Firstly, it's a game, I'm not upset and not angry because the dicks that run this place that banned me in the dead of night without explanation deserve have life made hard for them. Think of me what you will about that but I don't care.
The Popper said:
2 questions:
1) who's the duck?
2) where are you guys getting all these great Logo Pics from? I want one. :lol:
1) me of course!
2) - just download them and resize them Popper - of and welcome back - we've been in a frenzy worrying about you!
all this is rather odd
Not really millers. You see Fizman, via reefy, conned his way into our nightly MSN chat because he wanted certain new info about the Sharks (no big deal, nothing earth shattering but now none of you are gonna get it at this stage)
Spent his time going from chat to chat the other being with Mcmerkin. Told him everything we said in confidence and reacted in a most abrupt manner when the word mole was mentioned.
Tried to do a bit of splitting as well to no avail. left and within 5 minuites the duck was gooooorrrrrrnnnnnnnneeeee.
Not unexpected - ~*spankie*~ was ready to go and McSharkie_ too because I'll only leave when I choose to.
Didn't have to be that way but they set the rules of the game
e admin suddenly work out what was in the duck a'lorange
No, they were told, because I readily admitted it to Fizman who was too dumb to be sure after having a chat with both Frenzy and Jemima in MSN at the same time.
They are many things but not stupid
Yes, they are, very.
i am sure the sharks mods will clear this up
no, they won't.
Its my understanding that the admin have long known about Frenzy's new alibi, but were willing to let it slide because it was so self-humiliating.
Doubtful Zed, there's no way Frenzy would be allowed to stay for 4 weeks if that F/W Willow was sure it was me. As for self humiliating, nuh. The duck was fun.
Until yesterday.
Either way, I have no doubts he'll find some new persona to adopt... although Spankie might be a bit too obvious
Of course. And when I don't want to be detected I won't be.
But this was a good one. So many "knew" it was me but couldn't nail it.
Oh and BTW
Because I owe Fizman now
He's the one who was cutting and pasting threads from the mods forum for me. Double agent! Nice one centurian, nice one!
Here's an example of his handywork
Marduk had this in his avatar:
The source of the image from Frenzy's website.
someone in the mods forum around about Jan 9th or 10th for when you search for it Willow baby said:
Can one of the Sharks Mods tell Marduk that he risks getting banned for following Frenzy's instructions? Thanks.
For those who dont know, Frenzy has made 4 attempts to re-join the site under different nicks - meaninh he has broken Cliffy's record. He hasn't tried to send us an email, instead he just keeps trying to sneak back in.
He is probably running out of email addys so now he is resorting to lower tactic of dragging other members into it.
As you can see, another member threatened to sue the site for defamation following something that Frenzy said. I didnt want to say this before but I guess its out now. Frenzy's actions did present a threat to the site and his subsequent actions have shown him to be a nasty piece of work.
I hope people understand now that I really had no choice but to ban him.
Anyone wanna read last's night's MSN convo can just email me by getting me address from someone. It's all saved.