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Jury out on Eels halves, says Kenny


I know this may be a dumb question and i may have missed it on Friday night but, when did Timmy throw an intercept pass to the Bulldogs?

Stagger eel

Staff member
Kornstar said:
I know this may be a dumb question and i may have missed it on Friday night but, when did Timmy throw an intercept pass to the Bulldogs?

I don't think he did.
I think he has some valid points.

There will never be another P Sterling.

Timmy does need to refine his game a bit. He is young and will learn.

Morris isnt a "classic" example of a 5/8th. Lets face it, our strike power is out wider and off the bench. But, in no way do I mean he isnt doing a great job in the position. He just doesnt have the impact of a "classic" 5/8th like Jason Smith. Thankfully, our team doesnt have to rely on him to be the playmaker.

Bert's comments are a reality check.

Im as excited as the next person, but, have been disappointed too often over the years, and realise I shouldnt anticipate anything.

Having said that, we will still win the comp!!!:D
fish eel said:
I thought that was the Ewoks.

Wookies live on Kashyyk

Your right, so why would Chewbacca Live on Endor.


It just doesn't make sense, and if that doesn't make sense, you must acquit


Kenny played in a different era. The game has changed a lot since then. And even though he is a juniour coach, it doesn't mean that he has a modern understanding of the game. Look at Warren Ryan when he coached Newcastle. I still remember that game against the Roosters when the Knights led at half time, (I think it was maybe 99 or 2000). Wazza thought that Defence wins finals games, so he modified the defence to a more 80's style, (compressed, up and in).. Sure the Knights were leading at half time, but that's because the Roosters through so many forward passes or dropped balls. In the 2nd half, the Roosters got it right and blew the Knights off the field.

Watching the modern game doesn't neccessarily equate to an understanding of the modern game, especially if you were educated as a dinosaur.

Kenny is a legend of the 80's. And that's where Kenny will stay.

--> Grail

Stagger eel

Staff member
Grail said:
Kenny played in a different era. The game has changed a lot since then. And even though he is a juniour coach, it doesn't mean that he has a modern understanding of the game. Look at Warren Ryan when he coached Newcastle. I still remember that game against the Roosters when the Knights led at half time, (I think it was maybe 99 or 2000). Wazza thought that Defence wins finals games, so he modified the defence to a more 80's style, (compressed, up and in).. Sure the Knights were leading at half time, but that's because the Roosters through so many forward passes or dropped balls. In the 2nd half, the Roosters got it right and blew the Knights off the field.

Watching the modern game doesn't neccessarily equate to an understanding of the modern game, especially if you were educated as a dinosaur.

Kenny is a legend of the 80's. And that's where Kenny will stay.

--> Grail

good post, however you'll be taken to task by WalkerSmith who believes that because they are Parramatta legends whatever words they regurgiate should be taken as Gospal and you'll be struck down by lightening for thinking other wise.


eelavation said:
good post, however you'll be taken to task by WalkerSmith who believes that because they are Parramatta legends whatever words they regurgiate should be taken as Gospal and you'll be struck down by lightening for thinking other wise.


--> Grail


He's entitled to his opinion as we all are and i guess none of us know how timmy will handle finals pressure. As long as he come out and admits he's wrong if we do take the title. Which i can't see happening (admitting he's wrong that is)

Stagger eel

Staff member
hybrideel said:
He's entitled to his opinion as we all are and i guess none of us know how timmy will handle finals pressure. As long as he come out and admits he's wrong if we do take the title. Which i can't see happening (admitting he's wrong that is)

you know what!!...if he plays sh*t every game until the end of the year, I'd still be happy, he has exceded all expectations 5 times over in my opinion and I still believe has a lot of improvement left in him.


Are you guys sure it's not Bert starting those HOW MUCH IS ????? GONNA THRASH US BY? each week?

Doesn't put players through holes??? WTF??

Sterlo had a great passing and kicking game, wasn't quick on his feet, was quick between the ears, had funny hair (well now no hair), ran to the line and stepped.

Timmy has a soon to be great passing game, excellent kicking game, wasn't quick on his feet, was quick between the ears, had funny hair (in the future no hair), ran to the line and stepped.

Although I think timmy should run straight.


First Grade
Brett Kenny is an absolute goose. Whether it's chucking tantrums on the sideline or mouthing off about something that has nothing to do with him, he needs to shut up a bit more.

Club legend or not, he's being a total jerk this year. Sterlo's shown his support to Tim Smith, Cronin (I think it was him anyway) spoke well of Ben Smith in RLW, and then there's this jerk beating a dead horse with the "Morris isn't a five-eighth" speech we've heard 100 times before.

Get lost Brett Kenny.


eelavation said:
you know what!!...if he plays sh*t every game until the end of the year, I'd still be happy, he has exceded all expectations 5 times over in my opinion and I still believe has a lot of improvement left in him.

I totally agree. of course i'd be disappointed if we crubled in the finals because it would give Kenny and the like the chance to say i told you so. We can hope that they handle the pressure but we shouldn't expect it from someone with the little experience he has. By all accounts of his personality it doesn't seem like he will crumble but the only way we will really find out is in 4 weeks time
hybrideel said:
He's entitled to his opinion as we all are and i guess none of us know how timmy will handle finals pressure. As long as he come out and admits he's wrong if we do take the title. Which i can't see happening (admitting he's wrong that is)

Cant see where he says that we cant win the title.

I think people need to remember, they are not going to publish a smoke up ass article from anybody. They want some controversy, and thats what they have gained.

I remember the start of the season, and how most people agreed - we will make the finals, but may not be ready to win the comp this year.

Now we get to the finals, as most of us expected, and all of a sudden, anyone who still holds the opinion that we may not be quite good enough to win the comp gets attacked.

Stop the bagging ffs.

I think his opinion is probably shared by a lot of sensible people that support other teams and have an unbiased view.

As for anyone who wants to question his or Sterlo's ability - bring it on.