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Knocking Up the Knights>Dave's Rant


perverse said:
lol actually that was a good laugh - top stuff. :thumn
you rant every week? i may just stop by here more often...

good luck on the weekend.
Dave started his rants a few weeks ago,The Parra fans came into the forum and fired up,So i made Daves rant a sticky for the week which we play each team.
So far the Parra fans have displayed the most venom:lol:
Bring Bicey back in he seems to fire up,Bring on the weekly Banter ;-)


Dave Q said:
Some of the bulldogs were nice to us and then we lost the match.

I'm not superstitious, but all this kindness and goodwill is getting really annoying.

I need counselling.

Somebody say something hateful and horrid!
well.. uhm.. heh.. er..

your mum.. she's morbidly obese.

-edit- oh and spiltmilk - good stuff! .. sorry to rain on the parade too guys.. it was just too amusing to fire up at. -/edit-


Dave Q said:
Some of the bulldogs were nice to us and then we lost the match.

I'm not superstitious, but all this kindness and goodwill is getting really annoying.

I need counselling.

Somebody say something hateful and horrid!
I loved the super league war:crazy:


I think its great that Souths play as far away from Redfern as possible these days. At least i can drive my car to the games and not have to worry about it getting stolen.....

Although, i'm not too sure about 13 of the starting 17 bunnies players. Might have to leave before full time just to be sure.


Farva said:
I think its great that Souths play as far away from Redfern as possible these days. At least i can drive my car to the games and not have to worry about it getting stolen.....

Although, i'm not too sure about 13 of the starting 17 bunnies players. Might have to leave before full time just to be sure.
Put a Rabbitohs sticker on the bumper and your car will be fine maybe even washed and polished when you return;-)

Dave Q

Spiltmilk said:
Put a Rabbitohs sticker on the bumper and your car will be fine maybe even washed and polished when you return;-)

Sniff sniff sniff!

I smell a kill!

There are no bumper bars on donkeys, not on the front end anyway.

A quick verse is required:-

We are on the good ship Taylor
He doesnt accept Failure
Peacheys Keen and Roy is Mean
And Cusak wants to nail ya.

The days of anyone who can still breathe being selected in our first grade squad are long gone.

I cant imagine the week Adam is having anticpating facing the firestarter (buddy) on Sunday.

They are good friends of course.

For our Newcastle guests, buddy is reminiscent of a junior Frank Pritchard except he is twice as fast and five times more elusive. For a kid he some wonderful ball skills.

Adam is a brave and determined footballer and I expect he will manage buddy for about the first half an hour before he starts to get tired or breaks down entirely.

Then buddy will wreak total destruction!

Gene Krupa

How'd Joey (Williams) and (Jeremy) Smith go last week, Dave?

Must have sent the club fishing squad to play the bulldogs cause you didn't send anyone with an ounce of ticka.

Oh look. There's a bubble bursting. The band wagon is getting lighter. Souths are copping floggings again. All's right in the world.

Bet Rusty's pissed he bought Armani when the guys played like Lowes!

Dave Q

Not bad son, now heres a yam, I want you to go down to the market and trade it for a yam.

Rocky Rabbit

at least theres a few bites Dave

cant wait to see Doogs Vs Buddy. Apparently Buddys trimmed down some of his fat and its all muscle now.
i likes souths..they got back into the comp thru newcastle knights supporters..but this knobs thread is just a waste of brain cells..even trying to decipher it


Holla if ya hear me said:
i likes souths..they got back into the comp thru newcastle knights supporters..but this knobs thread is just a waste of brain cells..even trying to decipher it
Pull your head out of your arse................................................................................................Now breathe the fresh air and get a grip on reality

Dave Q

Holla if ya hear me said:
i likes souths..they got back into the comp thru newcastle knights supporters..but this knobs thread is just a waste of brain cells..even trying to decipher it

This model is an example of the classic "bonehead"

Ive been waiting for one of these since the eels.

Spiltmilk, my learned colleague, I think that our friend above, his natural air, is of the quality that he sucks in through his rear. In fact, its his natural total environment. I have genuine fears that a whiff of fresh air would kill him stone dead within a second.


