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Kiwi bragging rights thread

The 18th Man

Jeez, Congrats on the win and all, but we all know it came on the back of poor officiating. Hardly anything to brag about.

And lol at thaiday and civo coming from NZ

Typical of the type of mentality running rampant through Australian sporting circles from a supporter view today. Forget giving credit to the winning side, just throw up reasons as to why Australia didn't win and thus attempt to cheapen any win by the OTHER team. Embarassing.
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First Grade
How about the missed foot in touch for your try! Goes both ways. Dwell on the fact Australia has nearly 500,000 registered league players, and NZ has 17,000. Imagine how you'd battle if we had the same players to draw on, or even 1/10 of the players you do. Actually we have about 1 player to your 29!!! Face it Aussie, man for man, Kiwi's are just better than you.

Indeed it does go both ways. I'm happy for that try to be stripped. The question is: are you happy for your two tries scored off mile-forward passes to be stripped? I'm guessing not.


First Grade
Typical of the type of mentality running rampid through Australian sporting circles from a supporter view today. Forget giving credit to the winning side, just throw up reasons as to why Australia didn't win and thus attempt to cheapen any win by the OTHER team. Embarassing.

Comprehension fails you. Read the first line of my post. You'll also find I congratulated the kiwis in the game thread right on full time. My point is that had Australia won the game on the back of two forward passes, I would have nothing to brag about.

The 18th Man

No, comprehension doesn't fail me I saw your thinly veiled praise that was a prelude to the BS that shows the mentality of modern day Australian supporters. There is no need in my opinion to highlight any flaw in any officiating as it doesn't change the result. Australia have had their rub of the green in this tournament, not this time. So be it. I don't think the better side lost, do you?

If we want to be picky, why not bring up the argument for NZ where the official missed the Australian player (Tate from memory) who went out when turning the ball back in to play which in the end was pivotal in the lead up to the first Aussie try? It's horses for courses or whatever one needs to suit their argument. It's not needed.

Australia were brave in their loss, just not good enough.
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Comprehension fails you. Read the first line of my post. You'll also find I congratulated the kiwis in the game thread right on full time. My point is that had Australia won the game on the back of two forward passes, I would have nothing to brag about.

Don't pretend to be being magnanimous. You say congrats, but we shouldn't be proud. I comprehended what you were saying just fine - I just chose to ignore your backhanded compliment. I am proud because our small nation, with a very small league player base can beat Aussie in games that count. If I was an Aussie I'd not be moaning about officiating, I'd be questioning why with your depth of players and resources, (NZRL are broke and operate on the smell of an oily rag) that you can't beat us every time we play you by plenty, especially when it really counts and silverware is at stake. 29:1!!! Can you help me comprehend that?

God-King Dean

Bow to your God.


First Grade
Don't pretend to be being magnanimous. You say congrats, but we shouldn't be proud. I comprehended what you were saying just fine - I just chose to ignore your backhanded compliment. I am proud because our small nation, with a very small league player base can beat Aussie in games that count. If I was an Aussie I'd not be moaning about officiating, I'd be questioning why with your depth of players and resources, (NZRL are broke and operate on the smell of an oily rag) that you can't beat us every time we play you by plenty, especially when it really counts and silverware is at stake. 29:1!!! Can you help me comprehend that?

Lol. There's a small difference between being proud to have been in the contest, and bragging about illegal plays that were not picked up by the ref, but ultimately decided the contest.

Are you able comprehend that?


First Grade
No, comprehension doesn't fail me I saw your thinly veiled praise that was a prelude to the BS that shows the mentality of modern day Australian supporters. There is no need in my opinion to highlight any flaw in any officiating as it doesn't change the result. Australia have had their rub of the green in this tournament, not this time. So be it. I don't think the better side lost, do you?

If we want to be picky, why not bring up the argument for NZ where the official missed the Australian player (Tate from memory) who went out when turning the ball back in to play which in the end was pivotal in the lead up to the first Aussie try? It's horses for courses or whatever one needs to suit their argument. It's not needed.

Australia were brave in their loss, just not good enough.

I made a perfectly valid point. Your (clumsy) interpretation of it is your own. Read my post in reply to the point about the first Australian try.


Once again we have proved that we're the greatest Rugby League nation on earth. To all of you haters who were flapping your gums about us being fluke artists, jam that one up your asses.

We're the champions, and you've got to catch up to US.

Oh how sweet it is.

International Footy > Origin...forever.

Way to go, Mate! Here's what I want to say.

The tosser who was the main commentator for the final of the four nations game should change his name to "Cyclops". He needs to realise the game is not over until the final whistle. Making statements like "NZ has finally come up against the best in the world";"the Kiwis are gone"; "the Kangaroos are much better prepared" because " they have been through the toughest league experience there is (State of Origin)" and "they know how to come out the other side"; blah blah bloody blah, only minutes before the Kiwis scored the final points to leave the Kangaroos "hopping" mad in defeat. Well guess what, "tosser", the Kiwis are the world champions. They are, at this moment in time, the best in the world. Remember, the game of league requires TWO teams to play and BOTH teams should be given the respect they deserve. Singing one team's praises while discrediting the other, is not good commentating. It leaves you wide open to eat your own words. Enjoy the meal, Cyclops!



