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Judiciary Charges: Johns facing four weeks


I'm no fan of Johns but four weeks is harsh.

Match officials are on a downward spiral and players are getting more and more frustrated.


Post Whore
Jobdog said:
So WHAT. He said a few choice words, who bloody cares. Since when did this game get so f**king precious :roll:

1. He swore at a touch judge
2. He is a role model
3. Was a suspension right- yes. I would have given him 2 weeks.
4. The game has not got precious. Johns has got away with being a brat for a long time on the field
5. Do you see other captains swear at touch judges using that bad language- not really.
6. Was it the right result- YES it sets a deterent!


Post Whore
Jobdog said:
O'Donnell gets a one week suspension while Joey's looking at three. To me, that equates to being seen as three times as bad.

Joey would have got 2 weeks if he had a good record mate. That is Joey's fault!:lol:


Jobdog said:
O'Donnell gets a one week suspension while Joey's looking at three. To me, that equates to being seen as three times as bad.
Were you born a cretin or did you have to learn? He's getting 3-4 weeks because of his bad record. O'Donnell's was not a particularly bad shot, and was probably not as bad as Slater's.


wittyfan said:
I'm no fan of Johns but four weeks is harsh.

Match officials are on a downward spiral and players are getting more and more frustrated.
For the last time... it would have been 2 weeks early plea if he had a good record.
I think they've got it spot on.

Lets not forget the Knights were officially warned by the NRL after the Quinn incident that it would not be tolerated.

Only a mouthguard throwing merkin would come out a couple of weeks later and call an official an f'n c...

Then follows it up the next day with an article in the paper refusing to apologise.

2 weeks supsension is exactly right. Its only John's fault that he has loading taking it up to 3 weeks.

Well done to the match review comittee.


Jobdog said:
bullsh*t. I still cannot fathom how what Joey said is apparently three times as bad as what Luke O'Donnell did. All Joey said were words, thats it. Plain and simple. Matt Cecchin should go down to the shops tomorrow and get himself a skirt and run out with it on the weekend.
Geez you just can't get it, has nothing to do with what Cecchin did or didn't do, or what he got wrong, or swearing for that matter, it's about one thing only and that is you can't abuse or touch match officials.

As for comparing it to what O'Donnell did one of the greatest offences in the game is abusing, threatening or touching match officials, and at least O'Donell wasn't stupid enough to write an article saying the officials should apologise to him. :roll:

Think what you want but John's has no one to blame for all this but himself, looking back his self importance and petulant behaviour over the last few months has been slowly building up to this.


I've had a busy weekend and ran the City to Surf yesterday so have been bludging on the couch all day so i haven't read or heard a lot about the incident. I was at the game friday night so i haven't seen a replay of what happened.

Fact is, AJ's behaviour has been atrocious. He seems to have an attitude where he feels that his status as the games premier player opens up the right to let fly at officials with foul language. Doesn't matter who you are, it ain't on.

I can understand the heat of the moment excuse, but by geez....if i had a dollar for everytime i wanted to call a customer or colleague a 'effin c' i'd be sitting pretty atm. But do i do it? No, it ain't accepted in todays society and should never ever be defended especially in something as high profile as rugby league been watched by thousands, many of them young children who literally adore Johns.

As a Newcastle supporter - devastated. Yes, devastated that this will probably mean the end of our season but more so devastated that my all time favourite player is stupid enough to continue to tarnish his image so badly. Once again, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he is extremely passionate - but christ, is he 5 or 32? I'd clip my 15 year old brother across the ears if i heard him use such foul language. Another thing - that c word is incredibly foul, extremely derogatory to women. Personally i never put up with language like that infront of female friends and family...

4 weeks? Seems harsh but by christ, where else does the NRL go - 10 lashings? He needs to be reprimanded and harshly. No player is bigger then the game and my team and it's chances to win the premiership isn't bigger then whats good for the game.

Andrew Johns and Newcastle Knights fan i am - Rugby League fan first and foremost but. Well done NRL.

P.S excuse me if i have a tonne of spelling errors and poor grammar in there but i feel like i ran 214 k's yesterday, not 14. :lol:


Live Update Team
And all this has come about purely and simply because it is Andrew Johns, nothing more nothing less. If you disagree with me, look no further than what happened in the week after Quinny's spray - not much at all.


Live Update Team
RABK, would you bloody well stop telling them what they want to hear and tell them all what you actually do believe?! ;-) :p


So the ref must get dropped also becuase he ignored a report from the touch judge of an offence that warrants a 2 week suspension plus 2 weeks for repeat offender.


Red and Blue Knight said:
I've had a busy weekend and ran the City to Surf yesterday so have been bludging on the couch all day so i haven't read or heard a lot about the incident. I was at the game friday night so i haven't seen a replay of what happened.

Fact is, AJ's behaviour has been atrocious. He seems to have an attitude where he feels that his status as the games premier player opens up the right to let fly at officials with foul language. Doesn't matter who you are, it ain't on.

I can understand the heat of the moment excuse, but by geez....if i had a dollar for everytime i wanted to call a customer or colleague a 'effin c' i'd be sitting pretty atm. But do i do it? No, it ain't accepted in todays society and should never ever be defended especially in something as high profile as rugby league been watched by thousands, many of them young children who literally adore Johns.

As a Newcastle supporter - devastated. Yes, devastated that this will probably mean the end of our season but more so devastated that my all time favourite player is stupid enough to continue to tarnish his image so badly. Once again, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he is extremely passionate - but christ, is he 5 or 32? I'd clip my 15 year old brother across the ears if i heard him use such foul language. Another thing - that c word is incredibly foul, extremely derogatory to women. Personally i never put up with language like that infront of female friends and family...

4 weeks? Seems harsh but by christ, where else does the NRL go - 10 lashings? He needs to be reprimanded and harshly. No player is bigger then the game and my team and it's chances to win the premiership isn't bigger then whats good for the game.

Andrew Johns and Newcastle Knights fan i am - Rugby League fan first and foremost but. Well done NRL.

P.S excuse me if i have a tonne of spelling errors and poor grammar in there but i feel like i ran 214 k's yesterday, not 14. :lol:
:clap::clap: Cheers mate, I congratulate you on being able to see past your passion.


First Grade
Jobdog said:
And all this has come about purely and simply because it is Andrew Johns, nothing more nothing less. If you disagree with me, look no further than what happened in the week after Quinny's spray - not much at all.

You're right in a way. They couldn't let him get away with it, and they need to show it doesn't matter who you are. Referees are losing control of the players this year, and there is no way the want that in the finals. Look at the Tigers, they were absolutely dudded against Canberra but Prince didn't call the ref a f**king merkin. The referees need to be in control, and if Johns wants to spit the dummy he can go to his room for three weeks. Johns is the one who did the wrong thing, I thought the touchies call was fine.


Jobdog said:
And all this has come about purely and simply because it is Andrew Johns, nothing more nothing less. If you disagree with me, look no further than what happened in the week after Quinny's spray - not much at all.
your right there and to add to that my 8 yo son knows who johns is but no idea who quinn is . im over the incident already but it will drag on and on and on.4 weeks to harsh 1 week or a big fine


How many people at home called Chechin the same thing in there head when the rulling happened? How many yelled it out in the crowd?