The difference between you and I is this, I am man enough to admit my mistakes, you run away from yours.
You have been caught telling lies, using different user names, you are hypocritical by accusing people of name dropping to our CEO and yet you have done excatly the same thing.
As has been pointed out already, people have tried to be a mate to you, but unfortunately, you do not understand what the word "friend or mate" is.
I would also like to point out that some of the people you have rebuked have done more for our football club in one season than you will ever do in a lifetime.
Seeing you feel I am the cut and paste king, I have received this e-mail from our CEO:
It says and I quote " When you talk to **** next, please tell him to stop e-mailing me, he is a total pain in the arse. For the amount of time I spend responding to his petulant e-mails, you would believe he is a Cronulla sponsor.
I am sure that he would be thrilled about YOU sending personal e-mails to different supporters. As I mentioned earlier, you haven't got the guts to admit that though have you??