My 2 cents is that cops are good people to good people. Start giving them attitude then you deserve the book thrown at you for being f**kwit.
I reckon too many its just a job that pays the bills and they dont get paid that much for what have to put up with at times. Some may take jobs little too serious while others would find it boring and repetitive.
Some cops would enjoy a bit of a joke and a laugh.
Some cops wouldnt.
Some would tell stories to there co workers and other co workers would go man he is full of bullshit.
Some would still enjoy the cops bullshit stories cause they know he is having a joke and it breaks up the repetivness of everyday life and the boring.
But some cops they wouldnt tolerate it. It would annoy them. No jokes here boys.Stick to the rules that you where taught at school.No bending of the rules said the cop. Or there will be trouble.But I was just mucking around officer.
What did you say? Arrest him. He is trying to be different. Arrest him. ...But but I was just trying too make you laugh constable.
That cop certainly sounds like one of those twats El diablo talks about