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Josh Dugan Told To Shop Himself Around - Not happy with the Dragons.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
I don't know why people believe all the crap that is written. You could be fairly sure neither Rothfield, Weirdler or anyone else from Fox has seen a contract on offer or been privy to conversations.
Extremely speculative reporting from poor quality journalists.
I agree..as Donny would say Fake news......maybe there is some merit in the way he is thinking (Duges) but I'm sure the boys from Fox etc arnt privy to it just yet if at all

Frank Facer

First Grade
I would lay my last dollar on Duges getting himself another NRL club to sign him , should we let him go . There will be no need for him to travel overseas ( except for a higher fee )
as I am sure that the suitors would be many .

Manly and the Rorters are 2 clubs that enjoy throwing a bit of money around , if it will buy them a premiership .

And as you have said SaintHarry , Parramatta also seems to have a spare dollar or two (?) . Dugan could replace Brett Stewart at Manly , Ferguson at the Rorters could have a few beers with his old mate . Whilst at the Eels , the Duges would create havoc for the opposition with Brad Arthur directing him .

Whatever team that signs Dugan would gain immensely with his talent , unfortunately here at the Dragons , that same talent has been collecting dust .
Dugan would not replace Tom Trbjovic as Manly's fullback.


Dugan is on around $750-$800k per year at the moment.
Tedesco is asking for $900-$1m.
Dugan wants 5 years at $1.1m.
Is he worth $100-$200k more then tedesco?
Im a huge dugan fan, but he is NOT in the same ball park as tedesco.
Tedesco can do all the Dugan does AND he can pass and set up tries through backline plays.
Dugan is paid fullback money, but after stating he wants to play centre, he cant expect top fullback (which he isnt) money.
The issue is we are stacked with centres anyway.
With the depth we have in centres, we need be logical and assess do we sacrifice a youngster with 10 years ahead of him for a player with 3 if lucky 4 years left in the game?
Either outcome ill be ok with.
Dugan wants to play at right centre and at most clubs would be selected to play at right centre. His latest wish to be selected at fullback has all to do with money. The Dragons have enough suitable players to play at right centre and at less than half of the salary Dugan is asking for.

Dufty could very well turn out to be our own Tedesco.

Given the opportunity, Field or Mann could be a better five-eighth than Widdop.

If Dugan and Widdop go at the end of the year and if Dufty, Field and Mann have been tested in first grade during 2017, there would be plenty of salary cap left to up grade our youngster's contracts or to buy another spine player.

In my opinion it is worth the risk to test Dufty at fullback and Mann at five-eighth in 2017. Dufty is not available in round 1 so why not throw Field in at fullback to see how he performs?


First Grade
Dugan would not replace Tom Trbjovic as Manly's fullback.

Frank , perhaps not at fullback , but with both Mattei and Lyonns now gone , he would fit quite snugly into a centre position . The point that I was attempting to make was that he , Dugan , could quite easily fill a number of positions in most clubs back lines .

I am sure that between Barrett and the cunning old Bobby Fulton , that something could be worked out . However as you have pointed out , young Tom Trbjvoic is a player with a huge future , perhaps a player such as Dugan could give him a few pointers to make that future even brighter .
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Frank , perhaps not at fullback , but with both Mattei and Lyonns now gone , he would fit quite snugly into a centre position . The point that I was attempting to make was that he , Dugan could quite easily fill a number of positions in most clubs back lines .
I am sure that betw
Dugan wants fullback money. I'm sure Manly would not pay him 1.1m p/a to play right centre.


First Grade
Dugan wants fullback money. I'm sure Manly would not pay him 1.1m p/a to play right centre.

Possum , At $1.1m (?) no NRL club will sign him for that amount ( unless Doust is silly enough to let him go , only to realise after his gone , that we really did need him , then offer him that ridiculous amount to get him back - don't laugh gents you know what they are like! )

Personally , to me I believe that the figure should be approx. $700-$800 /year , but no more , however that is merely my opinion , and that is worth as much as anyone else's - S.F. A .
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Anyone who states, or believes, that Dugan wants $1.1m over 5 years at this stage, before the salary cap is announced, is a complete moron.

