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Josh Dugan Told To Shop Himself Around - Not happy with the Dragons.


FFS so now we're only limiting TPA opportunities for "national level brands"!? Not short sighted at all...

So if Canberra Milk identifies a Raiders player that they want to endorse their product via TPA they should be turned away? The fact is different geographic locations have different industries who could potentially utilize local identities via TPA arrangements. Only a small percentage of NRL players actually have national appeal (if you could even call it "national").

Potential sponsors should be able to identify any player they wish to enter an arrangement with, without having to navigate even more red tape from the NRL.

A+ for effort but your idea is flawed.
Yes, there are heaps of national brands that want product recognition in Citys, suburbs and regional areas. These entities are used to paying for TV, Cable and Print Media advertisements. They spend millions of dollars p/a.

NRL events are in themselves great exposure for the national brands but including elite players in their marketing campaigns would be even better exposure.

Where lucky elite players now receive relatively small bickies with local TPAs, there is the potential to receive much higher payment under a national marketing project.

The bonus is that rich NRL clubs will no longer have a huge advantage over regular NRL clubs when it comes to the salary cap. No longer will an elite player be attracted to a particular NRL club because of TPAs.

I say problem solved!

Old Timer

IMO the problem will never be solved it will just manifest in a different form.
There are so many brain dead, uneducated buffoons playing this game that they will always be susceptible to a bribe or and under the table deal.
Couple that with the player managers who are as dodgy as shit and you end up with the fall out like the Storm had with players with cars, boats, houses stuff in their wife's names etc etc.
While ever this game is played there will always be an "under the table" element that will see some clubs gain dishonest advantage, you only have to reflect on the last 10 years to know it will happen.
TPA's will still live in many and varied dishonest forms and whilst the NRL remain soft it will be prevalent year by year and will only rear its head in the media every now and then.


All of this uncertainty with Dugan and Widdop, sounds like a repeat of last year with Benji and Rein. It dragged out all season and both shown the door, both key players.....I hope the Club can sort this out, but I have a feeling both will go...
Widdop has never happy at the Dragons so ESL may be too tempting and Dugan is chasing last contract payday....


First Grade
All of this uncertainty with Dugan and Widdop, sounds like a repeat of last year with Benji and Rein. It dragged out all season and both shown the door, both key players.....I hope the Club can sort this out, but I have a feeling both will go...
Widdop has never happy at the Dragons so ESL may be too tempting and Dugan is chasing last contract payday....

Where does the 'Widdop has (sic) never happy at the Dragons' come from?
That's rubbish.


If the post match interviews are any guide, he looks totally pissed off

Completely disagree - in every press conference I've seen Widdop in, he's looked disinterested and blasé - I haven't seen one iota of concern, passion or annoyance from him in regards to the team's performance. It's mediocrity personified.

The Doc

If the post match interviews are any guide, he looks totally pissed off
Nonsense. Do u really expect the guy to get up and sing and dance in post match interviews after his team has lost again?
70% of the interviews are after loses.
Not having a shot at u but its hard to show emotion after a loss.
Doesnt mean his not happy at the club, could be his not happy at losing the game.


First Grade
Well whatever way you may chose to look at it , there's one thing that is abundantly clear - an that is , he sure as hell ain't one happy little vegemite !


Honestly, if it is the coaching structure that is shackling Widdop then I'd be absolutely dark on the joint. If it's just him playing like rubbish because he is actually rubbish then I'd be pretty upset as well.

Whatever he shows or doesn't show in pressers is entirely irrelevant, if it were me I'd never let my guard down with such a huge TV audience and knowing how venomous social media can be.

For me the answers a pineapple, if he moves on then so be it. If he stays I hope it's under a different coach and we may see a better version of Widdop, but maybe not


When senior players such as Widdop, who we know have some talent, become despondent the best remedy is to introduce young, enthusiastic players who have no fear...they drag the seniors into a new head space and reignite their passion, skills and confidence

Old Timer

When senior players such as Widdop, who we know have some talent, become despondent the best remedy is to introduce young, enthusiastic players who have no fear...they drag the seniors into a new head space and reignite their passion, skills and confidence
Some real merit in that statement.
Trouble is we need several youngsters on the field at the one time and that just isn't going to happen unfortunately.


If Dugan and/or Widdop stays it should only be because our new coach has told the Club he wants then in the squad. Otherwise I believe it best they both go at the end of the season.


First Grade
You mean Marmite don't you?

Mate are you by some chance English ? We use to have the good ole Vegemite as kids , more so on our school lunches . For desert on Sundays , the old man would bring out his hidden supply of treacle and pour it over the the peaches or plums , with some Carnation milk . . . food of a nation .


Mate are you by some chance English ? We use to have the good ole Vegemite as kids , more so on our school lunches . For desert on Sundays , the old man would bring out his hidden supply of treacle and pour it over the the peaches or plums , with some Carnation milk . . . food of a nation .

Nuh. Nana was English. She tried to convert her grandkids to marmite but failed miserably. You've got me thinking though - why not give the players a big dollop of treacle and carnation at half time? Should get 'em fired up. Lafai can have two dollops.