King Kong sucked.
If you are going to do a remake of a film you have to really have something to add to it. Whether this be a recontextualisation, an alternate perspective on the story or a directorial vision that tells the story differently you have to have the "it" factor.
This film was added to allright, but only in duration and budget.
i have to say the special effects were pretty poor overall. The only scene in which the effects convinced me where the P.O.V shots from the aeroplanes. Dizzying! aside from that Kong was ok, but nothing special and many scenes involving dinosaurs or arial shots of the island had that computer game look.
The entire first hour of the film was pointless. We learnt about JAck Blacks character but learnt almost nothing of our heroine. Sure we saw her a bit down on her luck after the playhouse closed, but if you are going to back story your cast for an hour you should probably do it with the main protaganist instead of the bloke who dissapears at the climax of the film. We then get left with Kong and the Girl thinking "so why did i watch all that crap about some fat filmmaker"
Quite simply if i hadn't seen The Cave last year king kong would have been the worst film of the year.
Taking an old movie, maing it longer and trying to pretty it up with special effects does NOT equal good.
I'm sorry peter but it has all been downhill since the Fellowship of The Ring