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Jets Jim Beam

2 True Blues

Well we have won two from two, so that's not too bad at all really. Defence is my biggest concern. Have seen all four games so far and it is a worry still.

We need a big game against Cronulla this Saturday as they will be pumped and at home should have great support from their fans. Are you going to the game mate ??


2 True Blues said:
What concerns me the most is NB that without Col and the trainers ETC these blokes may not really know what it is to be playing in that Royal Blue jersey and the pride and tradition may have momentarily disappeared.

I know the team we have right now is very talented and all, but the history of the club and the passion seem to be a little lacking on the field if you know what I mean.

Whatever on field displays there have been it cannot be put down to a lack of appreciation for their surroundings. Murph was just one of a a bigger cast in the Newtown family. There are trainers etc at Newtown now whose time pre dates the first time Murph appeared in the Royal Blue in the late 1970s. Dennis Yates is a prime example. He takes the boys several times a week and instills values in the players they will only get at Newtown.

In addition, several former players have addressed the boys on what it means to be at the club. It is all too easy and convenient to blame the absence of a coach for the current performances. People seem to forget that Murph presided over some big losses in his time.


First Grade
jets fan said:
as for jbc players playing a-grade not a good idea i know of one player who has left already because they had to play a-grade and you sorta cant blame them

Okay you're new here so I'll go easy on you. Ish.

You're kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay, so what would you rather, Jets players who don't make the cut or are left out of the weeks side dropping down and helping out the A Grade team or pissing off to play with another side?

Guys who get cut wander off to play with other teams. Instead if they played with the A's then when they are needed they can be called up. Likewise if blokes are left out of the squad for the week they can keep themselves match fit in A grade.

Two blokes from last years side, Dallas and Israel are currently playing A grade and have been great contributors. In past times a couple of Cup/Premier league players have come to play and brought a whole bag of attitude. als last year Chris Aho (sp) played with us and was a legend.

for the most part JBC/Premier guys who have dropped down have been proud to play with us and we have always appreciated their help.

I know personally that our training sessions have lifted in intencity and our focus has been given a more professional feel because of having these guys around.

Not only does it reap rewards for these JBC/Premier players, but it benefits guys like me who are A graders at best.

I can tell you there are 5 guys on the team who could easily play Premier League. Several have played reps for Souths, North Sydney and a few have played full International Test Matches for Fiji. If these blokes are involved through a grade with JBC/Premier players the potential for growth is unbelievable.

Sometimes I think that I am the only one who wants to win everything that Newtown is involved with. I may be tooting my own horn a bit here, but FFS the A Grade comp is not kncok about footy. Most clubs are paying there players and there are plenty of ex first graders running about, as well as many up and commers.

We are out there week in week out for the love of the game, and more importantly , Newtown.

So if you still think that these guys playing A grade aint a good idea, that's really sad. Newtown has 20 sides from under 7's to A grade. If these kids are brought up on Royal Blue it won't be long before the next col murphy is found.

Then again heart doesn't count for much apparently, if so you'd recognise what we are trying to do.

I'm off to training now.

My apologies to those who I've had this conversation with before, I know I have your support.

In case you can't tell it kinda irritates me.

Brendan Smith,

Newtown Junior Jets R.L.F.C


2 True Blues said:
What concerns me the most is NB that without Col and the trainers ETC these blokes may not really know what it is to be playing in that Royal Blue jersey and the pride and tradition may have momentarily disappeared.

I know the team we have right now is very talented and all, but the history of the club and the passion seem to be a little lacking on the field if you know what I mean.

Was however glad to hear the Chika, Tommy R etc have been giving the boys a pre-game chat in the locker room. Hope they are gettin an ear full of what is expected of them when they put that royal blue jersey on.

Go The Mighty Bluebags !!!

Couldn't have said it better 2TB!!,Col should still be there,he let every player KNOW they should be honoured to be pulling on a jets jumper...Is that happening now?we know the answer to that.
Change for change sake

2 True Blues


Jeffles said:
It is all too easy and convenient to blame the absence of a coach for the current performances. People seem to forget that Murph presided over some big losses in his time.

