So this Allan Hawke muppet, (I won't refer to him as Doctor as he did a PHD in philosophy lol and was a career public servant, not some medical practitioner) thinks a punishment of 2 weeks per person that Jack Wighton assaulted is excessive. Imagine if it were members of his family assaulted, would he feel the same way?
The funniest thing thought that was said by this peanut was the justification for why the penalty was excessive was that Wighton was still to face punishment by the ACT magistrate and court system. Well idiot, there is a reason for that and that is he committed and pleaded guilty to 5 counts of assault (and it was 5 separate people that he assaulted unprovoked). This is a serious offense and should be punished. Don't use that as an argument for a lesser penalty imposed by the NRL. The more serious the offense, the more serious the punishment.