The most similar thing to a League run in try under the posts is a Soccer score from midfield that involves ball controland evasion of the fullback (and goalie). Soccer makes sense - it is a basic game with few silly rules and an understandable objective. Played by the best, it can give some brilliant thrills.
AFL is wrought with stupid rules and 'traditions'. Dressing uplike pre teen bikini models (complete with the winners sash) they are the epitome of stupid. Can someone please explain the stupidity of their hand pass? They say it's the descendent of an Irish game - someone was sure heavily into the Guinenss when they invented that.
The thing in AFL's favour,like Soccer,is that it is working class. I can't understand the rules, but I understand the people. It has Tribalism. It is parochial. And it cuts all pretence about class divisions. You can have some admiration for a sport who calls it's greatest 'Plugger'!
Yawnion,on the other hand, is the worst combination of all 3. It has more silly rules than a Beefeater's handbook. It is a sloppy, ugly mess. And it is ruled by up themselves twats who think of Australia as a colony - North Shore old school toffs embedded in an era when money could buy you an officers commission in the military.
The best way to describe Yawnion is to go back to the old days of Rugby League. After a great 13 a side game at places like Lidcome, Cumberland, Leichhardt, Redfern etc, the League players would runoff the field. ON the field woud swarm 500 kids, all fumbling around for the game ball (or the cardboard corner posts). This mishmash of kids is called "Rugby Union".