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Judiciary Charges: Johns facing four weeks


borat said:
So the ref must get dropped also becuase he ignored a report from the touch judge of an offence that warrants a 2 week suspension plus 2 weeks for repeat offender.
Yeah right :roll:


Jobdog said:
And all this has come about purely and simply because it is Andrew Johns, nothing more nothing less. If you disagree with me, look no further than what happened in the week after Quinny's spray - not much at all.
FFS, two wrongs don't make a right, I agree with you, Quinn should have been suspended, and I'll even write to the NRL and ask them to do so for you if it'll shut you up about Quinn:roll:.


Post Whore
Red and Blue Knight said:
I've had a busy weekend and ran the City to Surf yesterday so have been bludging on the couch all day so i haven't read or heard a lot about the incident. I was at the game friday night so i haven't seen a replay of what happened.

Fact is, AJ's behaviour has been atrocious. He seems to have an attitude where he feels that his status as the games premier player opens up the right to let fly at officials with foul language. Doesn't matter who you are, it ain't on.

I can understand the heat of the moment excuse, but by geez....if i had a dollar for everytime i wanted to call a customer or colleague a 'effin c' i'd be sitting pretty atm. But do i do it? No, it ain't accepted in todays society and should never ever be defended especially in something as high profile as rugby league been watched by thousands, many of them young children who literally adore Johns.

As a Newcastle supporter - devastated. Yes, devastated that this will probably mean the end of our season but more so devastated that my all time favourite player is stupid enough to continue to tarnish his image so badly. Once again, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he is extremely passionate - but christ, is he 5 or 32? I'd clip my 15 year old brother across the ears if i heard him use such foul language. Another thing - that c word is incredibly foul, extremely derogatory to women. Personally i never put up with language like that infront of female friends and family...

4 weeks? Seems harsh but by christ, where else does the NRL go - 10 lashings? He needs to be reprimanded and harshly. No player is bigger then the game and my team and it's chances to win the premiership isn't bigger then whats good for the game.

Andrew Johns and Newcastle Knights fan i am - Rugby League fan first and foremost but. Well done NRL.

P.S excuse me if i have a tonne of spelling errors and poor grammar in there but i feel like i ran 214 k's yesterday, not 14. :lol:

Hats off to you. Well said mate!:clap:


chewme said:
your right there and to add to that my 8 yo son knows who johns is but no idea who quinn is . im over the incident already but it will drag on and on and on.4 weeks to harsh 1 week or a big fine

So we should have a sliding scale of punishment dependent on the number of appearances on the footy show?


John's QC is going to have a tape from nearly every game this year of players swearing at officals. There is no consistancy with this at all.


Leagueguy said:
How many people at home called Chechin the same thing in there head when the rulling happened? How many yelled it out in the crowd?
How many signed contracts to abide by the NRL's code of conduct?


Leagueguy said:
How many people at home called Chechin the same thing in there head when the rulling happened? How many yelled it out in the crowd?
WTF does that have to do with it, since when do crowds or people at home come under the rules of the nRL and sign contracts to abide by them :cool:


borat said:
John's QC is going to have a tape from nearly every game this year of players swearing at officals. There is no consistancy with this at all.
That might help with a downgrade, but not a conviction.


Post Whore
Leagueguy said:
How many people at home called Chechin the same thing in there head when the rulling happened? How many yelled it out in the crowd?

So what? That does not excuse Johns for acting like a tool. Plus I didn't see Johns unhappy when the incident against the Sharks happened! Did Kimmorley swear at the touch judges? Nope. Just got on with the game. That is exactly what Johns should have done!


mickdo said:
That might help with a downgrade, but not a conviction.
Why?? He hasn't been charged for swearing, he's been charged for CC of dissent and abusing a match official, doesn't matter what language he used.


mickdo said:
That might help with a downgrade, but not a conviction.

It just seems awfully harsh to wait until round 23 to start citing people for swearing at officials. I still beleive it should be dealt with on the field and the ref showed he was gutless for not acting upon it particularly when the touch judge reported exactly what happened.


CrazyEel said:
Why?? He hasn't been charged for swearing, he's been charged for CC of dissent and abusing a match official, doesn't matter what language he used.
Huh? Of course it matters. If he had said the c word 50 times to an official he'd be on a higher charge than if he just said s**t.


borat said:
It just seems awfully harsh to wait until round 23 to start citing people for swearing at officials. I still beleive it should be dealt with on the field and the ref showed he was gutless for not acting upon it particularly when the touch judge reported exactly what happened.
They were warned after the Quinn incident. They didn't listen. You can only issue so many warnings. If it just happened to be rd 23 then so be it.


Post Whore
CrazyEel said:
Why?? He hasn't been charged for swearing, he's been charged for CC of dissent and abusing a match official, doesn't matter what language he used.

As someone said earlier, the NRL Tribunal is not a Court of Law. The offence only has t be proven under the balance of probability. Considering Johns was a thick as a brick and decided to write a article saying he won't appologise for his actions, then the best he can hope for is a downgrade. But I can't see him getting it. A deterant needs to be made.