imagine a pack like this
Luch, Ford, Timm, Kerr
the drop off in intensity and go forward wouldnt stop like it did when pothole Latts came on and our momentum ENDED! Timm, even now is 4 times Latts so is Kerr ( about 3 times) also
it showed how much we missed Jack I hope hes innocent!
Luchs go forward is immense these days he can be used as a metre eater mungrel prop as much as a Artie style ball playing forward....imagine the grunt and go forward of Kerr, Timm, Vaughny, Frizz, Tariq!!
with Ford and Luch ballplaying forwards offloading putting the little guys through gaps thats why we NEED to keep this bunch! they play well together.its a chemistry you need to nurture in league these combos.... and we have JUST the little men to bob up around our ballplaying giants now, perfect ones in Sailor, Field, Dufty, Ravi, Saab, Lomax anyone could mould a GREAT team with our cattle right now....its just that half of the bottom 30 are better then the top...