As for him staying - we have a current rep player, who is loyal and stated he wants to stay at our club and is the only player in our backline that shows real desire and leadership qualities (outside of an aging Nightingale) that would be immensely valuable to our very young backs coming through the ranks. Would be a monumental effort to stuff this up. The fullback vs centre money argument is rubbish - if he's a centre, then Duffy will be fullback on a very low salary, so it balances. Pay the guy what he deserves, make him captain, and move on to announcing our new f**king coach.


Dugan didnt ask for 1.1 million ffs. An Aus international and SOO player... Seems most want him gone on the hope that out talented juniors make the grade..

Hang your hopes on untried players ( albeit with talent ), and the delusion that we ay sign a marque FB.. Good luck. Tedesco is in deep talks with his club.. He wont be moving anytime soon. But, hey we signed Hunt, so all is good.

Dugan is worth 750-800k any day of the week. Penny wise, pound stupid by the club.

PS I hope Dufty does become the superstar we all allude to, but that is some way off being tested or proven.


Anyone who states, or believes, that Dugan wants $1.1m over 5 years at this stage, before the salary cap is announced, is a complete moron.

As for him staying - we have a current rep player, who is loyal and stated he wants to stay at our club and is the only player in our backline that shows real desire and leadership qualities (outside of an aging Nightingale) that would be immensely valuable to our very young backs coming through the ranks. Would be a monumental effort to stuff this up. The fullback vs centre money argument is rubbish - if he's a centre, then Duffy will be fullback on a very low salary, so it balances. Pay the guy what he deserves, make him captain, and move on to announcing our new f**king coach.

Completely disagree. Whilst the media beat up about this shit is always ridiculous, they wouldn't be quoting that number for no reason. It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what he and his manager are after, but again I remain sceptical.
Don't get me wrong, Dugan is worth 700k a season, I would LOVE to retain him and you are right, his knowledge will be invaluable to our juniors, so let's just make that clear before I continue.

However on what you were saying about it "balancing out" with playing Dufty at fullback, you are completely wrong. Whilst Dugan is a current rep player and has been phenomenal for us, if he is demanding this sort of money for 5 years it drains too much of the cap on one player for too long. You are saying "pay him what he wants", well I guarantee you he wants a long-term contract on huge money, anyone would, especially a player of his calibre. If Dufty, Field, Herbert, Garrick, Robson, Thompson or any of these guys breaks through.. When it comes time to re-signing them we will lose the battle to other clubs purely because we cannot afford to retain them due to the sort of money Dugan/Hunt will be on. Long term contracts are too risky for players like Dugan, especially if it's a ridiculous amount of money. It throws the team cap out of balance, you basically have to plan the qhole squad around one or two players.
Dugan's future lies in the centres, there is no doubt about that, either he takes a pay-cut.. Stays on his current salary or he leaves. The extra money will be necessary for looking at players to bolster the pack or keeping the cap balanced for the future.


Honestly im over the coach and the some of the older players holding the team to ransom. Sure Dugan is an acomplished player but its about winning games and he is not even close to bringing us a win.


How do threads about whether or not we should keep Dugan descend into the mythical signings of Jackson Bird (f### I'm sick of hearing about that bloke) or Tedesco?

It's insulting to be offering one of our two Origin playes LESS than what he's currently on. Where's the justification for that? "You've gained NSW and Australian selection while wearing the red V, cleaned your act up and shown some leadership amongst the team, so here's less money for your troubles." Ridiculous.


First Grade
Completely disagree. Whilst the media beat up about this shit is always ridiculous, they wouldn't be quoting that number for no reason. It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what he and his manager are after, but again I remain sceptical.
Don't get me wrong, Dugan is worth 700k a season, I would LOVE to retain him and you are right, his knowledge will be invaluable to our juniors, so let's just make that clear before I continue.

