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Knights Captain 2016

Korbin is a bit immature at the moment, but if we had a leadership group I would have him there to develop his leadership skills.


I'd like to see Mullen get a real chance to develop as a leader with a good half now in the team to support him.

If they decide Mullo will be better off just focusing on his game then I want to see co-captains with Jeremy Smith being one and either Rochow or Hodkinson as the other. I don't really like the idea of a player who's never played with the team as captain and would like to see Hodkinson earn the respect first. I also think it's a season to soon for Rochow. Co-captains with Smith would give whoever a year to develop into the role and take it on solely in 2017. Smith is also captain material in his own right, he will bring a lot to the table and show them how it's done.

It's also worked pretty well with the cowboys.
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Knight Vision

First Grade
Gagai could grow into the role nicely, perhaps with Smith as co captain ? In truth only an insider would know who's best suited. Leadership requires a variety of skills, authority, communication, and setting an example.

For mine Roco hasnt cemented his place in the team as yet

I'm thinking Mullen just may crumble under the pressure of being the leader, we all know he isnt exactly the strongest mentally.

Hodgo seems a little quite

Sims could be a dark horse, perhaps a little young but would develop quite well, again as co-captain with Smith for the year.


First Grade
I still like Mullen as captain. History has shown captaincy actually helps his game ...unlike say Gidley.

I'd like to see Hodko just given a chance to fit into a new side without the added pressure. I worry that people are going to expect him to come in and turn us around magically and adding the captaincy would increase that.

Tariq is too ill disciplined. I see Rochow or Korbin as good options but probably in 2-3 years down the track. Smith will be gone after next year. Gagai can't even tackle. Houston is just straight poo and the others are all too young.
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Hello, I'm The Doctor

First Grade
JSmith is here for only 1 or 2 more years, so id give it to him (assuming he is still focused on the team and not looking at his retirement).

The id like to see it go to either Rochow, on of the Sims's or Trent Hog.

I dont think Mullen had earned it, and i think giving it to him based on his sub-par performances sends a bad message.


I don't think Mullen's performances have been sub par.
2 injury prone seasons where we've played ok with him there and struggled immensely without him. He excelled in the role in late 2013 so I definitely think he deserves the full time role next year.

Knight Vision

First Grade
I don't think Mullen's performances have been sub par.
2 injury prone seasons where we've played ok with him there and struggled immensely without him. He excelled in the role in late 2013 so I definitely think he deserves the full time role next year.

Depends on the culture we're looking for. Perhaps Mullen is one of the players who is "just happy to play first grade" He is a mental midget which doesnt endear me to the prospect of him being Captain.


Depends on the culture we're looking for. Perhaps Mullen is one of the players who is "just happy to play first grade" He is a mental midget which doesnt endear me to the prospect of him being Captain.

What if he's not one of those players? is there any evidence other than a general comment from a moron like Paul Kent?

Knight Vision

First Grade
What if he's not one of those players? is there any evidence other than a general comment from a moron like Paul Kent?
No, but I really do believe Mullen to be a better player than what he has dished up throughout his career. ( yes i know he's never had a decent halves partner and usually played behind a beaten pack ) He's never achieved consistency, and I think that comes through desire.
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence"


First Grade
People's attitudes torwards Mullen continue to astound me a bit. People say he doesn't deserve captaincy because he's been "sub par" but then I have to stop and ask well if he doesn't deserve it then who the hell in the squad does? Yes he hasn't had a good last couple of seasons but the bloke has barely been on the field and even then and previously he was pushing through pain and having 20 injections to get back onto the field when most people were saying that was crazy. Previously to 2014/2015 when the injuries got the better of him pretty much every game we won post-Johns came back to Mullo. People have extremely short memories it seems and I don't think it's a coincidence that the squad falling into a heap in the past two years has coincided with Mullen not being able to get onto the field.

