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Joel Monaghan quits Raiders over Twitter pic

Should he be banned from the game for life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 137 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 154 52.9%

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Mark Rudd

What in God's name are raving about? :lol:

You said that the Swans early home crowds in Sydney were 200-300 and you got called on it by beaussie who backed it up. You couldn't back up your statement, you just tried to change tack immediately and you were made to look a total and complete twat.

Beaussie pissed on you and you weren't even on fire. It's still there you halfwit.

You are a mental.

EA you short little fat man. I stated above i made that up because Beaussie did the same. I didn't have to back it up.

Beaussie wasn't a Swans fan in the 80's. And I'm guessing neither were you - too busy with your religious activities huh? But that's what jacked him off the most.

But in that post you dug up, the whole gist was that the Swans gave MANY free tickets away and crowds were lower then the 'official' figure. Everyone knows it. Still happens on occasions like the Manaka game I mentioned ( another issue you dodged)

And not unusual as I stated because the Roosters base all their crowd figures on fudged ones. :lol:

So little short fat man. Again you've sidestepped the questions i asked in the previous posts because you know you wrong. You don't want to admit your wrong.

Rather - VERY gutlessly(sic) - you keep saying :beaussie owned you. bahahaha.

Ummm........no. Beaussie got owned the moment he would talk rubbish. I did the same to him to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Beaussue knew I made it up.

I knew I made it up.

But here's the funny part. The great man himself, EA, thought I was serious.

Now THAT is funny. Joke is on you trackhead.!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

EA you short little fat man. I stated above i made that up because Beaussie did the same. I didn't have to back it up.

Beaussie wasn't a Swans fan in the 80's. And I'm guessing neither were you - too busy with your religious activities huh? But that's what jacked him off the most.

But in that post you dug up, the whole gist was that the Swans gave MANY free tickets away and crowds were lower then the 'official' figure. Everyone knows it. Still happens on occasions like the Manaka game I mentioned ( another issue you dodged)

And not unusual as I stated because the Roosters base all their crowd figures on fudged ones. :lol:

So little short fat man. Again you've sidestepped the questions i asked in the previous posts because you know you wrong. You don't want to admit your wrong.

Rather - VERY gutlessly(sic) - you keep saying :beaussie owned you. bahahaha.

Ummm........no. Beaussie got owned the moment he would talk rubbish. I did the same to him to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Beaussue knew I made it up.

I knew I made it up.

But here's the funny part. The great man himself, EA, thought I was serious.

Now THAT is funny. Joke is on you trackhead.!!!!:lol::lol::lol:


Your posts are getting longer trying to defend the indefensible. Your waffling has become semi-literate ranting that one would normally associate with mental home patients wall scrawling using faeces in lieu of ink.

You got owned by beaussie.

Bryce the service station attendant pulled your pants down and gave you a good spanking.

You'll die many years from now being known in Rugby League circles as the only person ever to lose an argument to beaussie.

That will be your legacy.

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Sir moffett was a visionary. Anyone who couldn't see that was tapped in the head

You were tapping him weren't you. It's the only thing that makes sense.

No one else, ever, says that Moffett was a visionary, no one even gives him a second thought he was that forgettable. The only bloke who was worse was the one he replaced.

I'll give Moffett this much, when Whittaker was announced as the new CEO I laughed. I laughed because I had dealings with him during the 90's through work and he was as useless as tits on a bull.

I didn't laugh when Moffett was announced, I just thought "Who the f**k is David Moffett?.

So I guess I had and still have, more respect for Moffett than Whittaker.
Yeah, I pulled cones for him. Just like you pulled cones, no wait, you just pulled Moffett.

Whittaker worked for a Colonial Sugar Refining company, they had the good sense to not have him high enough up the food chain so that he could f**k them over. I had the misfortune of having to work closely with him on a new product they were giving a run through the company I was with.

He was f**king useless. If he was hanging from a rope 10,000 feet up and in front of him was a parchute and an anvil, he'd die of starvation before he'd make a decision to choose something.


Just harking back to the Monas incident. Yeah it was a stupid stupid thing to do. A prank gone bad and the idiot that posted it must be feeling great right now.

I don't know if this has been raised before in the 110 pages, probably has but here goes because I'm not going through the entire post.

I went down the local watering hole last night to watch the WC Final (fantastic game by the way). And a few of us started chatting and joking about Monas and his dog as we were watching.

Then while we were all cheering madly for the Green and Golders REPRESENTING AUSTRALIA IN A WORLD CUP FINAL we did a quick stocktake of who was playing / representing his country that had transgressed or allegedly transgressed and if they were nobodies who did it would they still be out there playing.

There was the record breaking Captain that tackled the Bar Manager and was involved in the drunken Piss taking episode. There was the three in the Disco Toilet gang member. There was the bloke that allegedly glassed his missus, there was the bloke that called Big Mickey a Black ####, there was the bloke that sh!t in the Motel.

I might of even missed a few from the team. (Any of em photographed while pissing up against a tree or a wall other then Gal)

Last week weekend we had playing for Aus - the bloke that (allegedly) deliberately set fire to his mates balls at Airlee Beach who is incidently the International Player of the Year and Dally M boy, we had the debut of the bloke that recently called Farrah a ##### Mediterranean Descendant.

The black and whites had their own too I guess.

But put your hands up if you thought any of these blokes shouldn't of been playing for australia as Slater scored what looked like the match winning try.

My point is that Monas did the wrong thing ... of course he did, but it was a very sick joke gone bad. He should not of been forced so rapidly from the NRL...

I know I can recover mentally from the incident.

And I reckon if he (Monas) was out there last night on the end of the Bird pass and scored possibly the match winning try no one in the league world would give a rats arse about a stupid Mad Monday prank.

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Mark Rudd

Oh EA. You fool!! I can't believe it. Yoo get double owned for believing the biggest hoax of all time.

Beaussie knew it to be a lie.

But you don't.

How does it feel!! Look a moron? A loser? The lowest of the low?

There's one in every forum...

Mark Rudd

Ruddsy, surely you're not going to let him get away with that...

My sig will forever show the fool that EA is.

I explained it as best I could in basic language. Maybe I should've spelt it out for a 6 old. He MAY have got it.

How embarrasing though!!:lol:
I did notice you put it in your sig, happy for it to be there ;-). If anyone's fooled, then you should marry them immediately.

Guess how much chance you have of being in my sig?