Lol. There's a small difference between being proud to have been in the contest, and bragging about illegal plays that were not picked up by the ref, but ultimately decided the contest.

Are you able comprehend that?

Frank, maybe you should read a bit more carefully before you start asking other people if they can comprehend. I never bragged about 'illegal' plays - 2 forward passes in Kiwi try scoring movements were missed by officials and one foot in touch in an aussie try scoring movement were missed - it happens, I saw them all. I said I was proud we could beat a nation who has 29:1 advantage in playing numbers. You still haven't given me an answer or at least a view on why with that advantage in depth that you are not so far ahead of us in any given game that marginal refereeing calls shouldn't make a difference. Franky, I understand your pain - you have been beaten in a critical game AGAIN, by a league nation that should never have the right to trouble the mighty Kangaroos.
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The 18th Man

I made a perfectly valid point. Your (clumsy) interpretation of it is your own. Read my post in reply to the point about the first Australian try.

Moloochief and I must be guilty of the same crime. Your "point" (which I don't think you made, but each to their own) was as best put, a "back handed compliment" that is all too common by far too many Australian supporters today.

Congrats again to NZ.


First Grade
Frank, maybe you should read a bit more carefully before you start asking other people if they can comprehend. I never bragged about 'illegal' plays - 2 forward passes in Kiwi try scoring movements were missed by officials and one foot in touch in an aussie try scoring movement were missed - it happens, I saw them all.

Mooloo, before you attempt to call me on my own comprehension, you might want to brush up on your own. I never accused you personally of bragging about illegal plays. My comment (and entire point) was about this thread. In your reply to one of my posts you claim that I said that NZ should not be proud. I'd like you to find a quote where I've said this.

Mooloochief said:
I said I was proud we could beat a nation who has 29:1 advantage in playing numbers. You still haven't given me an answer or at least a view on why with that advantage in depth that you are not so far ahead of us in any given game that marginal refereeing calls shouldn't make a difference.
I ignored this comment because it relies on very simple and specious reasoning. Your premise appears to be that Australia should be dominant purely on depth alone, and ignores the factors of coaching, flexible gameplans, players turning up on the day, injuries, yes refereeing etc. I don't consider it an argument worthy of reply. But hey, it's your opinion and you are entitled to express it. Just don't expect me to entertain it.

I could be off the mark, but I'm guessing it's an argument you may have whipped out after the 58-0 slaughtering in 2007.

And lol at "marginal".
Mooloochief said:
Franky, I understand your pain - you have been beaten in a critical game AGAIN, by a league nation that should never have the right to trouble the mighty Kangaroos.
Moolooy, I appreciate your misguided sympathy, but it really is unwarranted. I have no pain about the loss. If I had pain, I might be making derogatory comments like some certain NZ fans did in these forums last weekend.


We are the champions... AGAIN (yes I know different words).

What a sweet, sweet feeling. Man we're developing a great group of players. Bring in the likes of Manu Vatuvei and Sammy Rapira and Kieran Foran... The future is bright. Benji-mania begins.

dont forget the coachs mate.. :D


Seriously, dude, go find somewhere else to troll.

Mooloo, before you attempt to call me on my own comprehension, you might want to brush up on your own. I never accused you personally of bragging about illegal plays. My comment (and entire point) was about this thread. In your reply to one of my posts you claim that I said that NZ should not be proud. I'd like you to find a quote where I've said this.
Here ya go:
Jeez, Congrats on the win and all, but we all know it came on the back of poor officiating. Hardly anything to brag about.

And lol at thaiday and civo coming from NZ
And before you say (in what i'm assuming is a typical Greg Bird whining-type voice) 'well, i never said the word 'proud',' bragging implies having something to be proud about. If, therefore, you say the win was hardly anything to brag about, it can easily be argued you are saying the win is something in which little pride should be taken.

Own your words, poochie.

I ignored this comment because it relies on very simple and specious reasoning. Your premise appears to be that Australia should be dominant purely on depth alone, and ignores the factors of coaching, flexible gameplans, players turning up on the day, injuries, yes refereeing etc. I don't consider it an argument worthy of reply. But hey, it's your opinion and you are entitled to express it. Just don't expect me to entertain it.
Yep, you're right. Our coaches were superior, our gameplans better, and our players turned up on the day. So basically, it appears you agree that the better side won.

I could be off the mark, but I'm guessing it's an argument you may have whipped out after the 58-0 slaughtering in 2007.

And lol at "marginal".

Moolooy, I appreciate your misguided sympathy, but it really is unwarranted. I have no pain about the loss. If I had pain, I might be making derogatory comments like some certain NZ fans did in these forums last weekend.
Last weekend there were a whole lot more Aussies making derogatory comments than there were Kiwis. But why acknowledge that? Kinda like how the majority of Aussie supporters here didn't see any issue with Archer's performance in the Roo/Kumul game.

And Grimey, if you really had no pain about the loss you wouldn't have jumped into a thread like this and started trolling now, would you?
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Jeez, Congrats on the win and all, but we all know it came on the back of poor officiating. Hardly anything to brag about.

And lol at thaiday and civo coming from NZ

Don't be a toss. Refereeing has been deplorable for at least a decade and now it's an issue? Great teams overcome adversity. Australia thought they could coast home and got their pants pulled down.

Move along precious, New Zealand are the champions.

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