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League stars in campus ruckus


Of all the stupid, brain dead idiotic things to have happen 3 weeks before kickoff, this has to happen... Fair dinkum... What does it have to come to? Do we have to have a situation where the players arrive at the ground 5 minutes before kickoff, play the game.. then get straight back on the bus without talking to anyone? Did any of them pay ANY attention to what happened last year? Im all for instant sackings for anyone involved in this, its the only way this "cultural behaviour" is going to stop.

All I can say is, thank god most of the senior players werent at Bathurst, or else this story would have a whole new set of problems associated with it. :evil: :evil: :evil: Please Mr Gallop, just make it stop


First Grade
when i fouind out about this yesterday i laughed cause i thought they were joking i was so shocked to find out it was the truth. i know many people who go to CSU and i know of what happened... it has been all the talk here, obvisouly i have been copping it caus e i go for the knights but i can take it. i just say i am not a bull dogs fan.
it is disappointing to know that there are guys in our club who are like this, they ened to be sorted out and really, i think they are being sorted out i would hate to get into trouble from the coach michal haganh, he is so scary when he is angry!!!!
but these players who ran through the CSU with the fire thingo i can't help but laugh at, but really they could have done it at a different time or place. the player who i am very dissapointed in cause he knows better and i really would not expect him to do what he did to that girl he should be punished!


C'mon people they're only young men.

Let them have their fun.

Arn't you aloud to enjoy yourself anymore?

Are you aloud to even touch a lady today with-out some one crying rape.

I swear, this country is going further an further down the spiral.

No one has a sense of humor anymore.

I remember when Australia use to be fun.

We were once Yobbo's but THAT Australia is dead.

We've become too sophisticated apparently.

Take Antonius the other day.....He erased my BIG butt woman i posted here the other day and replaced it with Scar face.

Why was she erased?

I wanna ask one more question.
Have we sacrificed our traditional Yobbo ways to make way for the families and women to watch our Footy?

Footys a mans game...Swearing, smoking, spilt beer, sexist taunts come with the terrortory.

Check out Brookvales snazzy Womens lounge..............What a sacrifice.

Let's just give up all our pig headed ways and give in to the richys and East coast Latte snobs.

Wow Australia will be soon the new poshy Ingland.
We've got too much class now.


Theres a difference between a sense of humour and destroying campus property UT... as well as jumping on a girl and saying "come on you want it" to that effect.... we have to protect the games image as a whole, my worry with this behaviour is it affects grass roots rugby league, because what parent in their right mind would want their son to grow up in this sort of culture? We can have seminars, suspensions, whatever, but the players just dont seem to get it. If you have no players, you have no game. No game means no dollars. For a game that prides itself on its tough image, its coming off more as a culture of brain dead idiots every time something like this comes up, and THATS where the problem lies.


I was at Bathurst Panthers after the game with some mates, and the Knights players I saw (who were walking out the same time we came in) seemed to be well behaved.


Putting aside the verity of this latest story, the issue I have is the frequency of these "incidents" across the board. If you ask me, this is a problem endemic to football players generally -- no matter the code. My concern is that it is only in rare cases that individuals and clubs are learning the lessons of those before them. The Bulldogs have since made an effort, publicly at least, to repair a battered image as a club of womanisers. Yet they're not the only club with a serious problem in this department.

The saying that "boys will be boys" quite seriously does not cut it here. This is a serious problem that rugby league must work hard to stamp out. And the only way to do so is to make it very clear to all players that, regardless of status, any player found to have been involved in these alcohol-related, or even non-alcohol-related incidents, will have their contract torn up.

No more slaps on the wrist, no more garnishing of pocket-money. These are big boys with big egos, and even greater levels of testosterone. It may be the reported incidents that bring about change, but it's the unreported ones that undermine it all. Anyone who lives in Newcastle will know already of the reputation that a number of our beloved Knights players have around town. It's all very seedy, but certainly no laughing matter. We can pretend all we like that these players are good role-models, but essentially many of them are simply undomesticated having finished living in the real world when they started playing first grade.

While I hope this all proves to be a media beat-up, I also hope that anyone found to be in the wrong is given a caning in the contract-negotiation room. If two $150,000 players cost us a million dollar major sponsor, then I'd sooner see the two players go.


