Devastated – a part of me has died
He won’t make it – good on him for trying but as much as he has the talent, NFL is a very technical game and learning playbooks alone is a huge challenge. College guys spend years trying to crack it to make the draft and even then, a lot get cut. It is a more brutal sport than league – you don’t have a second division of players……….you have 75 players on a roster and as many as a 1/3 will never play a minute in competitive games all year. I don’t want him to fail but I fear he will. He is competing with a population of 300m………compared to 20m in Australia.
But yes, for 2015 we are in trouble……….we aren’t going to get anyone to replace him, we don’t have a fullback, or our best player. Our only chance of winning a title was with him……….I have to say I will understand the anger towards him for this reason alone. We are now left in the lurch, can’t really sign anyone so our 2015 is pretty much gone……….