I don't think anyone myself included was or are stating that the current performances have been bad. We have won two from afterall, which is not bad. We are simply stating that it is a SHAME that Col is still not at the club and that he is MISSED, and that the current coach could not and would not fully understand what it is to be a Bluebag. Understandably as how could he possibly understand not coming from the same Jets background as Col.

What some seem to forget also is that MURPH prisided over some astonishing vitorories with teams full of A grade players against professional and NRL players. Largely no doubt due to his inspirational leadership and passion installed methods with his inexperienced players. Imagine what he could do with a team as talented as the current one, if he was able to make blokes lift to those hieghts who were at times a lot less talented and/or experienced.

Not that I am a religious bloke, but it's a little like the story of Moses really isn't it. He leads the massess thru the desert for 6 years, then gets to only look upon the holy land......LOL......................

I myself am merely stating it's a shame, and that he is missed. The current group of players are very talented and will no doubt win many more games. Was just stating that the passion will have to increase, and in time it more than likely will as this is only early days, but would increase quicker with Murph at the helm.

I cannot speak for the NB or HENSON, but that is how I feel. And I believe it holds some substance....


jets fan

hehe ok brendonthejet the player that i was talking about is dallas scia scia and no one wants to train 4-5 days a week to play a-grade its a pain considering work ect the prospect of a long haul in a-grade is not an appealing one especially with much stronger competitions like the illawarra comp paying sums of up to $1000 per game and as stated before these guys are new players not necessarily loyal to newtown but maybe trying to further their careers and ended up at newtown

2 True Blues

PS.................Good post Brendo. I already felt the same way and already agreed with everything you said prior to you saying it, but it was good to see it put out there for all to see.

Let's keep building the empire cobber...................
Jeffles said:
It is all too easy and convenient to blame the absence of a coach for the current performances. People seem to forget that Murph presided over some big losses in his time.
There are two camps on this question and that response is, no doubt, the official "party line", but what is your real opinion jeffles? why is it DK that leads the team post match to the fence when Col as coach was always the one? come to think of it the current coach keeps a very low profile in comparison.

2 True Blues

I don't even know what he looks like Bob....LOL..................But that's probably my fault more than anything else.............I am all for the club getting bigger better and stronger and understand all the reasons for the deal with the Roosters which I think is truly great as we can attract better quality footballers to the club. Just don't want to lose our tradition thats all, and Col is part of that. The last of the Mighty Bluebags as far as I am concerned.

On a brighter note, I was at the Manly game last weekend dressed in Blue and cheerin my head off ( well in the second half anyway...lol...) and was approached by a number of Rooster fans during the coarse of the game. They were very supportive and friendly kinda guys. And it's a pleasure to be associated with another foundation club with a history as great as there's. One bloke ( forgot his name ) came up in a Jets T shirt. He told me he was actually a Roosters fan, however lived at Enmore and as such was happy with the deal. He further stated that he has been tryin to get all his mates buying Jets shirts/merchandise etc. I thought it was pretty darn good of this bloke who was a Roosters fan to be wearing a Jets T shirt during our game. No doubt the Roosters jersey came on over the top during first grade, but I am suyre you will all agree it was awesome gesture.

Hope there is plenty more of it to come.

****Interesting to note that he commented that he was of the impression that the Roosters wanted a 2 year deal, and there was apparently some debate as to it being five ****

Just hope the tradition and pride is not lost on the players, that's all......


Post Whore
2 True Blues said:
****Interesting to note that he commented that he was of the impression that the Roosters wanted a 2 year deal, and there was apparently some debate as to it being five ****

lets hope thats a furphy 2TB as long term stability is paramount (Jets) {:^)
I'm sure time will right any initial teething problems but yes the team needs to be imbued with Newtown history and heritage first and foremost rather than (MAYBE) thinking of themselves only as a Roosters reserve side by proxy.....


bob carnegies mono brow said:
There are two camps on this question and that response is, no doubt, the official "party line", but what is your real opinion jeffles? why is it DK that leads the team post match to the fence when Col as coach was always the one? come to think of it the current coach keeps a very low profile in comparison.