There seems to be this air of hostility torwards the bloke because he didn't "reach his potential" or whatever but then I have to stop and think that the people saying that were fooled by some of the "next Johns" crap...or maybe they think because he was undeservingly picked for NSW as a 20-year-old that he was meant to go on and captain Australia or something. The bottom line is though there is not one other player in the current squad that has given half as much to this club as Mullen has. Add in the fact that it was shown in 2013 that the boys responded positively to him as captain and that it actually helped his game instead of hindering it like it does a lot of players (e.g. Gids) and it's an absolute no brainer in my eyes.

He was given the captaincy in 2013 and he didn't buckle under the pressure of it one bit ... In fact he thrived on it.


First Grade
No, but I really do believe Mullen to be a better player than what he has dished up throughout his career. ( yes i know he's never had a decent halves partner and usually played behind a beaten pack ) He's never achieved consistency, and I think that comes through desire.
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence"

I know a bloke that plays in the local comp who knows Mullen and he's told me that he'll be surprised if Mullen can still walk when he's 40. He told me that the amount of injuries the bloke has played through during his career would absolutely shock you. I guess it's easy to look at someone as an outsider who you don't feel has played to their potential and say that they're not trying, don't have the desire, etc. though. I feel it's probably head-in-the-sand stuff though so we can just point blame at his shoulders and not look at the real issues. Not one of our juniors in the post-Johns period has gone onto do what we thought they could. Mullen is the rule not the expection there. We need to work out why that is.


People's attitudes torwards Mullen continue to astound me a bit. People say he doesn't deserve captaincy because he's been "sub par" but then I have to stop and ask well if he doesn't deserve it then who the hell in the squad does? Yes he hasn't had a good last couple of seasons but the bloke has barely been on the field and even then and previously he was pushing through pain and having 20 injections to get back onto the field when most people were saying that was crazy. Previously to 2014/2015 when the injuries got the better of him pretty much every game we won post-Johns came back to Mullo. People have extremely short memories it seems and I don't think it's a coincidence that the squad falling into a heap in the past two years has coincided with Mullen not being able to get onto the field.

There seems to be this air of hostility torwards the bloke because he didn't "reach his potential" or whatever but then I have to stop and think that the people saying that were fooled by some of the "next Johns" crap...or maybe they think because he was undeservingly picked for NSW as a 20-year-old that he was meant to go on and captain Australia or something. The bottom line is though there is not one other player in the current squad that has given half as much to this club as Mullen has. Add in the fact that it was shown in 2013 that the boys responded positively to him as captain and that it actually helped his game instead of hindering it like it does a lot of players (e.g. Gids) and it's an absolute no brainer in my eyes.

He was given the captaincy in 2013 and he didn't buckle under the pressure of it one bit ... In fact he thrived on it.

I know a bloke that plays in the local comp who knows Mullen and he's told me that he'll be surprised if Mullen can still walk when he's 40. He told me that the amount of injuries the bloke has played through during his career would absolutely shock you. I guess it's easy to look at someone as an outsider who you don't feel has played to their potential and say that they're not trying, don't have the desire, etc. though. I feel it's probably head-in-the-sand stuff though so we can just point blame at his shoulders and not look at the real issues. Not one of our juniors in the post-Johns period has gone onto do what we thought they could. Mullen is the rule not the expection there. We need to work out why that is.

Couldn't possibly agree more. It seems like we're in the vast minority these days, though. Mullen has given more to our club - and given us more to cheer about - than any player that has played for us since Johns. Gidley gave us heart, but Mullen has given us heart and ability as an absolute rule when fit... and has given us a lot even when not fit. Our club and his injury run ruined what he could have been - he definitely did have a much higher ceiling... but people seem to correlate "didn't quite get there" with "he's completely f**king useless". He and Gagai are about the only blokes on our team that I'd be legitimately upset to lose... and while it's possible that Brown may have given him a kick up the bum by now (although I doubt it), I can't imagine that Mullen is one of the blokes that is "on notice". There's a long list of blokes deserving of that before Mullo.

