mate i im involved with a side in it and its just ridiculous the way they grade competitions, draws etc. Its so ass about face its not they let clubs like wenty rule the roost
the a grade is the biggest joke of all
Okay.. it's long.. but hopefully provides some clarification...
You are involved in a side, that is awesome - may I ask which Club? I am on the Board of the Junior League and your comments/feedback are of great interest.
Club Gradings are requested by Clubs at the beginning of the year. Gradings are decided by a Panel which consists of Junior League Board/Advisory members and delegates nominated by Clubs. The decisions for gradings are based on a number of factors including previous years performance, stability of the side in terms of retention of players as well as participant Team counts - ensuring each division has an even spread of teams to compete against at a skill level as close as possible.
The Gradings are subsquently reviewed after the first 4 Competition rounds after further assessment by the panel. Every Club has the right to appeal Gradings by submitting a written application for review by the District Club Appeals Chairman - Chris Jurd.
The entire process is in place to do the best at attaining Parity, Safety for varying skill levels and also to stop ruthless Club Officials/Coaches from stacking sides in lower divisions in order to earn cheap Competition points in lower grades before being bumped up to higher divisions. Sadly, it is a practice which is all too common.
The Gradings process which is in place, is governed by the PDJRLC By-Laws which are are developed in consultation with and subsequently Voted upon by the Junior League Clubs. It isn't something that the District Club or Junior League Board has the right to change at will. Any amendments MUST be voted on by ALL PARRAMATTA JNR LEAGUE Clubs at our Annual General Meetings. Only when ratified by our Member Clubs, can such procedures be implemented. So, I must advise you that if you have grievances about Gradings, speak to your Club Executive and tell them to put motions of amendment to the Floor at our 2009 AGM in December.
The process does have flaws, however in lieu of a more workable or fair system, the Clubs are yet to request the revocation of the by-laws and processes. If you have suggestions on alternatives, by all means throw them at me.
With regards to our A Grade competition there are some changes afoot to create a Super Competition featuring the Division 1 A Grade sides from both penrith and parramatta districts . This is still in development though so I cannot give any further information as we are still working through it with the Western Academy.
I am interested in your feedback, so if you want to forward me your grievances.
If none of it makes sense, it's cos i'm at work.. answering calls and the like... I will glady clarify or amend any boo boo's