I wouldn't read too much into that. That's just personailty. DK is a star chaser whereas Youngie is a more reserved personality. But you cannot deny Youngie's passion and the way he has settled in at the club.

I honestly don't think Murph's absence has made a lick of difference to our results. You overhear people at the grounds saying "if Murphy was here we would've won" and that's garbage. I hate losing as much as the next bloke but I'm not going to make statements like that trying to assert them as definitive truth. One coach doesn't make the game. The players and the opposition also decide the results of the match.

There is no denying a change in club culture with a change in head coach. But to say all of a sudden that Newtown has lost its culture and that its staff are unaware of the history and importance surrounding the Royal Blue is far from the truth - absolute codswallop. Players have attended functions specifically designed to make them aware of Newtown. Names like Moore, Pickett, Wilson and Baumgart have addressed the players and sang the club song with them. People like Mellars, Dumas and Manua have passed on the torch, People like Lewis, who have an association with the area know the importance.


First Grade
jets fan said:
hehe ok brendonthejet the player that i was talking about is dallas scia scia and no one wants to train 4-5 days a week to play a-grade its a pain considering work ect the prospect of a long haul in a-grade is not an appealing one especially with much stronger competitions like the illawarra comp paying sums of up to $1000 per game and as stated before these guys are new players not necessarily loyal to newtown but maybe trying to further their careers and ended up at newtown

Okay I know Dallas and his brother. They are genuinely nice guys and I know Dallas has gone to the wollongong wolves. I'm not begrudging him this because he came down and played last year, and he came down and played again this year.

His brother israel is still playing and had a fantastic game today scoring a brilliant individual try from 40m out!

Dallas was also there to watch us and i chatted with him about the team down in the gong.

We also had a young bloke Casey Green play for us today and he is a credit to himself as a footballer and a person. I was shifted from my usual spot at hooker and partnered him in the front row for a bit and then down the right hand side as his second rower. He communicates well, he puts his hand up for work and he listens to the blokes around him.

Dallas can go and play in the Gong and he can go with the support of all of the A grade team. he is a top bloke who trains hard and gets on great with all the blokes.


This side we have this year is a very young team and have adapted to the Newtown Culture quite well, attend club functions and enjoy the fans support. Dont worry about DK leading the boys over to the fence that is irelevant as to who leads them over he is foot manager and last year Dabela lead them over not Col.

Youngy is not impressed with the defensive performance of the team and he along with Cement have been working on technique on the Evader, we have big issues with options with the ball and silly penaltys which do not help us.

As much as I like Col he is not the messiah.

2 True Blues

OK, I just checked it out at www.newtownjets.com Looks like a pretty strong side. David VIAL listed as on the bench for Prem/league and also in the run on side for Beam. Does this mean he will double up. Surely not !!??

Ryan DICKSON playing Beam, thought he went ok in Prem/league. Also Darren LANG and Anton LaVIN in the Beam side.

Toufic NICHOLAS. Is he the bloke that played for the Jets several seasons ago then went to South Sydney Prem/league as was disgruntled at not getting a run in Jets P/league side. If so he is a good player with a good kicking game as well, should be an interesting season as we have a strong side, and plenty of depth still. Very promising.

Combination of some old names and faces and premier/league experienced players like EL-MASRI, mixed with new blokes like big phil LOOLOO's younger brother from New Zealand. Good to see Adam BENNETT still in the team as well. But where is Ricky ROBERTS ??????


Bring on Erina !!!

2 True Blues

Jets 38 Erina 10.....Good start and David VIAL doubled up in the Premeir league win against an undefeated Balmain side, with Jets winning 32 to 28.......AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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