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Joey Johns and his walk off.

wittyz chick

Parra Guru said:
It's a bit cheap to 'apoligise' in the paper aswell, and I bet it was in the Telegraph.

yeah in his column as well!! He's a great player yes ... but I've always never liked him because of his off-field attitude :x

eel power

I have always liked Joey cause of the good player he is but what he did by walking off and not coming back for the presentation was bad sportsmanship. Fair enough he was upset with the way we smashed his team but it wouldn't have hurt him to come back out and accept it. He wasn't being fair on the Parramatta staff that prepared it for him, Jason Taylor that was left holding the game ball in a glass case and especially to his fans. He should have been happy to have become the new all time points record holder but instead he acted like a bad sport. Hope your proud of yourself Joey.


Post Whore
I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt last night.

I was really quite excited about seeing him break the record - it really was a milestone in the history of Rugby League.
When he broke it, I stood and clapped, without hesitation.

When I heard after the game that he couldn't attend the presentation due to sustaining an injury, I was prepared to forgive him, as did J Taylor and others.

But, when I saw his response today saying the reason why he didn't attend was because of how upset he was at the result, I really thought "f**k you Johns you ungrateful bastard".
Seriously, the arrogance of the man to ignore the efforts of others for him on such a wonderful acheivement.
I sure as hell know I'll be bringing my kids up without that sort of chip on their shoulders and without a carrot up their arse.



My wife and I were sitting in the western terrace and heard the announcement, saw the Newcastle players hanging around the tunnel for the presentation and then saw the look on Johns' face when he not only decided that he was heading up the race, but also "ordered" the rest of the Knights to go with him.

A. Johns = Currently the worlds best player
A. Johns = Currently the games biggest tosser

The Colonel

Never been a huge fan of Johns. I can acknowledge his acheivements and such but he carries on like a brat when things go against him and his team. Showed a lack of disrespect to the referee when he and Nathan were called out just before their second try was scored.

I'm disappointed for the staff and such that organised it as it was off the clubs back as opposed to the NRL. I understand his disappointment in losing but the lack of acknowledgement to Taylor and the club, in what was a very kind gesture, lacked class. I'm sure he would have been happy to except had they won.....


if the Knights had won the game would he have been there to receive the game ball??

of course he would have.

now they plan on giving it to him this week at the Knights home game. whats he going to do if they get another touch up??

the prat doesn't deserve it....Parra should ask for their ball back!


Even before the "walk off".

When Hayne scored early in the second half, he was last back to the huddle behind the line dragging his jaw along the ground all the way. The same again minutes later when Parra scored. Then when Grothe offloaded from his missed tackle in the lead up to the Morris try, he did the mouth guard throw (again) before going back to berate his side. Suprise, suprise when he got upset, the rest of the team lost the plot (i.e Quinn, Woolnough, Buderus and his desire to swing at PJ, etc..) Johns should know that as much as his positive actions can influence his team, so do his negative ones.

Then the walk off. not only is it a lack of respect for JT, but when i got to the ground at 4pm there were more Knights fans in the ground. Alot of people came to see him break the record (including his two nephews who idolise him).

Oh yeah and did anyone else on the Western side see him give "the bird" to someone in the crowd about halfway through the second half....

forward pass

He should have known there was a fair chance he would be on the losing side. If there is one thing I will say about Parra, no matter how bad they are travelling, they are notorious for spoiling parties.

It was pretty poor form and I for one am very disappointed in him. I mean it wasn't like I wasn't freezing my nuts off standing there waiting for him to come out.


James_Hardie said:
Oh yeah and did anyone else on the Western side see him give "the bird" to someone in the crowd about halfway through the second half....

:shock: classy.


Parra Guru said:
It's unfortunately not surprising. Along with his great talent, we also have observed consistently over the years:

Bad sportsmanship

Searching for injury excuses when things are against him

Poor commitment to the fans (including kids) after the games behind the sheds.

It was graceful of the Eels to put it together, win or lose they would have done it and JT would have been down there to present it to him, even if we were on the wrong end of it.

It's a bit cheap to 'apoligise' in the paper aswell, and I bet it was in the Telegraph.

What an absolute wanker, I'm sorry I started the 'Good Luck Joey' thread this time last week.

You're not bigger than the game Johns, come back to our stadium when you have a bit of respect for your team mates, opposition and all supporters.

f**king tool.