Much like every other coach that has coached him in first grade - I think Browns attitude will be more "how can I get the whole 9 yards out of Mullen". His job is half done for him, too - Hodkinson will help here. Continue to build on the pack and put blokes that can catch a ball outside them and you're well on your way to the right formula.
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Couldn't possibly agree more. It seems like we're in the vast minority these days, though. Mullen has given more to our club - and given us more to cheer about - than any player that has played for us since Johns. Gidley gave us heart, but Mullen has given us heart and ability as an absolute rule when fit... and has given us a lot even when not fit. Our club and his injury run ruined what he could have been - he definitely did have a much higher ceiling... but people seem to correlate "didn't quite get there" with "he's completely f**king useless". He and Gagai are about the only blokes on our team that I'd be legitimately upset to lose... and while it's possible that Brown may have given him a kick up the bum by now (although I doubt it), I can't imagine that Mullen is one of the blokes that is "on notice". There's a long list of blokes deserving of that before Mullo.

Much like every other coach that has coached him in first grade - I think Browns attitude will be more "how can I get the whole 9 yards out of Mullen". His job is half done for him, too - Hodkinson will help here. Continue to build on the pack and put blokes that can catch a ball outside them and you're well on your way to the right formula.

I agree with everything you've said but surely Mullen is second to Bedsy since Joey retired?


I agree with everything you've said but surely Mullen is second to Bedsy since Joey retired?

For sure, but given that Bedsy has only played 3 injury riddled half-seasons for us since Joeys retirement, he sorta faded in my mind a bit as far as the post-Johns era goes. In my head I still consider Bedsy a part of that era I guess, but yeah Bedsy has of course given as much as any player you could name over his entire career. Just an accidental omission on my part, but Mullo is definitely up there and hopefully still has a few seasons in front of him yet.

I do think Mullen is destined to be another Knight that gets to retire with a broken something instead of on their terms, though. He's put that body through hell for us - much moreso than the average player, and most of the supporters don't give a f**k.

Knight Vision

First Grade
I know a bloke that plays in the local comp who knows Mullen and he's told me that he'll be surprised if Mullen can still walk when he's 40. He told me that the amount of injuries the bloke has played through during his career would absolutely shock you. I guess it's easy to look at someone as an outsider who you don't feel has played to their potential and say that they're not trying, don't have the desire, etc. though. I feel it's probably head-in-the-sand stuff though so we can just point blame at his shoulders and not look at the real issues. Not one of our juniors in the post-Johns period has gone onto do what we thought they could. Mullen is the rule not the expection there. We need to work out why that is.
Some very god points you mention there . Some of these guys play through injuries we arent even aware of.

Last point about our juniors is correct and a worry. I read an article during the season that ranked clubs by the amount of first graders developed and we were waaaaay down the list. Considering the massive nursery we have someone has a lot of questions to answer


First Grade
Yeah it's a joke to be honest. Gids is the last legit rep player we have produced (could potentially include Aku's little 2 year cameo) and he debuted 15 years ago.


Our development over the past 15 years has been farcical. No-one kicks on once they find their comfort zone. It's remarkable that we got 3 good years out of Aku, tbh... we've got a lot less out of the rest. Juniors that leave here early enough seem to go alright, though. Looking forward to seeing what the Doggies can do with Holland. He'll likely eclipse all the blokes we kept instead pretty quickly. No doubt he'll be much better value for them than Pat and Chanel are for us... but you just know in your heart that if we kept Holland and let the Mata'utia boys go, it'd be the other way around.

We are the polar opposite of teams like the Doggies and Melbourne. They see potential in a player and manage to squeeze every drop out on the field. We see potential in a player and almost guarentee they'll never get there. I'm sure House will go somewhere for a bargain and provide them value.
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