No doubt you are a good fellow and not trying to cause trouble.
This OT.
Iv heard a few things that iv passed on also.
Its not causing trouble. As a fan i love hearing things that have been said and things that are going on.
Most is BS as we know, but some could be true.
I pass on info, so in the case that it may be true, fans know from the start.
I stated late last year that i was told Hasler agreed to terms with us. Nothing signed, but agreed to the 3 year offer.
Fans need to know, if someone heard that id love to hear it too.
I also mentioned a chat i had with Doust... where he told me he wants our top juniors signed, where i quoted him as saying "he wants to get back the 'junior days' of Ryles Bailey Hasnier Cooper Hornby Morris" etc etc.
A few called me a shit talker yet a month later all our top juniors were re-signed.
We arent starting trouble by passing on info... some turns out wrong... but that doesnt mean it wasnt said.
Iv heard so much more info recently but havnt said anything because of the reaction i got from saying Hasler agreed to terms with us.
That was good of you to say u dont think he is not looking to cause trouble.