just play the game on a lower skill level?



Just for the record, and I hope this confirms a few points raised.

The stats are based on player stats, which I think is the fairest way of doing it. On paper, Souths starting line up, would have performed better, but injuries during the season affected the team's result at the end (and as well as the internal hassles etc).

I played the whole season with a little experimentation, swapping the odd player, as I felt needed to be changed, and despite a few losses, I won the Grand Final. So it can be done.

As the game can be customized etc, you can do pretty much what you want, but I have always tried to stick to the original teams, rather than mixing players from different teams. I don't have as much time as I used to, and I like to sit down with a beer and enjoy. If I have to fiddle to much I start to lose interest. Sometimes I would wake up at 4am in the morning just to play the game.

But anyway, with practice, you will get better. I am no games whiz, but I have certainly played a few over the years. I suck at Pacman, but will whip anybody's butt in Galaga. ;-)

Other things may change the course of a game. EG kicking out on the full. Dropping the ball, or a 40-20. I played 1 game and was behind 12 nil at halftime. Then, a mistake in my favour, and it was a whole new game resulting in a victory my way.

So you will find out for yourself when the game comes out, and come up with strategies, skills etc.


This game is realistic. Souths have been a joke this year in the league, so therefore they should be in the game too. But also - why are you bothered worrying about what the score would be when you sim games? You want to play as them don't you? I"m sure it won't take you too long to be defeating better sides. If you still wanna cry about it all, improve the player and team stats and shut the hell up about it all.


Criswell said:
Surely what Clevo really means is that unlike the English Soccer Manager games, Souths can never actually improve.

Now this is unfair. Imagine all the Ppanthers fans if this game had been produced 2 years ago?????

MY GOD, they can improve. just change them FFS. have half the people in here gone mad!!!!

if you think your teams sux, up the stats, adjust what u can to make it easier for u!!!

i for one hope my team sux so after i win on the easy levels it gets harder, nothing worse than being able to beat the opposition after a hard fought realistic battle where tactics actually come into play!!! everyone get a grip!!!

i dont understand why people are finding it difficult to comprehend the situation!!!

thank god the game is out soon, if it were delayed again i dare say there would be a riot!


hey my name is clevo too
and for the sake of my name can u stop acting like a dickhead cause ur embarressing me and the other probably 3 cleve's in the world
the game is ment to be realistic so stop whining

it was said team stats had an impact on coaching
is chris anderson considered a good coach in this?

phantom ^_^

"Rugby League" simulates the 2003 season. In that season, Rabitohs performed poorly. Doesn't it make sense, then, that they will perform poorly in simulated games in a computer game which intends to simulate reality?

It was stated long ago that "Rugby League" would not contain a franchise mode - it's a bummer, but there it is. I for one would rather have a solid, fun and playable league game than one with loads of options but is a chore to play. And believe me, those were the choices - you can't make a killer, all-in-one, right in every aspect first time, options up the wazoo game on a small budget.

There has to be a staged approach. It's the way it is.

Sidhe made the right call - make a good, solid game and then add to it if the opportunity for a sequel arises.

I, for one, can't wait to see the game on the shelves.


theVodkaCircle said:
phantom ^_^ said:
I, for one, can't wait to see the game on the shelves.

I bet you cant :)

Let's not nice. :evil:
Don't rub it in. :evil:
He obviously is contemplating a Viagra Supscription and a sheep (or Rod Stewart's ex).


Hurriflatch said:
There were no Panther fans two years ago.

I was still a fan 2 years ago, and all the years that came before that, way back until I started watching league in about '84 when I lived in South Windsor. I did cop a lot of crap from my mates every week though...

I was stoked that the Panthers played heaps better this year, with the game coming out they couldn't have picked a better time.

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