A typical member of his species, Hobo resorts to rude insults to communicate his support for his football club.

An added bonus here is that he seems to be under the mistaken belief that somehow Newcastle saved Souths. His other beliefs are as follows:-

1. Joseph Johns cut his salary to ensure that Nukastle could secure good players
2. That newcastle didnt play most of the game offside when they beat Manly to win the comp.
3.That Newcastle fans present as an attractive market for intending sponsers.
4. That Newcastle are going to beat us next weekend.

He is a good and loyal member of his kind

In other words, a fugging idiot.

And given his disability with his mouth, I declare our boneheaded friend as uniquely unfit to bend over and kiss rabbit.

Thats a first lads. I'm clapping him here at home, but not with too much vigour. Oh! not that he could hear me!

Thank you for liking Souths Hobo, I'd hate to be a club you loved!


Get a load of this guy.

His team wins 3 matches in a row and he thinks its Christmas. Now I'm sure if you will recall but that is as many matches as you won in the entire 2006 season. My point is I dont want you to get to excited to early in the season, which could lead to further disappointment down the track.

Because your track record over the past 18 years really hasn't been all that great, lets take a little look back shall we....

Since we joined the competition in 1988...
We have won 21 out of 25 matches. How many have you won?
We have won 2 premierships. How many have you won?
We have had 2 Clive Churchill Medal winners. How many have you had?
We have had 3 DallyM/Rothmans Medal winners. How many have you had?
We have "won" the wooden spoon 1 time. How many times have you "won" it?
We have had numerous State and International Players. How many have you had?
We have kicked out of the competition 0 times. How many times have you been kicked out?

My aim here Dave is not to "troll" but simply to give a little back. You are prepared to dish it out on my team, are you prepared to cop it in return?
Fire up all you Souths fans,don't forget the Knights management did not want us in the comp at all during the super league war,ie Michael Hill.:x This ***** wit and his board turned their backs on our great club.Never forgive!
Fire up all you Souths fans,don't forget the Knights management did not want us in the comp at all during the super league war,ie Michael Hill.:x This ***** wit and his board turned their backs on our great club.Never forgive!


Staff member
What about all those fans that turned their backs when your team was sh*t, but are suddenly back now that your team is decent...never forgive?

Dave Q

CycloneSteve said:
Get a load of this guy.

His team wins 3 matches in a row and he thinks its Christmas. Now I'm sure if you will recall but that is as many matches as you won in the entire 2006 season. My point is I dont want you to get to excited to early in the season, which could lead to further disappointment down the track.

Because your track record over the past 18 years really hasn't been all that great, lets take a little look back shall we....

Since we joined the competition in 1988...
We have won 21 out of 25 matches. How many have you won?
We have won 2 premierships. How many have you won?
We have had 2 Clive Churchill Medal winners. How many have you had?
We have had 3 DallyM/Rothmans Medal winners. How many have you had?
We have "won" the wooden spoon 1 time. How many times have you "won" it?
We have had numerous State and International Players. How many have you had?
We have kicked out of the competition 0 times. How many times have you been kicked out?

My aim here Dave is not to "troll" but simply to give a little back. You are prepared to dish it out on my team, are you prepared to cop it in return?

You look like a troll because you are a troll! Dont pi&* on our backs and tell us its raining!

I cannot believe that anyone could be dumb enough to boast to Souths fans that they have won 2 premierships.

We have won 20. Simple maths says thats 18 Premierships more than you.

Clive Churchill actually played for Souths you fugging idiot!! Dont tell us you had good players.

Put your cross down and give yourself a thousand uppercuts friend!

And I'm not finished with you yet, I'll be back!


Staff member
Dave Q said:
And I'm not finished with you yet, I'll be back!
Oh, I'm sure he's scared sh*tless :sarcasm:

If you read his post, he was talking about the last 18 years, since the Knights have been in the comp. In that time, Knights have been a far greater team than Souths.


Frederick said:
What about all those fans that turned their backs when your team was sh*t, but are suddenly back now that your team is decent...never forgive?
Fuggin deserters:x

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