However on what you were saying about it "balancing out" with playing Dufty at fullback, you are completely wrong. Whilst Dugan is a current rep player and has been phenomenal for us, if he is demanding this sort of money for 5 years it drains too much of the cap on one player for too long. You are saying "pay him what he wants", well I guarantee you he wants a long-term contract on huge money, anyone would, especially a player of his calibre. If Dufty, Field, Herbert, Garrick, Robson, Thompson or any of these guys breaks through.. When it comes time to re-signing them we will lose the battle to other clubs purely because we cannot afford to retain them due to the sort of money Dugan/Hunt will be on. Long term contracts are too risky for players like Dugan, especially if it's a ridiculous amount of money. It throws the team cap out of balance, you basically have to plan the qhole squad around one or two players.
Dugan's future lies in the centres, there is no doubt about that, either he takes a pay-cut.. Stays on his current salary or he leaves. The extra money will be necessary for looking at players to bolster the pack or keeping the cap balanced for the future.

Can anyone please supply a link that states Dugan is after a 5yr $1.1m deal?
If not then it's all make-believe and just riding the coat tail press hysteria over Hunt.


Can anyone please supply a link that states Dugan is after a 5yr $1.1m deal?
If not then it's all make-believe and just riding the coat tail press hysteria over Hunt.

Latest report. indicates he has been offered less than his contract.

St George Illawarra star Josh Dugan is reportedly unhappy with a Dragons pay offer and is set to shop around for another NRL club or even switch to rugby union in France.

According to the Nine Network, Dugan - off contract at the end of the 2017 season - is disillusioned and disappointed with the Dragons' offer of around $100,000 less per year.

The club have reportedly told the Australian and NSW State of Origin representative to find out his worth on the open market.

Read more at http://wwos.nine.com.au/2017/02/24/...ith-dragons-in-nrl-report#x7RIkygd7Ktmo6Z1.99


It would be naive to think that Dugan wouldn't be after a contract upgrade. He's reportedly on 800k right now which sounds about right, to think that he wouldn't be after the 1 mil a season amount seems silly to me. It would also be naive to think he wouldn't be after job security.


First Grade
Latest report. indicates he has been offered less than his contract.

St George Illawarra star Josh Dugan is reportedly unhappy with a Dragons pay offer and is set to shop around for another NRL club or even switch to rugby union in France.

According to the Nine Network, Dugan - off contract at the end of the 2017 season - is disillusioned and disappointed with the Dragons' offer of around $100,000 less per year.

The club have reportedly told the Australian and NSW State of Origin representative to find out his worth on the open market.

Read more at http://wwos.nine.com.au/2017/02/24/...ith-dragons-in-nrl-report#x7RIkygd7Ktmo6Z1.99

Thanks for that, but again no mention of him seeking 5yr and $1.1m
So, really I think we'd all like to see or hear were this figure came from.


Why should he drop 100k from his contract ? because of this spine argument ? He can play FB BTW... Has done so for a while.
It would be naive to think that Dugan wouldn't be after a contract upgrade. He's reportedly on 800k right now which sounds about right, to think that he wouldn't be after the 1 mil a season amount seems silly to me. It would also be naive to think he wouldn't be after job security.

He didnt ask for an upgrade. His manager asked for deal to be finalised pre season and thew out a fugure. He asked not to have his pay reduced. He wants to stay with the club. Yeah, lets piss off rep players, who put in week in week out, have shown a clear desire pre season to stay, in the hope of future prospects. Great shining example to future players wishing to join. Dufty and co. can be nurtured and brought into the system. Apart from Nightingale we have a fairly young backline. Dugan can be instrumental in assisting these kids coming through. He may well end up at centre... Makes his worth no less in the overall development of the team.


Thanks for that, but again no mention of him seeking 5yr and $1.1m
So, really I think we'd all like to see or hear were this figure came from.

Refer to my last post Slayer.. It was a figure thrown about by his manger a few months back. It has now gone from 1.1 m to less than what he is one. Cheers