IanG said:
I agree Tony. This is the second consecutive year that this sort of thing has happned during a trip to a pre-season trial game. If this is gonna happen all the time then maybe they should look at scrapping them.
Are you saying that the players should be scrapped, or that the trips to trial games should be scrapped? If you're referring to the trial games ... are you kidding? The players just need to learn how to behave while they're on these trips. It's really not that hard; it just takes a bit of common sense. With the events of the last couple of years, you'd think they would understand that running amok on a university campus and destroying property really isn't a sensible thing to do. Just how much intelligence are they lacking? Did they not think that word of this would get out? Were they too drunk to even consider the consequences? And if so, why were they drinking in the first place? This whole situation really disappoints me. I never expected it from our club.

Our reputation will be tarnished forever now, even if nothing comes out of this. People will still remember this event when they think of the Knights, just like no-one has forgotten about the Bulldogs saga. Our name is damaged now, even if we are cleared of any wrong-doing.

The players involved should be dealt with severely. There should be zero tolerance for these kind of incidents. Maybe then, other players will get the message that this type of behaviour will never be tolerated.


Johns-All-Day said:
The players involved should be dealt with severely. There should be zero tolerance for these kind of incidents. Maybe then, other players will get the message that this type of behaviour will never be tolerated.

It seems that that is precisely it; they are not getting the message, and hence we're still dealing with this kind of irresponsible behaviour. I cannot comment with any great authority on what it's like to be so far down the road of inebriation you lose control of your emotions, but it seems obvious that the rules mean very little once the players are drunk of their faces.

It's a hefty blow to the image of the club, especially so if it all proves to be true.


Anyone involved in a team sport knows that when you go away on a long road trip for a game/trial it generally involves some sort of after game celebration or p*ss up. Its a giver.

What I can't understand is why officials can't organise an after game function at a particular venue and lay down the law to the players. Is this really that hard to do. After everything that has happened in the past and the scrutiny that travelling league players are under how is it so hard to make sure that 20-25 men stay together in one venue under the eye of officials? Surely its not rocket science.


First Grade
man im pretty pissed off atm
when are players going to learn that they cant just do anything they want.

im glad that pretty much all our top players werent even at the game and my friend heard on teh radio that it was some young players... i hope it wasnt kade snowden cos he has alot of talent


First Grade
Lor-ree said:
still...lol @ running up street in undies. :lol:

:lol: You can just imagine it. The player high-tailing it through the streets of Bathurst in his undies with a chunky security guard huffing and puffing chasing him while shaking his fist yelling at him "I'm going to get you!"


First Grade
Oswin said:
Johns-All-Day said:
The players involved should be dealt with severely. There should be zero tolerance for these kind of incidents. Maybe then, other players will get the message that this type of behaviour will never be tolerated.

It seems that that is precisely it; they are not getting the message, and hence we're still dealing with this kind of irresponsible behaviour. I cannot comment with any great authority on what it's like to be so far down the road of inebriation you lose control of your emotions, but it seems obvious that the rules mean very little once the players are drunk of their faces.

It's a hefty blow to the image of the club, especially so if it all proves to be true.

Exactly....for starters generally your tought at school and buy your parents that this is not acceptable behaviour.
Then they had to go to seminars and meetings about it last yr and still they don't learn.
Yes you learn from your mistakes, but why can't they learn from others as well.


IanG said:
I agree Tony. This is the second consecutive year that this sort of thing has happned during a trip to a pre-season trial game. If this is gonna happen all the time then maybe they should look at scrapping them.

Third year in a row. Scandal surrounded the Bulldogs in Coffs Harbour two years in a row from memory.


I'm going to repeat what I said earlier, If the allegations prove true, then the players have had enough warnings, they should be sacked by the club, no matter who it is. There's a major sponsor ready to sign away $700,000 a season to us, these blokes (if guilty) could well cost us that. I'm sure everyone in Newcastle would feel the same. I've spoken to a lot of diehard fans today and they are saying the same thing.


First Grade
yep i agreee 100% with you tony, we should get rid of the players who did this, they have given us a bad name and could cost us our major sponsor


I also know some students up at CSU campus in Bathurst and my best mate is included, but lives off campus, i`ll be finding out or trying to find out more details on this matter.

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