Soooooo angry right now, what a disgusting attacking performance... And that defence, where on earth was that stoic defensive attitude the rest of the year???? Arguably our best defensive game also happened to be our worst attacking game... I HATE playing the warriors at Mt Smart, bar none, I would rather go to Melbourne and try and beat the storm than try and beat Warriors at Mt Smart... I seriously hated watching that game. Only my ridiculously obsessive nature as a die-hard knights supporter kept me intersted, based on the abstract notion that we might, just might, manage to pull our finger out and score a try, hey maybe even win the game, or maybe even make the finals for once, but no. A disappointing performance when I expected so much better from them off the back of a terrible effort last week, wow, Johns retires so the boys use Bedsy as their crutch, then he heads off and Kurt becomes our crutch, well sorry fellas we just didn't have a crutch to prop ourselves up on tonight did we... What an abysmal performance, so frustrating!
I am writing this angry rant because I am a trying to work off the annual frustration of supporting the knights, every time I think we have turned a corner and are ready to take this competition on we lose to middle table teams who have only managed 2 or 3 wins between them over the last 6-7 weeks and have both lost to Cronulla before playing us. This happens every year, the boys build a bit of a name for themselves and then just play like total **** for the rest of the year!
It doesn't matter if we can beat the whole top 4, we're not finals material if we cannot comfortably beat the middle table teams. Smithy better bring a fire hose to the next training session and turn it on full blast on the whole squad and tell them whichever 17 players are the last left standing get to play our next game.
I'll probably cop some criticism for this post but I don't care, this has been building in me for about the last 3 years, and another look at the list of teams we have lost to tells the whole story, Tigers, Rabbitohs, Parramatta, Warriors, 4 games that if we are serious about winning we will mop the floor with... What a joke, I just wish it was a bit funnier.