That is the kind of things i will defend him against because he is well within his rights to do that. Becasue he is Andrew Johns these are the things he cops sh*t about all the time. Unlike other players where one autograph might end up been about 10 or 20, with Johns it ends up as a drooling, screaming mob of people -"Joooooooeeeeyyyyy sign this"

If he signs 20 and leaves 80 people holding a bit of paper he'd cop the same sh*t from dickheads like you. He wouldn't leave the stadium till an hour after the game had finished.

Poor sport - i readily gave it to him for that. But the other stuff - grow up. I've seen him make efforts to sign kids merchandise but he literally gets swamped, people jumping on him, tugging his arm - and these are 40 year old men and women too. It looks pathetic and i feel sorry for the bloke - i don't blame him for taking the side door exit after games.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't on that one.

Faking injury - helping his team. You're out there to win, there is a lot of other players that do from every single team. Pathetic to even try and use that against him. I've never heard him use injury as a personal excuse ever in his career.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Red and Blue Knight said:
That is the kind of things i will defend him against because he is well within his rights to do that. Becasue he is Andrew Johns these are the things he cops sh*t about all the time. Unlike other players where one autograph might end up been about 10 or 20, with Johns it ends up as a drooling, screaming mob of people -"Joooooooeeeeyyyyy sign this"

If he signs 20 and leaves 80 people holding a bit of paper he'd cop the same sh*t from dickheads like you. He wouldn't leave the stadium till an hour after the game had finished.

Poor sport - i readily gave it to him for that. But the other stuff - grow up. I've seen him make efforts to sign kids merchandise but he literally gets swamped, people jumping on him, tugging his arm - and these are 40 year old men and women too. It looks pathetic and i feel sorry for the bloke - i don't blame him for taking the side door exit after games.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't on that one.

Faking injury - helping his team. You're out there to win, there is a lot of other players that do from every single team. Pathetic to even try and use that against him. I've never heard him use injury as a personal excuse ever in his career.

if I earnt the sort of money he does and have the same profile, I'd be more than happy to still be there signing...

In saying all that, I don't think there was that many people there anyway, tbh.


Yup easy to say when you actually aren't. After 14 years i highly doubt it mate, i think you're speaking out of your arse there.


To me the Knights fans have become sore losers like that barge ass! Its just a shame that the best player ever will go down as such a big fat baby. I now wish an injury had ended hes career and a great person like Taylor would still have the record.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Red and Blue Knight said:
Yup easy to say when you actually aren't. After 14 years i highly doubt it mate, i think you're speaking out of your arse there.

as you are for defending him..but that's ok your entitled to that..

has he stopped crying yet??

Mr Saab

Bloody eels, see what you have gone and done! You have upset Joey by winning.
Shame on you!!!

Stagger eel

Staff member
Mr Saab said:
Bloody eels, see what you have gone and done! You have upset Joey by winning.
Shame on you!!!

mm!! yeah sorry.

they'll be public apology to Mr Johns and the fine people at Newcastle by the end of the day.

I promise.


eelavation said:
as you are for defending him..but that's ok your entitled to that..

has he stopped crying yet??


Excuse me? Can you not read?

Stagger eel

Staff member
Red and Blue Knight said:

Excuse me? Can you not read?

where have you indicated that he's stopped crying???..if you have, I apologise........again!!! :lol: :lol:


Accredited Media Releases
i was gunna clap you for this RK
Grow up or retire Johns. I'd rather have a sh*t player with a little bit of modesty in him then have an absolute champion with a ton of arrogance.

but you've taken a turn for the crap in your last couple of posts, so [-(

I was speaking to a guy today who works for the knights and he said the parramatta organised the game ball presentation and DID NOT INFORM NEWCASTLE, so the first Joey heard of it was as he was walking past JT and the ball.... mind you, he could've stopped! ..

Its not like JT is just another:
people jumping on him, tugging his arm - and these are 40 year old men and women too. It looks pathetic

The Colonel

JessEel said:
I was speaking to a guy today who works for the knights and he said the parramatta organised the game ball presentation and DID NOT INFORM NEWCASTLE, so the first Joey heard of it was as he was walking past JT and the ball.... mind you, he could've stopped! ..

***cough*** bullsh*t ***cough***